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Happy Wedding Day Wendy!!!!!!


I see it still says 40% chance of rain, so hope those showers are for the early morning or late evening and you get your perfect day on the beach. I know you are going to be a gorgeous bride and your hubby is one lucky man!!!

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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Happy Wedding Day Wendy!!!!!!

I see it still says 40% chance of rain, so hope those showers are for the early morning or late evening and you get your perfect day on the beach. I know you are going to be a gorgeous bride and your hubby is one lucky man!!!
I second this!!! Woke up this morning and thought wow - Wendy is getting married today!!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Alright girls, so I just made my final wedding payment today!!! Amy did you pay yours too? Surprisingly this felt like a huge relief, so nice to have this done!

A few things I found out... sooo the dress pressing pricing was sent to me on like dry cleaning brochure and it said 75,00.... which I was confused about because it's a comma and so I asked if it was pesos and it is. So my dress pressing is $7.50, LOL!

I was warned by my WC that the onsite coordinators (although raved about) are in fact the dreaded Lomas. Sooo she told me to expect set up fees depending on what I brought. So just be warned.

Also, I wanted to give all you future brides that are just starting this process with your coordinator that they are very busy. My coordinator, Kiara, said she currently has 176 brides that just she takes care of. That's just crazy! She's also training a new person who will help alleviate some of the load but still. Be patient and be polite, that is how I really got through this VERY easily with my coordinator.

Last but not least, I bought FI a car today, it's totally under my name but it's the first thing we have that we really share and it feels crazy and wonderful and made me realize I'm sharing every aspect of my life with this man, so nuts!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)
Thanks Amy - good tips/points. Is there an idea of what is extra and what is standard decor? Like I am bringing name cards, table #s, menus, and favors. That doesn't seem out of the ordinary so I am not expecting to pay anything. What do you think after your convo w/ Ciara? An seriously - they are so over worked if that is how many brides they are assigned! How sad. I would seriously be looking for another job if that was me.

Wow - its fun moving ahead and having this joint financial life, isn't it? I bought FI a plane ticket and he keeps wanted to pay me back - I was like "whats the difference? I think I can buy my hubby a plane ticket" and he still feels like he should pay for it. Of course anytime I say I'll take him to dinner... now thats a different story hahaha
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Alright girls, so I just made my final wedding payment today!!! Amy did you pay yours too? Surprisingly this felt like a huge relief, so nice to have this done!

A few things I found out... sooo the dress pressing pricing was sent to me on like dry cleaning brochure and it said 75,00.... which I was confused about because it's a comma and so I asked if it was pesos and it is. So my dress pressing is $7.50, LOL!

I was warned by my WC that the onsite coordinators (although raved about) are in fact the dreaded Lomas. Sooo she told me to expect set up fees depending on what I brought. So just be warned.

Also, I wanted to give all you future brides that are just starting this process with your coordinator that they are very busy. My coordinator, Kiara, said she currently has 176 brides that just she takes care of. That's just crazy! She's also training a new person who will help alleviate some of the load but still. Be patient and be polite, that is how I really got through this VERY easily with my coordinator.

Last but not least, I bought FI a car today, it's totally under my name but it's the first thing we have that we really share and it feels crazy and wonderful and made me realize I'm sharing every aspect of my life with this man, so nuts!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)
Thanks for sharing about the extra costs once we start working with the onsite WC's. I was wondering how that works (i.e. do they charge for putting out the placecards, etc.) I am curious how much.

Also thanks for the heads up with Kiara - she is my coordinator too. Very nice, but at least it helps set an expectation. I had a feeling it was bad (176) but I didn't realize it was that many!

Have a great weekend and thanks again for sharing all the great info...it's very helpful!
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soooo....just because I clearly wasn't stressed out enough already, an Icelandic volcano decides to erupt and ground all UK flights into and out of the UK. all UK airports are shut and have been for the past 3 days, and still will be tomorrow when they look again at the problem.


if that's not bad enough, they're worried the volcano next to it may erupt any time soon and then it all starts all over again.


