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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Are folks still posting to this tread? I have LOTS of ?'s. I have been booked since January for my date of 9-4-10. Then I read some horrible reviews. I dont want to change my plans because of he said, she said. I want to hear from real brides about their special day at Azul Sensatori! Please let me know:

1. how many people travelled with you

2. how were the rooms (your's & your guests)

3. how was the wedding venue

4. how was the check in process? did you get the room you expected

5. how was the reception? was it private

6. how was the beach

7. if you had it to do over again......


Or just post some info on the experience. I just want to know if I should stay on course or pick another location.

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Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B View Post
Andrea, you're right your photographer did amazing work for you!!! He did some really great things with his color processing, and he captured every minute of your day. Lucky, lucky you!!! I got teary eyed during the ceremony part thinking of how soon, very soon that will be me!
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Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
Ok, no laughing....I'm putting my life on the line here.....

here's ALL my BD shots....with NO retouching...YET!

To view your images just go to: Zenfolio | Amy Symons Photography | KatieGBoudoir
and enter the password: (going to be annoying and ask you to message me for the password - I'm conscious that anyone can look on here and click on it, hope you all understand)

These are the processed images but are not yet retouched, retouching includes: line, spot + dark circle removal, skin smoothing, lump and bump removal, background and outfit corrections, and small colour/tone adjustments.

Let me know the numbers of the ones that you would like as 9x6 retouched prints. The number shows in the corner of the image, on the right, when it is selected, and also underneath the image

************************************************** *******

let me know which numbers you think are the best as they are (if any lol) and which would be the best to get retouched...I hate making decisions!
Great pics Katie! These are my favourite; 9, 10, 21, 30, 41, 45, 51, 87,89, 90

Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B View Post
Andrea, your photos are beautiful, I love love love your dress
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For those of you that did or are doing a private reception, what did you choose for food? Did anyone do the Italian Family Style?


We have been leaning towards the pick and choose menu but am so annoyed that I can only offer guests 2 options. I think that I am actually going to offer 3 (the thirs beign pasta) and just tell my WC that I have about 10 vegatarians in my group. Do you think that would work?


Would love to hear waht you all are doing!


I plan to order my invites next week and want to put the meal options on the resposne cards. Thanks!

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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
For those of you that did or are doing a private reception, what did you choose for food? Did anyone do the Italian Family Style?

We have been leaning towards the pick and choose menu but am so annoyed that I can only offer guests 2 options. I think that I am actually going to offer 3 (the thirs beign pasta) and just tell my WC that I have about 10 vegatarians in my group. Do you think that would work?

Would love to hear waht you all are doing!

I plan to order my invites next week and want to put the meal options on the resposne cards. Thanks!
I don't think it will work to get the third option thrown in because of vegetarians. I was told that because I had more than 5 vegetarians, I could have one meal just vegetarian, or go with the meal with 2 options (one being vegetarian and one being meat), but I could not have the 2 choice meal and have a vegetarian option as well, unless I paid for extra.
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Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
Ok, no laughing....I'm putting my life on the line here.....

here's ALL my BD shots....with NO retouching...YET!

To view your images just go to: Zenfolio | Amy Symons Photography | KatieGBoudoir
and enter the password: (going to be annoying and ask you to message me for the password - I'm conscious that anyone can look on here and click on it, hope you all understand)

These are the processed images but are not yet retouched, retouching includes: line, spot + dark circle removal, skin smoothing, lump and bump removal, background and outfit corrections, and small colour/tone adjustments.

Let me know the numbers of the ones that you would like as 9x6 retouched prints. The number shows in the corner of the image, on the right, when it is selected, and also underneath the image

************************************************** *******

let me know which numbers you think are the best as they are (if any lol) and which would be the best to get retouched...I hate making decisions!
Katie you are seeeeeeeeexy!!!!!! You go girl!!!! cheer2.gif I absolutely love your black and purple outfit. So hot! Favorites, TBD....
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Originally Posted by momichele View Post
Welcome!!!! This site is awesome and has been a life saver for me. If I had to do it over again, knowing what I know. I would make up a list up of the things I needed in order to the most important to the least then I would email not call (if you call write an email to the person to have them put it in writing). When you call ask about flowers, photographer, music, meals, decorations, bringing your own stuff, and every little detail that may not seem to big of a deal to you but the resort always seem to have an answer not in your favor. From what I have seem all resorts will nickel and dime you in different ways so you need to figure out the most important parts of your day to you. The main reasons I went with AS was b/c it looks amazing, the girls on this thread are awesome, my brother has a time share through Karisma and was able to get 5 rooms very cheap, children under 5 are free and we have a promo that children under 14 are $50.00 plus we get 20% off rates. So when I looked at our immediate families this helped most people.

With all this said, I still almost switched resorts after starting my plans with AS and seeing how they had certain rules and they changed things without letting you know. But once I started researching the other resorts, they all seemed to have pros and cons. AS still out weighted my needs compared to the other resorts by far and I think if I had to do it over, I would pick AS.

I hope this helps and I didn't scare you. Keep asking questions, it helps.
Were you told that the timeshare guests would have to pay a fee upon check in per day for food and drink? My MH reserved a room and had to cancel because the food charge was more expensive than booking the all inclusive thru the resort. Please tell me if you heard otherwise. That would make a big difference for my immediate family.
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Originally Posted by meghan View Post
I don't think it will work to get the third option thrown in because of vegetarians. I was told that because I had more than 5 vegetarians, I could have one meal just vegetarian, or go with the meal with 2 options (one being vegetarian and one being meat), but I could not have the 2 choice meal and have a vegetarian option as well, unless I paid for extra.
Well that is annoying! Oh well, I should have figured. I emailed Tiffany about it but am still waiting to hear back. Surprise! :)

Maybe I should go with the family style. At least they'll have a choice of chicken, meat and fish. I'll just try to do the fancy stuff during the cocktail reception.

Thanks for the input.
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Is anyone using their ceremony flowers for the reception also? If so, what are your plans?


I am hoping to find tall stands to put bouquets in. (Tall enough to be mid-torso of seated guests. Maybe put them every other row?) I would then move them to vases for the reception. Hopefully that would work.


Tiffany did tell me I can use the ceremony flowers at the reception. Yay! That should save atleast a few hundred dollars even with the expense rates for Lomas' vases. :)

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