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Ewwww a hicky!

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Originally Posted by JennyK View Post
try getting one of those thin scarves.. I had one really bad when I was 15 and it was the dead of summer while I was away on vacation w/ my grandparents.. try explaining that one to grandma! Get a good concealer with green in it..it counteracts the red
omg that is too funny, "gram its a birthmark, duh". i put some concealer on it and it worked ok i guess.

Originally Posted by Becksy View Post
Haaa, thanks for making me laugh at work!

I heard something about Visine. I don't know if it will work, but if you try dabbing some Visine on it apparently it will help take the red out. Apparently it works for big red ugly pimples too, but I've never tried it.

Good luck!
i heard about visine too, and i did hear it helps with the reddness of pimples!
glad i could amuse you today ;o)

Originally Posted by Amarillis View Post
Ok... so this may be crazy but i have heard that preparationH will work, because it moves the blood from under your skin.

PS. I am laughing hysterically at your hickey! wink.gif
dont that work for wrinkles too? hmmmm glad i could amuse you too ;o)

Originally Posted by carly View Post
I remember when Matt and I had been together for about 8 months, we went to a family function (a christening, I think) and we were outside of the place and he hugged me really hard and I was trying to wrestle away but I couldn't. So I bit his neck. I bit it, I didn't even suck. OMG, he had the biggest hickey on his neck when we went back into the party! I was mortified! Cuz it wasn't even a passionate hickey or a loving one, it was a wrestling one! Hhahahahaaa. His family still teases me sometimes.
omg thats funny car. of all people, it had to happen to you, the most reserved friend i have. hahahahahah (besides my sister) hahahahah
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Originally Posted by becks View Post
A guy I was dating years ago gave me a hickey. I couldn't believe it! But, he did show me how to get rid of it... at least it worked when it was fresh.

Take a comb (the regular old kind your dad carries), and comb over the spot a whole bunch of times - in the direction of the blood flow (so up and down on your neck.)

Your neck will be all red for a while, but it will help the blood under your skin break up.

Let your skin rest for 30 minutes or so and do it again.

It won't be totally gone, but it will make it look less like your FI is related to a Hoover upright.

hahaha "hoover" ahhhh i have a comb here too.....yes i know i have everything at my desk.
i dont wanna do that here though cuz it will draw more attn to it as its red...
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Toothpaste or sudo creme (nappy rash stuff lol) it works a treat.


I'd been out with a b/f one night and got in at 2am to a screaming mother lol who said and the state of your neck is disgraceful -I had felt nothing lmao (bear in mind I am really really pale and blonde so anything stands right out lol) I looked in the bathroom mirror and there was a hickey reasonably small, or so I thought lol


I took off my top and i swear it went from under my ear down to my shoulder and it was black already lmao I had to wear high necks for a couple of weeks until it wasn't green and yellow anymore lmao

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Originally Posted by carly View Post
Jac - I cracked up on the way into work this morning, cuz there was a girl walking and she was wearing a tank top and short with a scarf. All I could think was, oh boyfriend got a little fiesty? Hahahahahaaa
hahahahahahahahahaa the day i posted this thread, that night i was watching chelsy lately and they were discussin this topic and i was laughing and told joe i posted thread and he's said "do u tell my space friends everything?" i said "its not my space, its bdw" and he said "same thing" boys dont know anything.
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