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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by suzannepdc View Post
Hi ladies - I am a bit of a lurker, but am getting married at the Azul Beach Resort on 4/27/2010 (only 98 more days!)

Anyway, do all have any idea where the Azul Beach thread disappeared to? I have to finally make some actual decisions and give Tiffany some information by next week and looked to get the email of someone that got married there in October and it's vanished. I emailed the administrator yesterday, but have not heard anything. I think Amy is the only Beach Resort person, but I thought maybe you girls might know where it went!

Hi Suzanne,

The thread mysteriously disappeared back in mid-December. I emailed the administrator about it but never heard anything. It is a shame b/c there were great pictures on there! And I want to say that there are plenty of Azul Beach brides out there, but since they took our thread away we're all homeless. I think the bride you're looking for that got married at AB in October is Bree. If you PM me I have the links to her pictures.
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Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
Tiffany sent me the packages they offer and that was the cheapest price. I didn't know it was an option to bring in a DJ. I can do $500-600 but anything more than that is out of the question!
I too was quoted by Tiffany the crazy price of a minimum $1500 for a DJ. One with all the bells and whistles is $3500. We're going with an ipod reception b/c we just can't stomach paying that much. I think the music options at Karisma resorts is where they really get you.
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Originally Posted by Afrommert View Post
amy f, mia is NOT good. Mine was too...
Anyone have any cool ideas about organized excursions the week of your weddings? Im not sure but i think i want to plan somthings to do, but noone will HAVE to do them if they dont want. For sure shopping is one for the girls, maybe golfing for the men, I heard there was a really cool MUST CHECK OUT bar/resturant at throws an awesome beach party off site, I gotta find out the name of it...
We just booked a sunset catamaran trip for all our guests the night before our wedding. We looked into all the standard stuff: Xel-ha, Hidden Worlds, Xcaret, Tulum, etc., and just couldn't afford them. The catamaran is very reasonably priced, in my opinion, and comes with open bar and food options. It's Paradise Catamarans if anyone's interested!
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Originally Posted by meghan View Post
Are you doing a specific type of dance? FI and I are taking dance lessons and are doing the rhumba to michael buble, everything, however, my dress has a huge skirt, and i don't think it's going to be easy to do a rhumba in it! I wish I had thought about that before.
No I'm not doing a specific type of dance I don't think... I just wanted someone to be able to choreograph something that works with the song. My dress is fitted, mermaid so I can't do anything to terribly fancy in it either.
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Originally Posted by meghan View Post
Uggghh, I am so stressed today...I think the most stressed i've been in quite a while. We are making our own invites (supposed to have been sent out January 1st) and they still are not made. My FI was really excited about them in the beginning and had an idea of what he wanted, so I let him basically choose what we did for the invites. Over christmas I said we needed to get them done, and it never happened. Then he promised that he would work on them this weekend and get a good chunk done (I have been working on the already pretty much on my own)....that didn't happen. Last night he said he would do them....he cut 10 pieces of paper and glued them, and some of them he even glued on crooked! He is extremely artsy and probably more capable than I am of making them look nice. I'm so frustrated because I went with his idea for the invites, and he isn't even making much of an effort to do them!
Sorry for ranting, but just needed to vent. Aside from that, I have such a stressful job this year and when I come home from school and see that the invites weren't done, I'm not in a good mood!
Man don't even get me started on things I've asked my FI to do that he hasn't done yet... like I asked him to get tape, and print something out at Kinkos, not rocket science and are they done? Nope.

I'm sorry you're so stressed... I hate that feeling. I too was supposed to have my invites done and sent January 1st and here we are and they are just now designed not even made yet.

Not only that but every quote my DW TA has quoted this week has been wrong, like he's on crack, I'm so done with him.

Sorry... totally vented! shots.gif
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Originally Posted by meghan View Post
Uggghh, I am so stressed today...I think the most stressed i've been in quite a while. We are making our own invites (supposed to have been sent out January 1st) and they still are not made. My FI was really excited about them in the beginning and had an idea of what he wanted, so I let him basically choose what we did for the invites. Over christmas I said we needed to get them done, and it never happened. Then he promised that he would work on them this weekend and get a good chunk done (I have been working on the already pretty much on my own)....that didn't happen. Last night he said he would do them....he cut 10 pieces of paper and glued them, and some of them he even glued on crooked! He is extremely artsy and probably more capable than I am of making them look nice. I'm so frustrated because I went with his idea for the invites, and he isn't even making much of an effort to do them!
Sorry for ranting, but just needed to vent. Aside from that, I have such a stressful job this year and when I come home from school and see that the invites weren't done, I'm not in a good mood!
ahh Megan sad.gif it's frustrating, totally....(this is a prime example of why women plan the wedding!) If it were me, I'd say, do them, or I'm ordering some! harsh I know, but if you genuinely don't think he's ever going to do them and you've asked him loads, it's just not worth the stress of a constant battle. plus you don't want to fall out over wedding invites.

get on vista print and go with your idea initially! GOOD LUCK!
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Originally Posted by lolo View Post
to the ladies that have worn 4 inch heels......how hard is walking in themhuh.gif
You will be fine!!! Of course you can kick them off during the reception if you want. You will feel so fabulous in your awesome shoes, you won't notice too much. But definitely practice walking in them before you make your grand entrance!! AHHH so excited for you!!!!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Man don't even get me started on things I've asked my FI to do that he hasn't done yet... like I asked him to get tape, and print something out at Kinkos, not rocket science and are they done? Nope.

I'm sorry you're so stressed... I hate that feeling. I too was supposed to have my invites done and sent January 1st and here we are and they are just now designed not even made yet.

Not only that but every quote my DW TA has quoted this week has been wrong, like he's on crack, I'm so done with him.

Sorry... totally vented! shots.gif
Hey, can you change TA's? I switched from DW to a girl on this site, and she has been sooo wonderful. SO patient with me and willing to go above and beyond the call of duty. Her name is Wendy Hicks. All her contact info is on on my website...www.lutznlindz.com. Tell her I sent you!

MEN!!!!! Why are they ALL the samehuh.gif Literally, the SWEETEST most lovable people one second, and the biggest d*&$@ the next!?!?!
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