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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Tiffany is famous for only answering parts of questions. I truly don't think it's intentional. I think she only half reads emails. It was one of my biggest complaints with her, constantly having to re-ask questions over and over. As if we have time for that--just read it right the first time!!
I've learned that if I numerate questions she answers all of them. Otherwise if you have 4 questions, only one or two will be answered if you just put it in a paragraph.
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Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
I've learned that if I numerate questions she answers all of them. Otherwise if you have 4 questions, only one or two will be answered if you just put it in a paragraph.
Yup, tried putting each question as its own bullet. She still managed to miss some. If it weren't so frustrating it'd be comical!

Originally Posted by suzannepdc View Post
WOW!! Congrats!!

p.s. - still trying to work things out. I cannot tell you how upset I am.
Believe me, I know how upset you are!!! It consumed me for days. My thoughts are with you, girl.
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Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B View Post
Ok so I need to write my planning thread where do I go to do this. I website illiterate.
If you click up at the top left hand side you'll get to the general area and then just look for the subcategories "Planning Journal" and start a new thread

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I need to vent!!! I just got a pretty upsetting text from a friend/BM while I was at the gym tonight. She pretty much told me our friendship is over, that she wasn't going to a BM anymore... ya no kidding? I just can't believe she was spineless enough to do this over a text message!


Honestly.. it's a relief! We've grown apart but only because she's jealous that our other friend started dating my FI's best friend... I know she feels left out but she's done some pretty mean spirited things lately and said things that just weren't cool. We always invited her out and she always cancelled... I think we were the ones putting the work into the friendship.


It is a bit of a weight lifted off my shoulders... now I can have the person who truly has been there for me and who I truly want to be my MOH. I just couldn't have my one friend as a MOH before because the other would have been upset and left out... I didn't do what I wanted to make someone else happyhuh.gif WTF? I forgot this was my wedding.


My FI and I agree that I shouldn't respond to the messages. We're both happier that this weight has been lifted and I'm happier and better off without her friendship! C'est la vie!


Sorry to vent like this... you ladies might be the only one's who might at least some what understand... or maybe I'm just crazy.


Now do I ruin my work out tonight with a glass of winehuh.gif

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