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"i'm The Briiiide!"


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OMFG, I finally saw part 1 of this crazy wacko NJ bride. Holy crap, her husband is a moron for going into that pit of fire again. I love when he got the personal trainer for her & she flipped out "ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT!!!" How does she NOT drop dead from a heart attack from all that stress??

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Lots and lots of meds? Did you see the show last night? That chick ate a dozen donuts while she watched her FI participate in that stuped bootcamp. I swear I would have shoved those damn donuts in her face if I were him.

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I just watched the rehearsal dinner episode with the birthday cake scene. I have only seen bits and pieces, but why are they getting married for the second time?

I thought he was an idiot before for going through with marrying her, but now I think he's F-ing stupid!

Also I wonder how much is played up for the show? Wouldn't it be funny if this was all an act and then she would have this huge acting career...pokestick.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally Posted by cja1976 View Post
That boot camp episode is just crazy. She has no place to talk about manners or weight issues. I can't believe how crazy some of these women become.
OMG, I just watched this episode last night. How on Earth can any self-respecting man enter into a marriage with that kind of woman by choice?? And she must have had 3 doughnuts (that I saw) while he was at boot camp. "Excuse me pot, this is the kettle. You're black, too!"

And the bride with the beauty queen sister made me giggle. I want a groom's cake shaped like a vagina!! What wine goes with fried chicken?? Her sister's face was priceless! cheesy.gif
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