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My parents missed their flight!!!!!!

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I am writing from our layover in Atlanta. My parents missed their flight this morning. What was most horrible is my daughter was flying with them on a different airline than FI and I. Lexy was at the airport, with FI's parents, and I was stuck on a flight waiting to take off. It was and is the most horrible feeling! Thankfully, FI's parents were able to switch their seat to sit with Lexy but my parents can't get a flight until tomorrow. I bawled the entire flight from Buffalo to Atlanta. To top it off, I forgot my BC last night when we came to Buffalo so this morning guess what happened-its horrible. My doc is calling in a script to Walgreens in PR, I hope it works. I don;t want to scare anyone, I just needed to vent. I kept telling them they needed to be at the airport at least an hour to an hour and a half early and they did not listen. IT can't get worse righthuh.gif?!

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Oh you poor thing! Breathe....it's going to be o.k. They will be there tomorrow and it will all work out.

I do have a question though. Will they let your daughter through customs w/o you? Doesn't she have to travel with her parents? Do they have her passport? Sorry to freak you out, if you've already taken care of all this :)

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Wow, ok, try to take a deep breath and relax. Everyone is OK and on their way. I'm sure your parents are absolutly mortified that this happened to them and hopefully they'll learn from it.


The most importatn this is that they make it there for your day...they're the ones who lose a day of vacation because of it!



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Jamie!!!! Big hugs sweetie! Everything will be fine. I promise. Your parents will be there tomorrow, and all will be well. Your daughter is on her flight, and has FI's parents for company, that that's fine, too.


The BC will make for a great story. And there's a scrip waiting for you in PR.


And, that just means that you've hit your three mishaps, so everything else will be smooth sailing.


Chin up! We're here if you need us!

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hug2.gif It's all going to be okay!! Like everyone said, they'll be there tomorrow. They probably feel pretty silly for missing the flight so I'm sure they'vwe learned from it! And it's perfect that Lexy is with your FI's parents. Everything will be okay! hug2.gif
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Aww, I'm sorry honey!


If it helps, our "leaving day" for our wedding, I spent most of the day in tears because Brian wouldn't listen to me when I told him we needed to be at the airport 1 1/2 early. We missed our first flight, then missed our re-booked flight at a different airport and then missed our connecting flight in PR! But everything turned out ok in the end.


At least someone was there with Lexy and she wasn't alone. You'll have a fantastic wedding. Just a little bump.

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you're probably already on another plane, but i wanted to say, phew! now that the little ding has happened, the rest of the wedding will go perfect! so glad that lexy is with FI parents :) i bet you cant wait to see her and give her a BIG hug!

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