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Bridal Shower Vent!!!!


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So many of my female friends made a big issue about the Cabo wedding and un-able to attend. So after many of months of asking about a shower and reception. well I am having both. The shower is this weekend. My bf and maid of honor have received lack of response ,out 30 guest only 12 have RSVP. I decide to send a email to the slackers:




If you are reading this email, that's because you have not RSVP with xxxxxxxxxx

regarding your attendance for my shower. If you want a seat, you need to RSVP!!!!!!!


Just in case you are unclear about the word RSVP:

RSVP is short for, "Respondez, s'il vous plait," which means, simply, "Please respond" in French. That means you should respond either way, whether you're able to make it or not.

Please RSVP!!!!!!!!!!!!! no later then tomorrow. If you have called her regarding your attendance please delete.



Well some did not like my email and responded with: respectfully decline WTF!!!!!!

That's fine with me. These same people kept asking me every month about the shower. well here is a chance for them to attend something on dry land and they act a a@@

The main ones who kept asking did not RSVP!!!! or have a issue about the date and time WTF!!!!! IT's my Wedding!!!!


Someone told me that they do not RSVP, they just show up, WTF!!!!! Someone also told my mom they did not know what RSVP mean, so that's why I included the definition in the email

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I can't believe that people actually told you that they don't RSVP they just show up. It's rude not to rsvp and just show up. How would someone planning a party be prepared for a bunch of people to just show up. that's the point of rsvp. I can see people forgetting that seems to be the norm with rsvps anymore.


And was the person who doesn't know what RSVP means born yesterday?


I'm sorry that some of your friends are being very inconsiderate. All they had to do is pick up a darn phone and say they are or aren't coming. And your friends should make the time to go to your shower if they really care about you. Your wedding means a lot to you and part of the wedding experience is the bridal shower which they should attend.


I hope your shower kicks ass and they all regret not going!

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wow i'm with you! that is so rude.


my MOH is having a bach party for me on friday. she sent out a really cute evite, and until the reminder today, only like 4 out of 20 had replied. how hard is it to click yes, no, or maybe??


and one person she invited (not even a close friend of mine, but a friend of my MOH's sister) said yes, +2! the +2 were not even invited! so rude.

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I'm sorry that you have to deal with that, especially when they are the ones that were pushing for the shower in the first place.


I have known what RSVP has stood for since I was about 6! Not a good excuse.


If you are asked for a response, there is usually a reason, therefore, be polite and respond. If you are hoping to make it but aren't sure you can, you can at least let them know you will be there if you can, but you won't know until right before the shower.


This shouldn't be a difficult thing to master, but people keep proving it to be extremely difficult.


I too am having RSVP issues!!!!

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Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
wow i'm with you! that is so rude.

my MOH is having a bach party for me on friday. she sent out a really cute evite, and until the reminder today, only like 4 out of 20 had replied. how hard is it to click yes, no, or maybe??

and one person she invited (not even a close friend of mine, but a friend of my MOH's sister) said yes, +2! the +2 were not even invited! so rude.
OH, I had someone to RSVP for her sister as well, the sister was not invited, WTF!!!!! At this point I am like whatever, whose wedding is it anyway?!?!?
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