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Just need to vent...


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Sorry ladies, but you guys are my touchstone sometimes...


My DH was fired yesterday... he's worked for his dad for the past 9 years in the family business, doing everything from office manager, to IT, to marketing. That being said, he didn't go to college so that he could help his dad, so he essentially has a high school education and a lot of office experience, but no degree. Which makes the prospects of a new job very hard.


Now, as I said, he got fired. He has worked there for 9 years, always being promised the brass ring when they finally made a bazillion dollars. He was supposed to be a partner. About 5 months ago, they brought a new guy in who had invested and was going to 'take them where they wanted to go'. Well this guy came in thinking he was the boss. He threw a hissy fit last week because my husband couldn't get some marketing materials printed by Friday, because they didn't get an ink shipment until 6pm ON Friday. Yesterday he went in and was told, by his dad, not to come back. WTF!!!!


I will never forgive my FIL. My husband was a consultant, so he doesn't even qualify for unemployment. He's going in tomorrow to discuss a severence package, but I have no idea what's going to happen. I make enough money to support us both, but DH is worried that his skills make him qualified to work at Taco Bell... we've been talking about schools, new fields (he hates the computer industry, although its what he's good at), etc.

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Jenn that is so awful for your dh. And his own dad fired him, that's low. He devoted 9 yrs to the company and he gets fired over marketing materials. If he was my fil i wouldn't forgive him either. I think it's awful just to fire someone whose worked for you so long, and to top it off firing your son that's devoted so much time to the family is even worse.


I know things are going to be rough right now but i hope things get better for you both really soon. fyi your a great wife supporting your hubby.

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jenn wtf? i am so blown away by this. that REALLY sucks. i cant even believe his dad would do that, just to appease some invested jerk off. what a crock of shit! you have every right to be pissed.

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Some bloody parent he is! I thought parents were supposed to be there for you and take a bullet for you not give you the bloody bullet!!


He wants to screw them for every penny he can get and then walk away from the parents because they aren't worth shite!!

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Wow, Jenn, that is awful. His Dad just fired him like that? With no support or warning? That seems insane. Were their previous work problems? I don't even know what to say.


I can empathize with the work expericne though, I only went to a few years of college and never graduated. I make pretty good money where i am but I've been here for 11 years. If I leave I am screwed, cuz they won't know how experienced I am. So I can totally understand his fear there. I wish there was something I could do.

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Ok what is wrong with his DAD!!! Good grief.


Anyways, Jenn- tell Sam to not be discouraged. My hubby has no college degree and essentially went to work after hs. He was able to land a good job with his work experience. Ironically enough, I have a college degree and I've been rejected a time or two for lack of experience. Not all employers want the degree. Nine years of experience isn't something to throw away- people will see the worthiness in it.

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Jen, I am absolutely speechless. His own father? Absolutely unacceptable.


As for his future prospects I agree with Rachel. If he has worked at the family business for 9 years and has developed a skill set I really belive that real world experience at this stage in the game is a lot more important than a degree. It could be hard if he wants to go into something new, but if he finds the right opportunity I think good people will look past the lack of degree and really evaluate him based on competancy and character.


I really feel for you girl! I hope his dad is more thoughtful about the severance package. Maybe your DH can draft a clearly outlined package that he feels is fair (no matter how UN-fair this situation is).

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