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Need advice B4 I do something stupid

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So I did not go off. I was very calm and I told her about what had upset me. I explained that I knew that questioning a bride about her wedding is not the best thing to do as I am a bride myself and I get that, but I felt like this was something that she should know upset me. She was very sorry. She bawled. I bawled. she apologized for not including my mom. and she thanked me for bringing it up. I knew this was the right thing to do in our particular situation.


We also talked about some things that have been kind of "hovering" in our friendship for some time now. We have had our spats and there was a period of about a year that we did not speak. This was the year that she fell in love with her FI. I think we have hurt each other's feelings in the past and we just harbored it inside and it sort of festered there until it became this "thing" that we did not know how to deal with. So, we promised to be better friends and talk more openly, even if it may seem hurtful - it's better than to hide our real feelings.


I am so glad we talked. I was so sure that I would have to decline being a BM in her wedding and I thought it would ruin our friendship. I always say that you should be honest with your feelings and I am glad that I was and that we talked this through. Thanks for all the support and advice ladies!!!

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I am so glad everything worked out for you and your friend. Sometimes when we let all the little things build up inside, they explode when something larger happens. I am glad you both were able to talk about it and other things in your friendship. I am sure both of your wedding days will better because of it.

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I am SO glad it worked out for you. I am so proud of you for sticking to your guns and talking it out. She is true friend those are the best kinds. Sometimes people let things build and build then they don't know how to handle their feelings. smile03.gif

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