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My Riu TB Wedding 6/14/08

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Congrats on the wedding. I am so excited to find someone on here that had a wedding there. I am getting married there on July 9, 2008. I hope you dont mind if I ask you some questions.

What location did you pick for the ceremony, beach or gazebo?

Did the dinner outside cost extra and what type of food was served? I was planning on the Steak house dinner I didnt know that outside was an option

Did you get upgraded to a nice room. We purchased the caprice package so they say we get upgraded im just not sure to what.

I would love to see some pictures. Its hard to plan from the states because there are so many unknowns untill you actually get there.

Im sure Ill think of a million more questions later, I look forward to hearing from you again congrats I know you must be so so excited!!

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Originally Posted by bellemiche View Post
Congratulations! I am so glad to hear that your wedding went great, considering I'm getting married there on July 15. I hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions.
1) What flowers did you get (and cost) for you and your bridesmaids?
2) What was the cost of the semi-private dinner?
3) Did you bring your own music?
4) Did you purchase a cake?
I would greatly appreciate your help!

1) I got the calla lilies - beautiful bouquet online and in person (I think it's Boulevard Florist.com - Keneika told me about them)
$265 for the bridal bouquet and I got my 7 bridesmaids 1 single calla lily each at $35 a pop!! And 1 for the mom's too. I requested the price from Keneika and then when I told her to order it the bouquet went up $20 - no big deal but prices may change.
2) No cost for the semi private - We had it at the Grill & Steakhouse - Best food on the resort!! My parents, aunts & uncles were impressed! It was set up in a gazebo which was really private so I'm not sure how much more private it can be (plus I think private was a couple hundred extra) - if you choose the steakhouse you'll be good - then your guests can choose from the menu for the main course and the appetizers and dessert are on the buffet line - no big deal - everyone was used to that by then. I didn't upgrade on the cake either which I was glad - on the menu you got to chose either cheesecake or carrotcake or something so no one was really hungry for the cake. I think we had 1 peice left...
3&4) I did make a CD for the ceremony - I put 3 songs on it - maybe 5 min each - it was perfect - My bridesmaids and myself walked down to my favorite song - they stopped the music for the vows, etc - started for the sand ceremony and then played the other song when we were signing (which I didn't know was a big ordeal but everyone stands arounds and watches you!)...I'm not a big "Look at Me" kind of person so it was a bit akward for me but fun to have everyone involved!

No prob - let me know if you have any more questions - glad to help!
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Originally Posted by bellemiche View Post
Congratulations! I am so glad to hear that your wedding went great, considering I'm getting married there on July 15. I hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions.
1) What flowers did you get (and cost) for you and your bridesmaids?
2) What was the cost of the semi-private dinner?
3) Did you bring your own music?
4) Did you purchase a cake?
I would greatly appreciate your help!

1) I got the calla lilies - beautiful bouquet online and in person (I think it's Boulevard Florist.com - Keneika told me about them)
$265 for the bridal bouquet and I got my 7 bridesmaids 1 single calla lily each at $35 a pop!! And 1 for the mom's too. I requested the price from Keneika and then when I told her to order it the bouquet went up $20 - no big deal but prices may change.
2) No cost for the semi private - We had it at the Grill & Steakhouse - Best food on the resort!! My parents, aunts & uncles were impressed! It was set up in a gazebo which was really private so I'm not sure how much more private it can be (plus I think private was a couple hundred extra) - if you choose the steakhouse you'll be good - then your guests can choose from the menu for the main course and the appetizers and dessert are on the buffet line - no big deal - everyone was used to that by then. I didn't upgrade on the cake either which I was glad - on the menu you got to chose either cheesecake or carrotcake or something so no one was really hungry for the cake. I think we had 1 peice left...
3&4) I did make a CD for the ceremony - I put 3 songs on it - maybe 5 min each - it was perfect - My bridesmaids and myself walked down to my favorite song - they stopped the music for the vows, etc - started for the sand ceremony and then played the other song when we were signing (which I didn't know was a big ordeal but everyone stands arounds and watches you!)...I'm not a big "Look at Me" kind of person so it was a bit akward for me but fun to have everyone involved!

No prob - let me know if you have any more questions - glad to help!
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Originally Posted by Gina1327 View Post
Congrats on the wedding. I am so excited to find someone on here that had a wedding there. I am getting married there on July 9, 2008. I hope you dont mind if I ask you some questions.
What location did you pick for the ceremony, beach or gazebo?
Did the dinner outside cost extra and what type of food was served? I was planning on the Steak house dinner I didnt know that outside was an option
Did you get upgraded to a nice room. We purchased the caprice package so they say we get upgraded im just not sure to what.
I would love to see some pictures. Its hard to plan from the states because there are so many unknowns untill you actually get there.
Im sure Ill think of a million more questions later, I look forward to hearing from you again congrats I know you must be so so excited!!
I hope I answered some of your q's in the last post. We were on the beach (no shoes allowed) Our pics turned out really nicely - ended up ankle deep in the water with our bridal shower for some cute pics - Which I will upload I've just been crazy busy - hopefully this weekend!

We got a pretty big room compared to everyone else - closet was great!! We had two couches so it was much roomier. Um I wasn't told this but we had 2 double beds pushed together to make one - I thought it was a bit weird but it worked. We had the royal package b/c we had so many people it came with surprise spa gift, fruit basket (didn't get either) two exfoliations at the spa (didn't have time to do) - do the basics and upgrade - We did the royal but also hired a photographer, and got flowers - waste of money - live and learn right!!

Yes dinner at the steakhouse was outside - awesome food! If you email Keneika she'll email you a copy of the menu but anywhere from lamp chops to snapper to ribeye, new york strip was awesome, etc

yeah it's VERY hard to plan from the states! Let me know if you have any more Qs!!
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- This is a must do - soooo many compliments!


Click the image to open in full size.


Click the image to open in full size.

- I'm not sure if the guys thought of this one - I've seen it before but this is also a must do!!


Click the image to open in full size.

- this was great - kind of kept it a secret - the bridal party didn't know we were doing this so that was fun!


I think they are a bit big - sorry - I wish I had more pics of the resort (gazebo) - just know it's paradise there - amazing!!

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Hey Frecks the pics came out beautiful. The bridal party looked great in the blue with the calalies. I just had another quick question for you. Did you have any problems with prices going up. It seems that everything I was given a price for even a month ago has gone up 100. The price of renting the disco went up the flowers, steel band, almost everything. I am starting to get a little frustrated. It seems they can raise prices to whatever whenever and not be held responsible. ERRRRR

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Hi Gina -


I didn't do the steel drum or rent out the disco but the prices on the flowers went up. They quoted $265 for my bouquet and $20 each single calla lily and then was $285 and $35 each lily. Kind of frustrating since we had so many people in the wedding party - didn't get flowers for the guys though.


I'm not sure who's responsible for the prices - if it's the hotel or if Keneika can make those calls. FYI - The size of the disco kind of surprised me - smaller than I would have thought.


Good Luck with everything - I hope that the prices stay put for you!

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