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Jesus Christ - Who Poisons Dogs?


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I am sooo mad right now! Two dogs in our area have died and another 6 are in serious/critical condition after poisoning in our local dog park. The area I live in has a huge park of which a section is a 5 km radius off leash area that ends with "dog hill" a literal hill with picnic tables, sand, a hydrant for the dogs to drink from etc.


We have been taking Barn there every day for four years. Today we find out (cause it's all over the news) that someone laced the water pans near the hydrant with antifreeze!!! WTF To make it worse, apparently they have now found bread pieces around the park laced with tons of poison.


What kind of sick bastard does this? OMG so nervous and scared we are staying so far away from there right now. The person who did this is obviously derranged b/c some racoons were also found dead ... and POSED! Yes someone actually posed a dead racoon with a bouquet of flowers..


Sorry for the vent ladies (and gents!) I just don't know how somebody can be so diabolical...

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I heard about this today, I used to live on Parkside and on Roncesvalles, so DH and I went to High Park all the time. Its really crazy. They are finding dead raccons and squirrels as well. Its so sad. I would keep your dog away from there till they get it all cleaned up and figure out who is doing it. I am sure they will find out really fast and it will be cleaned up right away. That is so scary. I am glad your dog is doing well.

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It really is crazy. Our dog walker is avoiding the Park altogether and just walking on leash for this week. We are heading out of town for the weekend til Tuesday and I am kind of glad now that we will be at the cottage and away from all this drama.

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FI told me about this earlier tonight when he came home! Our friends live out in Etobicoke and they take their new lab puppy to High Park all the time! I work in the Parkdale/Rouncesvalle neighborhood all the time and I'll drive out to High Park after work now that it's warm to go running -- There are so, so, so many dogs out there it's ridiculous, and all bounding lease-free! It is (or I guess, now, rather was) so great for them!


I think the most upsetting thing about this story is that this wasn't just some unstable person acting psychotically -- the whole thing with the posed racoon and the flowers let's you know they knew EXACTLY what they were doing and to some extent it was a twisted (f---'d up) joke!


I'm glad you're dog is ok and that you're getting out of the city until they have a chance to comb through the park for the rest of the water/bread...what madness....

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