I'm trying not to panic as 2 weeks (that's how long it us until we fly out) is a long way away for something that's being reassessed daily, but we spent half of today going through our options for just about every different scenario. I feel more prepared for whatever happens. Now it's just a case of wait and see.....




oh what fun! wink.gif

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oh, and Amy...if we make it to mexico, I have decided (ha I made a decision!! lol), I am NOT leaving Mexico without a pic of me and you together! that is the mission :)


and congrats ladies on paying your final balances for your weddings :)


we have paid off our holiday, but the wedding we are paying when we get there. FMIL is going to get our money all changed up tomorrow (it's quite a lot!) into cash so I hope she doesn't get mugged on her way home! once we've got that I'll be so excited! and I need to start packing soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
soooo....just because I clearly wasn't stressed out enough already, an Icelandic volcano decides to erupt and ground all UK flights into and out of the UK. all UK airports are shut and have been for the past 3 days, and still will be tomorrow when they look again at the problem.

if that's not bad enough, they're worried the volcano next to it may erupt any time soon and then it all starts all over again.

I'm trying not to panic as 2 weeks (that's how long it us until we fly out) is a long way away for something that's being reassessed daily, but we spent half of today going through our options for just about every different scenario. I feel more prepared for whatever happens. Now it's just a case of wait and see.....


oh what fun! wink.gif
Katie - I know that volcano has stranded a lot of people worldwide. I think early this week they are supposed to start flying again. I feel for you girl. When does everyone in your group leave? 2 weeks from today? I think its going to clear up but you are smart to have a backup plan -- not that I think you'll need to use it -- but so you are able to sleep and stop worrying! smile27.gif

who would have thought a VOLCANO!!!

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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Katie - I know that volcano has stranded a lot of people worldwide. I think early this week they are supposed to start flying again. I feel for you girl. When does everyone in your group leave? 2 weeks from today? I think its going to clear up but you are smart to have a backup plan -- not that I think you'll need to use it -- but so you are able to sleep and stop worrying! smile27.gif

who would have thought a VOLCANO!!!

Ah thanks Amy. yeah we all fly out together, on the same flight on Sunday 2 May! I think I'm in denial about it at the moment, I'm actually finding it quite amusing! - everyone else is worrying more than me, but until we know we can't go I haven't got space to worry about it! lol

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
See, this is what I'm saying! I knew someone would agree with me. I'd rather be uncomfortable all night to look as skinny as possible :)

I actually think it's a lot less DIY than you think. There's no cutting or gluing, just assembling. I helped my BF when I was her MOH put together her pocket fold invites and fold them and all that and we did it together in an hour while watching tv and we did 150 of them!
Oh that's refreshing!! Thanks so much! That's exactly how many I have...I'll get FI to help me one night! Perfect :)
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
I agree with Amy, I thought about this long and hard and decided not to send invites to people who had given me a definite no. I felt it was odd sending them an invitation to an event they already declined. So I just plan to send everyone that wasn't able to make it an annoucement that we got married so they know they were thought of on our day.
Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
I sent invites to people who had already booked and those who hadn't given a definite answer. I didn't send them to people who already said no because I thought it would be a waste of time and money. I really went back and forth about whether to send invitations because most of my guests paid their deposits in October and I didn't send out invitations until February. I kept saying we already know they're going since they booked but I guess it's a necessary formality. BTW nobody who wasn't already booked has booked since I sent out the invitations so now I feel like I wasted my time sending invites to the "maybes" too.
Originally Posted by meghan View Post
I also sent invites to those who had already booked or to those who I didn't have a definite answer from. I felt that by sending invites to those who declined may also irritate the guests....I didn't want them to feel pressured, guilty, etc.. by having us send them an invite after saying no.
Ok, thank you ladies...this makes me feel better. I was going to send to everyone, but I think I will take you up on your offer. It seems weird only sending out 50 invites or so, but nothing else is traditional about my wedding...so, might as well do something different here as well!!
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