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Milejilo - I am in the same boat as you and have about 80 to send out. I love the idea of DIY but when it come sdown to it I get a little stressed about it. I hadn't thought of plastic bottles. Abbie do you have a pic?

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We sent some in boxes and some in bottles by themselves since we ran out of boxes. Honestly, I was a bit upset because I paid basically the same for the boxes than the bottles themselves. I figured it would be cheaper for the bottles but since they are a different size of parcel the cost comes out to about the same. We paid about $1.40 for ea on both bottles and boxes.


We used plastic bottles....if you already got the glass you may not have an option and will have to box them up. For the cost it is so much more worth it and looks much nicer wink.gif It was hard making the bottles look nice since they had the stupid stamp right on the bottle

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  • 11 months later...

If you order from sandartsupplies.com they have the perfect boxes for the bottles they sell. The bottles are 6" tall, not very big at all and the it fits snugglie in the box. I purchased some shredded paper just in case. I'll let you know how it works out for me. Working on them as we speak.


I purchased:

40 bottles and boxes (came with cork)

40 boxes

shredded paper for boxes, just in case



cocktail umbrellas

parchment paper I had

ribbons in colors of wedding


small charms for the outside


I will include a save the date magnet I ordered from vistaprint.com


I'll keep ya posted. I'm so freaking excited!

Can't wait to see them come to fruition!

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hey Girls,


Just an idea- but in my culture (i'm colombian), its customary to hand deliver wedding invitations.  My FI and I are going to be calling friends and family that live nearby and personally deliver the MIB.  It's really gonna help us cut down on the cost of shipping.  Plus it adds a really nice personal touch!

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  • 1 month later...

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