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ROR Ceremonies -Symbolic vs. Religious

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Do any of the ROR ladies (or others) know if the officiant for a symbolic ceremony will/can read the same standard vows used in the religious ceremony? We've now decided to get married before getting to Jamaica, well, we didn't send the required paperwork in time...oops! smile105.gif

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You can ask for whatever you want, whether or not you get it is another question. There are supposed to be different ministers for the different types of ceremonies. We asked for a civil, non-religous ceremony and ended up with a minister who didn't know how to prefrom a civil ceremony. If you have your heart set on the religious wording, I would email Chandlyn at least a couple of times (phone if you can!) and be very clear and tell her what you want and that an alternative is not acceptable. I know it sounds harsh, but we really got f'ed over for not being assertive enough.

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I typed up a script of exactly what I wanted to be said. I printed out about 5 copies just in case. I gave Chandlyn 2 copies...for her and the officiant (whom I did not meet until I was walking down the aisle to get married the day of...) I had a spare copy with me at the ceremony just in case they wanted to play dumb and read something else. He did a great job and just read what was on the paper... He didn't really even stumble over some things and also put extra emphasis on some parts. I combined all the things that I liked from other's ceremonies and it lasted a total of about 45 mins...including the sand ceremony and signing...


So you should be fine, again it's your wedding and you are paying them...

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I don't see why not. Your guests shouldn't even have to know that the ceremony isn't "official"

I gave our minister a word-for-word ceremony that I wanted and he read exactly what i gave him and then he added in a few things that they must say, like can anyone see why these two cannot legally marry speak now or forever hold your peace.... i didn't have that written down and he added it. And I included a few places for him to add his own prayers, which he kept short and sweet.

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