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what do i do? re: gown cleaning LONG

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so a few months ago - march, perhaps - i brought my wedding gown to a local cleaner. i've used them before for a few things, but never for something like a gown. i asked woman #1 if they do wedding gowns - the girl said yes. i pay $100 b/c i only want it cleaned - not preserved, not boxed - and tell her i'll pick it up in a month. i had all intentions of selling it. the dress was very dirty, but i expected they would be able to get the majority of it out.

i go to pick it up and it's in a box. i bring it home and debate - do i open to see if it's clean or leave it? i open it. it's filthy. looks like it was never touched. i could have done a better job with some oxyclean or something.

i bring it back, woman #2 says she'll have it redone.

i go to pick it up A MONTH AFTER it's supposed to be done - it's not there.

they were supposed to call me to tell me where it was - never did. i called them, they say it'll be in tomorrow. that was last wednesday. school ended, i had a family party at my house, things settle down and finally yesterday i go to pick it up. it's still disgusting and now there's a mark on the bottom where there was not before. woman #1 is working, and tells me that she agrees, it's gross. gives me the # of the manager, and takes my number, says he'll call in the morning. i take the dress with me. 20 minutes later, i bring it back b/c i don't want responsibility for it. woman #1 agrees, puts it back on the line.

no phone call this morning..i walk into the cleaners to see if the guy is there, woman #2 doesn't believe that i've actually looked at it and that it's still dirty. i tell her i'm not taking it until i have my money back. she gets a tude, tells me there's nothing she can do and that i should call the manager/owner/whatever.

i get home and call - goes to voicemail. i leave an angry message, b/c now i'm effing pissed.

so now what? apparently the manager/owner doesn't work there, he works at the plant and is never in the actual store. he's not going to call me back. as i see it, my options are to wait till tomorrow and go in and demand that they call him while i'm there and/or demand my money back (so i can possibly go to a good, responsible cleaners and that's only if they're willing to try) and threaten bbb.

i'm sorry this is so long, but dh is away on business and everyone i know is at work so i have no one to bitch to....anyone see any other options?

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i completely agree. go in and demand they call him while you are there. threaten with BBB if needed, and hold your ground. at the very least they need to give your $ back. that is SO not cool!


and you know you can bitch to us any time :) we'll bitch right along with ya!

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That's ridiculous Lauren! I think you're on the right track... make them get a hold of him while you are in the store. The whole "he'll call you in the morning" is never going to happen. The situation totally sucks, but stick to your guns and get your money back. If they offer to redo it again, I'd say no... that you don't want to risk them doing any more damage to the dress.


Good luck and keep us posted!

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Is there another place in town you can get your dress cleaned once this is all said and done?


I can't believe it would take them this long to "clean" your dress and still not have it right. It would be different if they said certain stains can't come out, but to not tell you anything is ridiculous.

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1) threaten to go to the BBB unless they either a) fix the situation, or B) totally refund your money. do they have a damage policy? they clearly damaged your dress in addition to the fact that they DIDNT clean it.


2) if threatening the BBB doesnt get you far, tell them you are contacting a reporter at the local TV network affiliate to do a report on how they are a scam business

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Originally Posted by townie princess View Post
Is there another place in town you can get your dress cleaned once this is all said and done?

I can't believe it would take them this long to "clean" your dress and still not have it right. It would be different if they said certain stains can't come out, but to not tell you anything is ridiculous.
yeah, there are TONS of places - in fact one right next door, and i've often walked into that one by accident.

Originally Posted by Maura View Post
1) threaten to go to the BBB unless they either a) fix the situation, or B) totally refund your money. do they have a damage policy? they clearly damaged your dress in addition to the fact that they DIDNT clean it.

2) if threatening the BBB doesnt get you far, tell them you are contacting a reporter at the local TV network affiliate to do a report on how they are a scam business
Originally Posted by carly View Post
I like what Maura said.

Although I am not sure I would want them cleaning it at all at this point. I would demand a fill refund. And then threathen what Maura said about the reporter.
ohhh yeah, i like that!smile67.gif i don't want them touching it - i just want a refund. i don't know if i'd even take it somewhere else. if they really did clean it, or do anything, then doing it a 3rd time would be risking more damage....i may just leave it dirty and wear it around the house.
thanks for all the help ladies!
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