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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
NO not at all. I think the chocolate version is beautiful. I was just wondering if you did that or if someone else did- or even Carly herself. I don't think I've seen that version- it's gorgeous. I also love how pale pink her flowers looked in those pictures too. You did a great job Mel. Don't doubt your work. :)
Thanks Rachel I appreciate the honesty. I feel like I need some constructive criticism.... need to get better
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Well I finally got to see the slide show, it looks GREAT!! I took a look this weekend on Joe's sister's laptop. Car you look so pretty, I love it.




Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
Jac- I must say you are SKINNY. I hope to grow 10 inches and slim down to be just like you. :)
And no, I'm not that "SKINNY". I am smaller on my upper body than my lower, and trust me I hate it. But I'm 5'7 and I'm 135 lbs, so thats good!! I think it's my posture in the pics that make me appear...gross really, is the only word that comes to my head :o( I need to be careful of my posture, it's terrible.
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