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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Hello Ladies and groom!


My fiance and I just booked at the Azul Sensatori! I didn't want to join the forum until my date of Jan. 9th 2009 was confirmed but I couldn't wait to say hello. You have all posted such great info and I don't doubt for a second that we all picked a great resort.


Please keep your fingers crossed for me. My fiance and I already lost our first date in Feb due to a clueless TA so we're really hoping everything goes through this time round.


I am looking forward to chatting with all of you!

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Welcome...it can be a bit much at times, but so helpful.

Originally Posted by Mrs.StephP.2Be View Post
Hello Ladies and groom!


My fiance and I just booked at the Azul Sensatori! I didn't want to join the forum until my date of Jan. 9th 2009 was confirmed but I couldn't wait to say hello. You have all posted such great info and I don't doubt for a second that we all picked a great resort.


Please keep your fingers crossed for me. My fiance and I already lost our first date in Feb due to a clueless TA so we're really hoping everything goes through this time round.


I am looking forward to chatting with all of you!

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I'm so disheartened right now. My TA told me tonight that the 4 lowest room categories are sold out for my wedding weekend. The resort is pretty pricey as it is, now it is super expensive. I sent an email out to my friends and family, so they wouldn't be surprised by such a high price. I suggested that they could stay somewhere else and come to the wedding on a day pass.

If anyone has any suggestions, advice or access to cheap rates, please let me know.

For those of you near my date, you might want to check and make sure what availability is open for your guests.

I have even contemplated changing resorts, if that tells you anything!

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Originally Posted by amysteele444 View Post
Hi Andrea,
Thanks so much for the warning. I have been in touch with my TA (Joani @ destinationweddings.com) and she has assured me all is going well with the progress and that the wedding is on for the sensatori location. I've really been having a hard time in knowing who to believe anymore. Fabio swears up and down that it will be ready and Joani is also saying it will be okay, but then I get messages like this and my trust sinks. Do you think that your TA is just being extra cautious in telling you thathuh.gif? I guess we won't really know until Oct. 31st. what the real scoop is. Nothing is more annoying then people jerking you around about your wedding day? Hang in there.
Hi Amy,

Everyone is telling us that it will be completed as well....including Ken Krams, who is Fabio's boss. The problem is that the pictures are so scary and Fabio and Ken are not on site so what do they really know. My TA's co-worker just went there this weekend so hopefully we will have some updated pics even since Abby was there. I will post them if we are able to get our hands on any.
We have been in Fabio's face about all of this on a daily basis and there is just not a straight answer that he will give. He is so confident when he speaks but very non-commital when he actaully writes. I am pretty sure he doesn't want any hard evidence in writing if the resort doesn't open. I am scheduled to fly in on Nov 5th but now I am trying to get that moved up a day or two so I can make the decision to move everyone if it is not complete AND fully functional. The other thing that concerns me is that many of the other large travel agent sites say that it is opening on the 1st but that they are not taking reservations until the 15th of Nov.....that seems a bit shady...like maybe it will be complete but that some of the areas (bars, restaurnts, etc) will not be operational.
Maybe we are just paranoid but my TA is 100% behind us and thinks that we are doing the right thing by pressuring them so much. I will keep everyone posted with what we find out from the TA's visit this weekend.
Thanks, everyone, for all of your kinds words of support!
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