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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Lolo that's awesome!!! I stopped Insanity mid-month 2 because I wasn't seeing super quick results. P90X gives me results in weeks so I started that up again. I still want to finish Insanity though, I'm sure if I saw it through it would do something for me.
Funny thing happened today... on the way home from work today my FI asked if I'd ever heard of P90Xhuh.gif He's been hearing a lot about it from friends of his and actually wants to do it. I was trying to figure out how I was going to buy this because I'm on lock down with spending or bring it up with him and magically it happened for me. Hopefully we will be starting it on Monday!! I can't wait!
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Originally Posted by momichele View Post
Cake question-Is everyone getting a cake? I know it is a tradition and would be really nice but it doesn't sound like the cake is good and will be a waste of money. We are getting the Mexican Flan with our meal so I am just curious what everyone is doing. If you are getting the cake, what flavor are you ordering?
We are getting a cake, vanilla....Mostly just for traditional reasons. I feel like I need one lol. However, we also get a dessert with our dinner (rice pudding or flan...we chose rice pudding), so if people don't like the cake, they will another option.
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Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ View Post
Funny thing happened today... on the way home from work today my FI asked if I'd ever heard of P90Xhuh.gif He's been hearing a lot about it from friends of his and actually wants to do it. I was trying to figure out how I was going to buy this because I'm on lock down with spending or bring it up with him and magically it happened for me. Hopefully we will be starting it on Monday!! I can't wait!
PERFECT! You totally got your wish! FI promises to join me in P90X tomorrow even thought I'm halfway through week 3 already, oh well. Let me know what you think! It really is a butt kicker :)
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
That is SO awesome!!! So you're a Cancer then? My birthday is 7/4 (which is Lindz's two fav numbers) Her and Katie are Cancer's too! It's funny how we all have such interesting similarities :)
what.gif I'm a Virgo!!! lol 4th September :) (that is if I was the Katie you were referring to!!) but I'll let you off wink.gif

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Mark has this really THICK hair and when he needs a hair cut I call him the Lego Man b/c it looks like that hair from a lego person you could take on and off when you were a kid...... Anyways - we just ordered our Lego man and lady from eBay and that is going to be our cake topped :) I'll post a picture when we get them in the mail!!!
argh that's so cool!! I love it! me and FI are huge football fans (that's soccer to you guys!) and we're getting a cake topper made for our AHR with him with his teams football shirt on, and me with a wedding dress on but with my teams shirt over the top!! corny I know, but we had to do it - our love for football is something that means a lot to us and really defines us both, so we had to get it in there somewhere!!

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
Can you become good friends with my WC once I start ordering all this stuff?!?!? That's so awesome!!
haha I've tried with mine but I don't think she's having any of it!! lol I think she's so busy she doesn't have time for all the chit chat but I'm perservering!! She WILL be my friend smile41.gif hehe
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
This is the one thing that bugs me about AB. People pay all this money to get mediocre rooms. I want a jacuzzi in my room damnit! But, I figure that since this is truly the only thing on my "Do Not Like" list about AB, it's worth staying for all the other reasons I love it.
If it makes you feel any better we didn't even use our jacuzzi except for the wedding night, and that was only because THEY filled it for us lol. For real it takes like 2 hours to fill. My drunk ass is passed out by the time its ready lol. You're not missing anything IMO.
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Lindz those std are beautiful.


KH your invites are great. I wanted the same place to do mine...but sadly I thought I could save some $$$ doing them myself. I don't think I saved much but had fun doing them. I hope to do a planning thread to show off my stuff.


Renee good job on eating healthier, it's never easy!! stick with it and you will be glad you did!

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