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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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These are the only pics I have so far.  In the picture of the guests you can see the beach bbq in the background. (You also can see that we had one very drunk guest who couldn't hold his head up at all during the entire ceremony!! LOL)  It was VERY VERY VERY hot so please make sure you check out the weather.  I don't think anybody has a date coming up too soon so  maybe it will cool off by everyone else's wedding.


Here are the pics:


wedding 5.jpg

wedding 4.jpg

wedding 3.jpgwedding 1.jpgwedding 2.jpg

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Love the pictures Danie!  They look awesome.  I love the pink and white BM dresses and the pink and gray GM shirts.  I did white pants on the guys too - they look so good!!!


Congrats on being a Mrs.!!  Too bad you could not stay longer at AS, but hey there is always your first anniversary or sooner! 

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Love the pictures.  You look beautiful and the pink looks fantastic!  (at least the super drunk one was a guest and not in the bridal party.  hahaha).  Can't wait to see more and to read your review, if you can find out where to put it!!


CONGRATS  thewave.gif

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post

These are the only pics I have so far.  In the picture of the guests you can see the beach bbq in the background. (You also can see that we had one very drunk guest who couldn't hold his head up at all during the entire ceremony!! LOL)  It was VERY VERY VERY hot so please make sure you check out the weather.  I don't think anybody has a date coming up too soon so  maybe it will cool off by everyone else's wedding.


Here are the pics:


wedding 5.jpg

wedding 4.jpg

wedding 3.jpgwedding 1.jpgwedding 2.jpg

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WELCOME BACK!!! Pictures are awesome! Can't wait to read the review once you figure out where to post it! You could post it right here :)

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post

Hello ladies.  I'm back!!!!!  I had a wonderful time and wish I could've/would've stayed longer.  We tried to extend our stay.  The resort was very accomodating but we would've ended up paying $600 each to change our flight which was completely out of the question.  I want to do a review but when I looked under that thread I saw that it was closed so I don't know where to do it.  I was reading back a couple of pages and saw someone asked about the DJ.  We didn't use the DJ.  I used my iPod which worked out perfectly.  I made a playlist and just played it straight through. The WC worked the iPod and we had one of our guests be the MC. It worked out fine and saved a lot of money because all we had to pay was $250 for the amplifiers and speakers.


If anyone has any questions about the resort or WCs ask away.  I'll be happy to answer.  And if anyone knows where reviews go please let me know.

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post


Great advice AmyB!


You didn't miss out on the steaming, BTW.  I dropped off my dress on Friday morning and they brought it back that night still VERY wrinkled.  They whisked it away the morning of the wedding to fix it, but it still wasn't perfect IMO.  No one noticed but me, but still for $50 I expect better!


Really? That's weird, I had my dress steamed the day before my wedding and they picked it up and brought it back like 2 hours later and it was perfect. Not a wrinkle in the whole thing and it was satin so I was shocked... AND it was $13.


Good thing to keep in mind is that when you know your dress is coming back, don't let your FI open the door... he opened it and my dress is out of the bag exposed for all to see and he literally opened the door and flew back into the room and was like "It's your dress, I didn't see it!!"


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Dani, welcome back Mrs.!!! You looked gorgeous and I love the color scheme.


Your drunk guest is funny, how hot was it and what time was it? In early May, my 5pm wedding... well I think I showed up at 5:30pm and it was SOOO hot... allll night long too, like no cooling down.

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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

Question for everyone!


I have a couple single guests coming with a friend. For example, My brother isn't dating anyone and wants to bring his best friend but they (as boys) do not want to stay in one bed but double beds. My TA says the only rooms with Double beds are on the family side. Stupid Question but that isn't a big deal if all they are doing is sleeping right. They will be over on the adult side with us partying most of the time.

I have a couple single gals coming as well but they have all said they don't mind sharing a bed on the adults side  


Did anyone else run into this?

I'm glad you brought this up. I didn't even think that far but I hope my guests have smile35.gif

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post

Hey girls! Sorry I have been MIA! Work has been killing me...on top of wedding stuff. I leave in the morning! I cannot believe it's my turn. I will give a full report on LeBlanc when I return!!!!!! Love u girls!!!!!!

