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Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post


RSVP Question.

Hey ladies,

So our invitations are going to print, the final thing I need to choose is the RSVP date.  Our wedding is April, the price I have for my guests is only guaranteed for 30 and we are inviting 50+ so not putting a price.  I have no idea when to tell them to RSVP by.  Any suggestions??  We have 22 people coming already and that's immediate family and bridal party, so it will be a suprise who else comes.  I figure some people are all talk and no action.  What did you put for RSVP's?  Thank you!!

p.s going wedding dress shopping tonight, so excited!!cheesy.gif


We had a hard time with this too, but decided on using a date just before the final payment for the trip was due. I figure people would know if they were coming by then or not. And it also allows us enough time to tell the resort our guest count. Our RSVP date is November, the wedding January.

Hope dress shopping went well!




Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post


And, I have to report some awful news which is hindering my desire to plan my wedding.  My daughter is 13 years old and has a mother and daughter writing malicious awful obscenities about her on facebook.  They're not written to her, just about her.  I understand kid drama but for an adult to be involved and making threats, i.e. "I'm gonna smack her eyeballs out of her head."  This is some real life BS!  I can't even describe how difficult this is.  A mother's heart aches for her child's pain more than her own.  I am a wreck and just trying to make it stop so my baby girl can be the happy, go lucky kid that she is.  :( 


Sorry, just needed to vent!

You can vent anytime! That is just horrible news. Sometimes people can be so rude and ignorant. Please tell your daughter to keep her head high, she deserves better! And hopefully you'll find a solution this problem. I do agree with the other ladies, print it all out, so that you have evidence should you need it. Good luck!





Originally Posted by mzgillis316 View Post


Hey Ladies


Has anyone ever heard of or stayed at the Banyan Tree Mayakoba its in Playa del Carmen ...villa style suites very private and inclusive ...i heard nothing but rave reviews on trip advisor about this place so I was wondering if any of you guys have heard of it ?


Also since Cecile left I still havent heard from my new WC Kiara ...does anyone else have her? I know my wedding is in four months but geez

I just recieved my first email from Kiara a few nights ago. Haven't really started the process yet, so I can't comment.




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Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post

That's awful!  Some people are just awful and evil...kids can be mean but when the mother is doing it...you know thta's where her daughter learned it from. It's sick!


I would make sure to print off copies of everything that is there...if it gets completely out of hand you may want to go to the cops and you'll need that for proof.


I wish I had some advice or something else to say that could help...but I don't...But we're all here if you need to talk.

I would also check into state/federal legislation and laws. Some states due to recent bullying/stalking have started updating in the verbage of the laws. I am not postive (I saw it on the Today show so take it with a grain of salt) but there was that woman in Missouri who got indited by federal court over setting up a fake My Space account and harrassing one of her daughter classmates. I think they got her under fraud but it's worth checking into if they don't stop! Tell you baby girl to hang in there :)

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Originally Posted by murmel View Post




We stayed at EDR Casitis. It was amazing. Would highly recommend it as a honeymoon location


How much did you see of just El Dorado Royale?  Casitas prices are a little too much for us....

Is it worth switching just to go to EL Dorado?

Now I'm all overthinking my switching again...

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i had Fabio I really liked him,always picked up when i called and then sent me everything on email.  he rocked and gave me good tips


Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post

I have Kiara...I really like her.....usuually she gets back to me within 24 hours and mostly with the answers I want :)

I heard from her this morning..so I know she's there today.  Sometimes it is easier and quicker to call over there and talk to them directly and then follow up with email so you have something in writing.

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Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post

I have Kiara...I really like her.....usuually she gets back to me within 24 hours and mostly with the answers I want :)

I heard from her this morning..so I know she's there today.  Sometimes it is easier and quicker to call over there and talk to them directly and then follow up with email so you have something in writing.


Ok cool I'll give her a call to see what's going on thank you :)

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I have Kiara, she is good with responses to emails and quotes on things but if you aren't getting a good response call the office.




Ok I'm definitely going to give her a call to find out what is going on especially if all of you guys are hearing from her. THanks :)

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Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post

RSVP Question.

Hey ladies,

So our invitations are going to print, the final thing I need to choose is the RSVP date.  Our wedding is April, the price I have for my guests is only guaranteed for 30 and we are inviting 50+ so not putting a price.  I have no idea when to tell them to RSVP by.  Any suggestions??  We have 22 people coming already and that's immediate family and bridal party, so it will be a suprise who else comes.  I figure some people are all talk and no action.  What did you put for RSVP's?  Thank you!!

p.s going wedding dress shopping tonight, so excited!!cheesy.gif

We didn't do RSVP cards. We already knew who was coming and for those who were deciding we just provided our WC's contact info and when we need to have the final head count by... I can keep track of all the reservations online so it wasn't necessary for us.


Hope you find the dress tonight. Say YES to the dress!!!

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I hope everything works out. It's so sad that people still do ignorant stuff. I hope your daughter is not upset by this "drama".

Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

I've emailed the school and they will address the issues when the kids go back to school.  I'm hoping they will just get over it and stop being so ignorant.  If not, I will file a police report. 

I never knew there was a such a thread! I read your list. so funny... Tequila shots got you huh? cheers.gif This is something I will have to watch at my wedding. I am such a light weight!!!

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post

Hi girls!  I just updated the "what I would do again, what I wouldn't do" thread!  This thread really helped me decide what was important to me, so I wanted to post the link so you girlies getting married can check it out.



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