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Well I am the same way...I really only want about 25-30 close friends and family.  Our problem is that some critical ppl may not be there which makes me want to invite others who are not so critical but love to travel and have a good time.  I know things will change as it gets closer but right now I have days were I just feel like no one will be there and its upsetting.  


But I know when it comes down to it the most important ppl who care and love us the most will make it there and that is what is really important.  Thanks for listening girls.  Its nice to be able to talk to you all and get a different outlook on things.  


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Our wedding is about 8 months away and we only have 5 people booked so far and it's sort of starting to worry me too...I'm starting to worry that some people that said they are coming won't come.  I know for sure we have at least 10-15 more coming...but I definitely thought in the beginning we would be closer to 30.  Who knows...I know in the end that our parents and the people who will mean the most will be there, so that's really all that matters.

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I am one of those brides that will have a large wedding.  Our invite list is at about 220 people and we are expecting about 75 to 100 of them to show up.  So I do not forsee us having a problem with the 75 nights.  A bunch of our guests are planning on going for a week.Our friends and family really like to party!  :) So this will actually be a small wedding for us considering the alternative of having it stateside and all of those people coming. 

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i started planning my DW back in January. Based off of what people were saying, I just knew 50-60ppl would be attending the wedding. Then when the invites went out. I received not even half of the RSVP's back. Everyones excuse, " I cant afford it."! It doesnt really matter how much time you give people to save money, If your wedding isnt a priority for them, then they will not try to make it. I have definitely learned a valuable lesson during this planning process. People only care about themselves. No matter how much you give to others or how much of a great friend you are, some people are just selfish. I have 34ppl booked and sometimes I feel bad that the wedding is so small, but these are all the people that actually care. I weeded out all the fakes and phonies and negative people and now my wedding is just going to be surrounded by support and love. (sounds cheesy lol)


Even though there are only 34ppl people attending, I still have 85 room nights booked. Part of that 85 is our nights booked, we're staying 13 nights. We have quite a few people staying 6-8 nights, which really helped. Dont worry about the amount of people coming, its going to be beautiful and amazing! :)

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Thanks Erika!!  What you say is so true.  Its not a priority to them and some are so selfish.  I know I will see shortly who the realies and fakies are. wink.gif


I think its hard for me to understand because I am a traveling queen.  I work just so I can afford to travel.  So when I know this is a great deal at a beautiful all-inclusive place I can't wait to book my trip.  I need to realize that a majority of ppl out there do not see things my way.  Oh well. 


I also need to realize that the wedding would be much bigger if I had the other half of my family going.  They are Italians and there's a good handful of them.  But my father has chosen to disown me due to the color of my fiance's skin.  Yup-he has that old school Italian mentality.  So sad but that was his decision.  (You can see in my profile pic that he is a little tan haha.)  So I know that the number of ppl and the finances would be so different if this weren't the case.  But it is what it is. 


Having David in my life and marrying him is what is important to me so I need to forget about all this little crap.  Everything will work out and our wedding will be beautiful...can't wait!!


BTW..HAPPY FRIDAY LADIES!!!  elefant.gif 

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Taryn, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that.  It really is such a shame that some people can't accept that, especially someone as close to you as your father should be.  I hear you though...my mother's side of the family is very strict catholic and her aunt (my great aunt) has already told me that in the eyes of god "my marriage doesn't count" and "expect that my grandparents will not be coming".  I don't take offense to her saying that, but I am very saddened by the fact that I actually don't think my grandparents are coming.  I am a big family person and my grandparents mean the world to me.  I have already let them know how much it would mean to me to have them there, so we will see. 

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Are you still able to recieve  $1500 dollar vacation dollars if you get the 7 free nights because now your not paying for your room


Thanks Mary

Originally Posted by skadow View Post

That is so so so awesome! I can't wait to see pictures from your wedding. I believe your the next one on here (ASP) to get married? Its late, so I might be off. Anyways...with 75 nights you also get 7 nights free. How great is that. Thats probably my biggest drive to get 75nights.


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I am so stressing about the number of people coming too. And that will determine if we have a private reception or not. I would love to have one but I just dont want to spend the extra money to do it since we are having an AHR too. I was thinking we would have around 30ppl based on everyone who said they were coming...BUT...get ready for this...one of my bridesmaids to-be found out she is pregnant, due date 7 days before my wedding! AND two of my cousins who were also definite guests are also pregnant now and wont be able to come! So my guest list is now down by 6 people. And they are 6 people who I really wanted there. We also have many people complaining about the cost so I really have no idea how it is going to turn out

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