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I am bringing my own chair sashes, possibly table runners, centerpieces, fans and other decor.  I hope it all fits in one big suitcase along with the OOT bag items and I'll have someone else bring it since I'll have so much other stuff. 

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I know your feeling!  I am starting to assign other people to bring some of these things because I already have so much to bring!

Originally Posted by sxcT View Post

I am bringing my own chair sashes, possibly table runners, centerpieces, fans and other decor.  I hope it all fits in one big suitcase along with the OOT bag items and I'll have someone else bring it since I'll have so much other stuff. 

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I'll be lucky if I get 60.  The closer it gets the more drama I am going thru with ppl and more are saying they are not coming.  I am just trying to let it go and know that the ppl who are showing up are the most important ones.  I am already down two bridesmaids, one friend and several co-workers because ppl are starting to show their true colors.  This whole process has been an eye opener for me.


Good news is I do have my first official booked guest - my grandma!!  That really made me feel good when she told me.


I am about to hit the 9 month mark so hopefully family and the bridal party will start to book.   


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Originally Posted by sxcT View Post


I'll be lucky if I get 60.  The closer it gets the more drama I am going thru with ppl and more are saying they are not coming.  I am just trying to let it go and know that the ppl who are showing up are the most important ones.  I am already down two bridesmaids, one friend and several co-workers because ppl are starting to show their true colors.  This whole process has been an eye opener for me.


Good news is I do have my first official booked guest - my grandma!!  That really made me feel good when she told me.


I am about to hit the 9 month mark so hopefully family and the bridal party will start to book.   



I'm a little worried about the same things but I know that the people who REALLY care about us are going to be there. So i'll have to try and remember that!!!


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We actually only sent out 25 invitations (knowing well already that at least 10 of them were to people that weren't going to/able to come).  We actually chose a destination wedding because neither of us wanted a lot of people at our wedding.  It might sound awful, but both of us are from pretty big italian families, and neither my FI or I have ever once had the desire to have 100+ people watch us get married.  We only invited our bridal party and very close family to come, and are having a big AHR for that exact reason.


If the numbers ever start to bother you, just think about the fact that you will have more time to celebrate and spend with the people who love you the most.  I know that is ultimately what we are so thankful for.

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I only wanted a few ppl 20-30 and I only cared about family and the bridal party.  But when its your supposedly best friend and another close friend (both bridal party) who you have always bent over backwards for and would go to the ends of the earth for and you realize they won't do it for u....it is a huge disappointment.  It's the ones I really cared about being there so it really sucks.  I know it will be great once we are down there with those who chose to make it but dealing with all this crap along the way isn't so much fun.  crybaby2.gif


Originally Posted by jszy10 View Post

We actually only sent out 25 invitations (knowing well already that at least 10 of them were to people that weren't going to/able to come).  We actually chose a destination wedding because neither of us wanted a lot of people at our wedding.  It might sound awful, but both of us are from pretty big italian families, and neither my FI or I have ever once had the desire to have 100+ people watch us get married.  We only invited our bridal party and very close family to come, and are having a big AHR for that exact reason.


If the numbers ever start to bother you, just think about the fact that you will have more time to celebrate and spend with the people who love you the most.  I know that is ultimately what we are so thankful for.

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