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Well its finally happened

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the dreaded FMIL has booked to come to the wedding!!! FFS shitfan.gif


I had the TA in fits of laughter by begging him not to put her on my flight and by not putting her anywhere near us lol Thank god he hasn't lmfao But she leaves a message saying its "FI's mam" I mean is he supposed to know who it is lmao When I rang him to tip him off he suddenly realised lol oh and he thinks she was pissed lmao "rolls the eyes"


But now I owe him big style what do you think I can get him as a thank you pressie lol nothing really expensive but funny.


Any suggestions? grouphug.gif

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
haha she didn't bitch like you thought? That's a good thing I suppose.
Not that I know of but hey there are 10 months to go lmao she isn't likely to bitch to my face cause she knows she'd get the verbal lol

Think FI was secretly hoping she would spit her dummy and not go lmao
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Originally Posted by Hartyt509 View Post
Not that I know of but hey there are 10 months to go lmao she isn't likely to bitch to my face cause she knows she'd get the verbal lol

Think FI was secretly hoping she would spit her dummy and not go lmao
HAHA anything can happen between now and then - maybe she will change her mind LOL just hoping for you!! smile67.gif
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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Hopefully she'll keep quiet and not voice any complaints. If not, then hopefully Dreams is a really big resort and you can hide from her the whole time she's there.
If she doesn't keep it shut you will see me on trip advisor i'll be the one in jail for smacking her up and down the resort lmao
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You can do what I've done. Task one of your bridesmaids or friends with making sure she comes nowhere near you for the entire day of the wedding.


And I am pretty fond of my FMIL. I can't even imagine!

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