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Ta Help Needed!

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If one were to decide to throw caution to the wind, say "to hell with the planning" and just bugger off to somewhere tropical and exotic (preferably with a REALLY good priced, last minute deal!) where might one start?!


Who = Myself & FI (and whoever else wants to make it on such short notice)

What = DW

Where = Anywhere, as long as it's somewhere warm & sunny...

Why = B/c there's too much shit going on and I can't be arsed with the prolonged stresses anymore

When = After the house move (which is THIS week) Say, maybe mid-to-late July...


Suggestions!!! (and I'm serious as a heart-attack)

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I don't blame you at all!!! i'm not a TA either. But i haven't gotten a lot of emails from liberty travel lately with specials for Mexico area. you might want to just look at your local paper to get an idea of what places have some good deals right now.


Where are all the TA's on here? I'm sure they will be able to help you out.

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