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Nasty Ring Comments

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I am just wondering if I am the only this happened to, or if it is fairly common. I have quickly realized that weddings turn people a little crazy (inlaws and my own parents were a tad psycho the first month).


So - I had been engaged only a week, one friend was furious she wasn't at the engagement and everytime I see her she asks to try my ring on - weird - she is married (unhappily) and has a huge 3+ carat ring that is gorgeous.


This other girl I barely know (her fiance and mine are friends) asked right off the bat before anything else how many carats my ring was. Then she proceeds to tell me that she didnt want round (which I have) because it's too boring. She and her fiance have been together say maybe 6 months, and says that the reason she got 1.75 carats is because she has earned it.


Sorry for the complaining but I was just wondering if other people were having the same sort of encounters. here is a picture of my pretty - i know you all posted on the other site but I thought I would include mine here.


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I think your ring is gorgeous! I have a round diamond too and its just a solitaire no other diamonds, with a white gold band, and I absolutely love it, because its exactly what I wanted.


I think its okay for someone to ask how many carats, people have asked me, but its rude for them to say in a round about way that theres is better or that they don't like yours, I would be upset with anyone, friends, family or otherwise, that said anything unpleasant about my ring, keep your negative comments to yourself!

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Your ring is gorgeous and people are STRANGE! I think alot of people,when they are jealous, feel that they need to make people feel bad because they are just not happy with what they have. I also think that people put WAY to much pressure on the ring and have no problem judging it outloud....its just rude. People I barely know will hear I'm engaged and grab my hand "Let me see the ring" before even saying congratulations or anything....its sorta uncomfortable.....

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That is really unfortunate that people make comments about other people's rings. I think everyoneâ€s engagement ring is beautiful because it was bought with tons of love. If my ring was just a simple silver band I would still think it was beautiful and I would hope that my peers would respect what I have. Also commenting on the shape....that is rude too! If it is not your style keep it to yourself. smile67.gif

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LOL,, yes I get stuff like this said to me as well. I would tell you a story but I won't because no matter how I put it, it's going to sound like I'm a b*tch, so I'll just say that I got a comment twice and they were both from family members.


I think it really does show how people get jealous of what other girls has, I work with a girl that has a 3 carat ring, but when you look at the stone, the stone is really bad. But she brags to everyone about her "3 carat ring"..


What's important is that you love your ring. I had a round E-Ring when I was married before, so all I told my FI was that I didn't want another one because I wanted something different. I still think they are really pretty, in fact I love all the different stone types.

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I can understand close girlfriends/family members saying something like "wow, look at that rock! How many carats?" in a happy-for-you way. But to degrade your ring? Weird...


I have an aquaintance (not a true friend) who seriously was with her boyfriend for almost 10 years before they got engaged because she had to have the perfect ring...1.5 ct round D color, IF clarity - platinum set. She made that poor boy save up all of his money for years before she would "allow" him to propose to her. Now she thinks she's the shit & all other rings are to be compared to hers - as it is the standard in her mind. Totally deranged in my opinion!

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