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NOT a funny.... I am STRESSED OUT!!!

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I'm a gal on the seriously on the edge!


Don't know which way is up in regard to these wedding plans (or lack thereof...) and don't know why it is that Matt isn't running for the hills right now~ If he knew what was good for him...


Moving into our own home tomorrow... and we are not organized AT ALL. It should be a happy/exciting experience and it's far from it. I can't focus on work and am basically a bumbling mess!


Have been speaking w/people (TA's, family, FI, friends, etc.) about just buggering off somewhere and DOING IT ALREADY! The thought of getting into mountains of debt for one day in December is just killing me. And yet, in the long run, I want to do it 'nicely' and what's a few grand?!


And THEN there's the aspect of my now not wanting to get wed on my birthday... or having to wait until then! Add in my resentment about our having had to delay from the get-go (b/c of a sibling getting married in between now and then)


And I wouldn't mind, but even if we were to clear off somewhere sooner, it's not like I'm all organized and ready to go! I'm a f*cking mess and in serious need of a vacation!


Things are really bubbling up just under the surface... That poor bastard must REALLY love me...

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Matt loves you that's why he isn't leaving. And moving and wedding planning are both really stressful events. No wonder your freaking, i did them at seperate times and i freaked. can't imagine if i did them within a year of each other, i'd go crazy too.


You need a week of no wedding thoughts what so ever, just to clear your head so you can think straight.

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Okay. did you know that moving ranks as the highest stress inducing think people go through next to death? Of course you are feeling crazed. On top of that there is the wedding/elopment stuff. Move tomorrow and give yourself a week to settle even just a little before making any major wedding decision. I feel you though. The plate is full!!

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Seriously, slow down. Take a few breaths, and make the conscious decision to forget the wedding for at least a week or two. Moving is stressful, but it should be exciting! Everything together would make anyone overwhelmed - so take a breather. The wedding will be fine... you are still 6 months out and have PLENTY of time to get stuff done. Don't worry about it again until you are somewhat settled in your house. *hugs*

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I totally understand what you're going through. I'm moving in a few weeks (and trying to sell my place), obviously am planning a wedding, trying to finish grad school by December, and on top of it all, dealing with two of FI's family members who were recently diagnosed with cancer. It's just too much! Maybe I'll board that plane to sunny wherever with you!


Hang in there and just try to prioritize everything. Focus on moving now, then think about the wedding in a few weeks. Taking it all on at once will just make you go crazy.

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Hang in there! You'll get through it...they say buying a house and getting married are two of the most stressful things...So doing them at the same time, it's no wonder you're about to blow.


One day at a time and take a break from the wedding stuff if you can! **HUG**

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I agree you need a vaca girl!! I can;t imagine doing anything else on top of moving becuase that is such a huge deal. Of course Matt loves you! You're not runnig from him either wink.gif


Are there any deals out there? Where do you live? Travelzoo publishes a top 20 every week - maybe you can get away!


Top 20 Weekly Travel Deals | Travelzoo Top 20®


Or you try last minute deals on some of the travel websites like Travelocity. I used to do those when I lived in NY...

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Actually, more shit has hit the fan and now we're scrambling to get the wedding done within the month. Can you f*cking believe that?! I'm clutching at straws here!


Problem is with my parents having to be somewhere by a certain date - and not going to make it in December. The only opportunity to have them there (and that is THE single, most important thing to me) means doing it before the beginning of August...


And the destination now has to be somewhere convenient for them (enroute to where they have to be) and somewhat convenient for Matt's parents - who I don't know will even be able to make it at this short notice.


I need a glass of vino~

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