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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
I'm not kidding - the AHR is my FI's party. He wants cupcakes - hes got them! He wants to have crabs - no problem! Its so fun to let him make the decisions this time around! Beer - he wants lots of selection - like 2 six packs of everything! He just finished organizing the shuttle vans from hotel to the location -- it took him weeks and he sees how much work planning a wedding is now :)
You have the cutest AHR ever with your New England theme! I have reception envy!! And I love it that FI is planning everything. I wish I could just hand ours off to mine and I gladly would. At least he's really involved and has opinions on everything. It's a big help! We went and had a cupcake tasting today. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
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Originally Posted by chong View Post
My FI loves the butter cream frosting but I am not sure if this is possible for us. We are having a beach reception and I am worry that it will MELT! Though my FI does not care as long as he can get his delicious butter cream frosting :)

The butter cream won't melt, but it may not hold a design as well as the fondant. What they'll do to keep it from melting is keep the cake in the kitchen until it's time for you to cut it. Once you do that, they'll take it in the back and plate it for everyone.
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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Girls - I am so excited I can barely breathe! ahhhhh!!!

I have the 4 courses listed as "first date" "courtship" "marriage" and "honeymoon" - How freaking cute is that!!!!

Lastly, I got on the scale this morning, and yes I did have a couple bottles of wine between friends last night so I probably was a bit dehydrated but it said I hit my target wedding weight and lost 25 pounds!!!!! I am so excited!!!!! Probably will not step on the scale before I leave now and just keep this high note.

OK, going to the beach to work on my tan now. Tomorrow is a spa day and finish packing, leave Monday at 6am!!!! woo hooooooooooooooooo

YAY for the food course listings--OMG adorable!

Super big YAY for the 25 pounds! FANTASTIC!!!

And the biggest YAY of all cuz you're leaving in less than 48 hours!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!
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So sorry to hear about your friend. How wonderful you were able to have someone in your life that you connected with and saw as an inspiration.


I agree with everyone on the invites. No reason to send them to people who've already said no. It's both a waste of money and you could possibly make people feel worse if they really want to go but can't for whatever reason. If I got a STD that said "Invitation to Follow" but I had already said no to going, I would definitely not expect a formal invitation.


As for all the other stuff, you also don't need to include that with the invites. You can send an information packet before you go if you like (or newsletter), or you can just let them know once they get there. For us, when our guests checked in they got an itinerary for the weekend and our ceremony details.


Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Wendy - What's DH stand for.... something husband? Destination husband, LOL!

DH = Dear Husband. But I like Destination Husband much better!
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
The butter cream won't melt, but it may not hold a design as well as the fondant. What they'll do to keep it from melting is keep the cake in the kitchen until it's time for you to cut it. Once you do that, they'll take it in the back and plate it for everyone.
Thanks for the info. I have told my FI that butter cream it is. MY FI is so excited! We are not having a crazy complicated design on the cake so I don't think we should worry then.
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Hello Everyone!

I'm a Newbie and just joined BDW about 3 days ago. My FH and I signed our contract last week for a May 2011 ceremony at the Azul Sensatori. I found this site after searching for reviews on MR photographers and I have been lost ever since. :-) I spent hte past 2 days just trying to read this thread alone and have only gotten about 75 pages completed. I posted twice, once as the automated welcome email asked me to, and another in a 2011 Brides thread. I have not received any responses thus far, so I don't even know if I'm posting correctly on this site. :-/


Anywho, it looks like there are quite a few of you in here and if anyone who has recently married at the Azul Sensatori is game to "initiate or haze" me into what what to expect and which vendors I should be looking at closer, please feel free! I am all ears and eager to accept all advice I can get.


Oh and I have to share with you all that I am trying to break the bank to get Elizabeth Medina to photograph our wedding!!! I found her site by accident and I AM IN LOVE with her work!!! If anyone has experience with her as well.....I'm ALL ears!


Have a great Sunday, Ladies and I so look forward to getting to know you all!


All the best!

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Ok girls.... I am closing up the computer and getting ready to go to bed. 9 hours til I board my flight to Miami and then off to Cancun.


I have 2 suitcases packed and Mark has 3 (2 of which are the OOT bags). I have the wedding details sheet printed as well as our ceremony and readings; packed my USB key with all the details. Shoes - check; dress - check; rings - check!!!


I am so nervous and excited !!!! This has been over a year coming and I am so happy its here but also sad that it means my wedding planning days are over. Its been a roller coaster of emotion, starting from when, 2 months after getting engaged, FI got transferred to Boston and we've been living apart for 9 months. I can't say I regret anything - even my stupid travel agent got us a beachfront massage and our guests on the short list for upgrades, so it seems it was just a hassle more than anything looking back. Very surreal now...


Anyways, I will post my planning thread and review when I get back. Hope you all have a great week and think of me on May 29th!!!!



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Oh Amy YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! elefant.gif


I've been thinking about you today knowing that you leave in the morning. Reading your post just gave me serious goosebumps!!! I know you are going to have the most fabulous, fabulous wedding! Azul Beach will really take care of you.


Let's see, say hello to Mayra, Manuel, Nadia, Reveca, Tony, Hans, Angel, Martin, Antonio, Carlos, Eduardo, Axael, Oscar, Alejandro, the list goes on!! Yes, they're so great I even remember their names and what they did for us.


I CANNOT WAIT to hear all about it when you get back!!!!!! I will relive every moment of my own wedding and live vicariously through you!!





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OMG girls, so I know I haven't been the biggest contributer to this forum, mostly used it for major questions and to vent! I have to say that I am so thankful that I found you girls in February, this forum has been a life saver. I just got home from our wedding at Azul Sensatori, and it was fabulous! I have to say the weather wasn't the best, the worst day was of course our wedding day, but it was still a blast. We still got married on the beach rain and wind in all! So much for buying a TTD my first one got soaked! It is actually fine, I ended up getting more use out of my TTD though (since it was dry to put on for the reception). I will try to put together a planning thread now that I am done with wedding planning, though I am still working on the AHR planning, so be patient. That and a lot of my details got drenched (my fan favors, which who needed them in the rain and wind? And my programs were totally saturated) which was totally sad but they did turn out great. I will post pre-rain pictures :). What an amazing week it was! I am so excited for you girls!

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