OMG!! I can't believe it's your turn!! Aug 7th seemed so far away when I joined. Can't wait to hear how fab your wedding was and to see pics!

Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post


Love it!  My sister swears that i will just want to wear my wedding dress again, and really I have the opportunity to wear it twice, so will probably just do that.  Do brides wear their dresses again at the AHR??  I hope so! 

Cute dress!

Originally Posted by Chapa View Post

Do any of you have Maria Fay for a wedding coordinator? I was wondering how she was.. I used to have Cecile and she was great so I am worried this lady will not live up to that standard.

I don't have Fay but I had Cecile and I miss her too. Fabio just said that she's "no longer with the wedding department." I wonder what other depts. they have or if they just let her go? She was good. I just got in touch with my new WC (Carolina) after a month! We have a phone call scheduled Monday so hopefully she blows my socks off.

Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

How long did it take after getting a date confirmation to get assigned a wedding coordinator?  I'm still anxiously awaiting and I have soo many questions!! 

I got the name of my WC from my TA. I had to contact her 1st because according to the contract and other info they suggested I START planning Aug 14th! I get married Nov12. So this shows how laid back they are about it all. I would say ask your TA or email Fabio to see who you're assigned to. Even when I was just re-assigned to another WC I had to contact her although I was told she would contact me.

Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post



Hey girls,


Was looking to get an opinion on this dress.  I think it's the perfect color, totally cute, inexpensive, and to top it off it's ID number is the same as my FI's work ID - mean to be!  But, one of my BM's said it's not very beachy.  I think it looks like a BM's dress though. 



I think its a cute dress and I love the color. I'm not sure how short it is and if you have heavier girls in the wedding but I would just take that into consideration. If you think it would look nice on all of them, I say go for it! You cannot beat $30!! Your BMs should love you for that.

Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post

Oh and another quick bit of advice about choosing a BM dress: Many brides have tried to go what they think is the nicer and easier route by getting opinions from their BMs about what works and what doesn't, about what they like and what they don't, and in the long run it usually ends up being more hassle than it's worth.  I let my MOH choose her dress and it dragged on for months and months.  I wish I had just made the decision for her, and I've heard others say the same.  But that's just me!

I agree! I would say narrow down to 2 at the most then take a vote if you just really want to be diplomatic. Or you can get one of them involved whose opinion you really trust and only consult her on the options. Getting the opinions of all of them could be overwhelming.


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Congrats Mrs!!!  thewave.gif


I am glad the iPOD worked out. That's what we are doing and I am starting to comply the list of songs. Would you be willing to share your list? I am asking my friends and family to help me with the song list. Most likely I will have to buy most of the songs on iTune.


What time was your ceremony? Who was your photographer? You look BEAUTIFUL!

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post

Hello ladies.  I'm back!!!!!  I had a wonderful time and wish I could've/would've stayed longer.  We tried to extend our stay.  The resort was very accomodating but we would've ended up paying $600 each to change our flight which was completely out of the question.  I want to do a review but when I looked under that thread I saw that it was closed so I don't know where to do it.  I was reading back a couple of pages and saw someone asked about the DJ.  We didn't use the DJ.  I used my iPod which worked out perfectly.  I made a playlist and just played it straight through. The WC worked the iPod and we had one of our guests be the MC. It worked out fine and saved a lot of money because all we had to pay was $250 for the amplifiers and speakers.


If anyone has any questions about the resort or WCs ask away.  I'll be happy to answer.  And if anyone knows where reviews go please let me know.


Originally Posted by daniepps View Post

These are the only pics I have so far.  In the picture of the guests you can see the beach bbq in the background. (You also can see that we had one very drunk guest who couldn't hold his head up at all during the entire ceremony!! LOL)  It was VERY VERY VERY hot so please make sure you check out the weather.  I don't think anybody has a date coming up too soon so  maybe it will cool off by everyone else's wedding.


Here are the pics:





 welcome4.gif I think the most important thing is reserving your ceremony and reception sites. And make sure you read through this forum (even though it's super long) but there are so many "deals" or "discounts" you need to be aware of.

Originally Posted by Michele4172011 View Post

I'm a newbie to the site. We booked Azul Sensatori for April 2011. So excited! Is there anything I should absolutely know??

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