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E-pics tomorrow. I need some advice

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I would go casual as well. Maybe it's just me, but I love the look of jeans/cute top/heels.


For the beach, you could kick off your heels (holding them) and roll up your jeans. I think it would look fantastic.


Of course, a wardrobe change would be nice too.

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I'd say wear whatever best fits your personality. We just did our E-pics yesterday (I will post pics tonight) and they were taken outside in a beautiful canyon. I actually wore a cute purple dress, then swiched outfits half way thru to jeans and a black shirt. FI wore jeans and brown shirt. I LOVE the pictures and am so glad I decided to change clothes. We have more cute looking pictures in the dress, and HOT pictures in the black shirt LOL ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow, thanks for all the adivce!


I think i'm going to bring 2 diff outfits. Somthing more casual for the urban pics like, jeans a cute top and some heels. Then a summer dress for the beach pics.... I really wasn't sure what i should do for the beach part but it seems like most of you think i should do like a cute summer outfit or keep the same out fit and just make it look more summer looking. Gosh I hope the pics come out great. I'll tell you guys all about it when i get back tonight. Thanks again for all your great advice.

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...UPDATE ...

I'm so:mad : , Our e-pics shoot got cancelled. It would have been a perfect day to take the pics, but our photographer said she couldn't find a babysitter. gggggggrrrrrrrr like really I booked her since Sept of 2007, because i know she would book up quickly.... Anyway shit happens right!! You just gotta deal with it and move on. So We had to re-book for the 13th of this mth. I'll keep you guys posted hopefully she has a babysitter booked this time!!!!!

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