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Dancing... on a terrace?

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Hey Everyone,


Not sure if this is the right section to post to... but...


My FI and I are ballroom dancers, so naturally, people are expecting us to do some sort of fantastic waltz (aye) for our first dance. We are also considering having our dance instructor come with us to Mexico to teach a lesson to the group... But... I've never danced outside and was *fingers crossed* hoping that someone has had their reception and danced on an outside terrace and could tell me if it was easy/hard to dance on.


Thanks :)




PS: The waltz's we are considering are It is You (I have Loved) and Waltz for Jennifer (its a V Waltz).

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I haven't danced on a terrace but would guess it would be dependant on the type of flooring. If it is marble, tile with grout, paved, etc.


The terrace outside of our restaurant was a textured concrete with inlaid shells. I personally, think that would be a tough surface.


Is there anyway you can ask your WC to send you a picture? You might want to try to spin around you driveway and see what happens! LOL

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