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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Oh and ladies, I hate to even mention it but this is my last month nominated as Member of the Month Bride 2 Be... it would amazing to go out with a bang so here's my cheap ploy to get you all to vote for me :)


No offense if any of you don't want to either, I still love you all like my very own BDW family :)

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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Well I took your advice on this one and I asked my WC, Tiffany. She said that they would have to charge me for a signature drink. Bummer. Especially because I am doing the Sky Package, cocktail party and private recepetion. I guess it shouldn't surprise me at all that they told you one thing and me another.

Also, on the amenity sheet they sent me I think dress pressing is listed as $10.
That is just crazy. I've never heard of such a thing! I wouldn't worry about it now, I'd take care of it with the WC onsite. No sense fighting this battle with Tiffany (it shouldn't even be a battle) when you can do it down there.

Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
so, yesterday I went for my final fitting (after last time they took the dress in 2 inches).....was supposed to bring it home with me yesterday but it needs to be taken in more! I knew I'd lost weight but I swear I haven't lost enough to have it taken in again! so, I haven't got it yet! Had to have an argument with them in the shop as they don't do alterations at weekends or in the evenings and I refused outright to have to book ANOTHER day off work just to have another alteration that they should have got right the first time! (I feel bad enough that I'll be off work for 3 weeks without keep booking days off for everything else!) so I got them to agree to stay late one night and I've got to rush home from work next Wednesday and get there for 7.30pm! fingers crossed, this is the last one!
Yay good for you!!! I have the opposite problem. I just picked up my dress today and it's too tight! She swears she didn't take it in between the last time and this time and that I've gained weight, but I don't think so. It does zip but it's really, really hard to breath and uncomfortable sad.gif I've got 1.5 weeks to make it fit??

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Thank you, I hope so! I've only been planning this shindig for over 2 years so it's extra long because of that I'm pretty sure :)

Well one of my friends actually just found out that she isn't a US citizen! So her and her BF are out... one of my bridesmaids just got horrible tax news that they owe thousands so her and her husband are out (currently trying to figure out a work around) another couple just waited too long to book. Lame.
Can you start a thread and work on it before you actually post it live? I've been gathering pictures and information for my planning thread but am not done yet. But it'd be nice to at least upload some of the info and get the ball rolling.

Okay, how did one of your friends not know she wasn't a citizen? That is a strange thing to not know! Was her paperwork being processed and she thought it'd gone through or something? There's got to be a story here! That really sucks about your friends not being able to come sad.gif
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Yay good for you!!! I have the opposite problem. I just picked up my dress today and it's too tight! She swears she didn't take it in between the last time and this time and that I've gained weight, but I don't think so. It does zip but it's really, really hard to breath and uncomfortable sad.gif I've got 1.5 weeks to make it fit??

Can you start a thread and work on it before you actually post it live? I've been gathering pictures and information for my planning thread but am not done yet. But it'd be nice to at least upload some of the info and get the ball rolling.

Okay, how did one of your friends not know she wasn't a citizen? That is a strange thing to not know! Was her paperwork being processed and she thought it'd gone through or something? There's got to be a story here! That really sucks about your friends not being able to come sad.gif
Oh no! Too tight, well you definitely want to be able to breathe all night and comfortably dance. You could easily diet and cut out most carbs and gassy foods and shrink a size in a week if you wanted to.

I started my planning thread in a Word doc. and just pasted the image codes in there so it will be a breeze putting it up when I'm ready.

HAHA, well she thought her mom had gotten her citizenship when they moved here because she was a baby and when trying to get her passport recently, discovered she is in fact not.
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Oh no! Too tight, well you definitely want to be able to breathe all night and comfortably dance. You could easily diet and cut out most carbs and gassy foods and shrink a size in a week if you wanted to.

I started my planning thread in a Word doc. and just pasted the image codes in there so it will be a breeze putting it up when I'm ready.

HAHA, well she thought her mom had gotten her citizenship when they moved here because she was a baby and when trying to get her passport recently, discovered she is in fact not.
I'm on it!! I can do it, yes I can!

So smart on the planning thread. Thx!!

Oh that SUCKS about your friend!!! So her entire life she thought she was a citizen? That must have been a shocker.
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
I'm on it!! I can do it, yes I can!

So smart on the planning thread. Thx!!

Oh that SUCKS about your friend!!! So her entire life she thought she was a citizen? That must have been a shocker.

Yeah was devastated to say the least but I invited her to my Vegas wedding so she's coming to that.
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Yes Katie, pix of your hen night please!!

another couple just waited too long to book. Lame.

That is super lame! I just sent out an email this morning urging everyone to book. I only have 12 rooms booked so far! 13 more rooms to go (50ish people). We'll see if it happens! I am dealing with the "can we stay at a cheaper resort?" issue right now. yes, you can if you want to pay $300 per day! STRESS CENTRAL!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Oh and ladies, I hate to even mention it but this is my last month nominated as Member of the Month Bride 2 Be... it would amazing to go out with a bang so here's my cheap ploy to get you all to vote for me :)

No offense if any of you don't want to either, I still love you all like my very own BDW family :)
Of course!!!!
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Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
That is super lame! I just sent out an email this morning urging everyone to book. I only have 12 rooms booked so far! 13 more rooms to go (50ish people). We'll see if it happens! I am dealing with the "can we stay at a cheaper resort?" issue right now. yes, you can if you want to pay $300 per day! STRESS CENTRAL!
HAHA, don't let it get to you too much. In the end you realize that there's really not much you can do about it.

I had 64 people RSVP and half of them fall off or cancel. I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else because it's really a low, low feeling.
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
That is just crazy. I've never heard of such a thing! I wouldn't worry about it now, I'd take care of it with the WC onsite. No sense fighting this battle with Tiffany (it shouldn't even be a battle) when you can do it down there.

Yay good for you!!! I have the opposite problem. I just picked up my dress today and it's too tight! She swears she didn't take it in between the last time and this time and that I've gained weight, but I don't think so. It does zip but it's really, really hard to breath and uncomfortable sad.gif I've got 1.5 weeks to make it fit??

Can you start a thread and work on it before you actually post it live? I've been gathering pictures and information for my planning thread but am not done yet. But it'd be nice to at least upload some of the info and get the ball rolling.

Okay, how did one of your friends not know she wasn't a citizen? That is a strange thing to not know! Was her paperwork being processed and she thought it'd gone through or something? There's got to be a story here! That really sucks about your friends not being able to come sad.gif
Sorry your dress is too tight, BUT a great excuse to lose 5 lbs! ha I went and got mine custom measured today! whoo hoo!!

Yes, just create a word document and copy and paste when done!
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