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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
I would love to see your budget spreadsheet!! You can black out the amounts if you would like. Mine is starting to get super complicated. Do you mind sharing?
no of course not! PM me your email add and I'll send it through to you tonight (that's about 6 hours from now in UK time!!)

bit weird but some of it's in UK £'s and some in US $!! just change as a where you need to!
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Originally Posted by avong1228 View Post
I am newly engaged and my FI and I are considering a DW and Azul and Paradisus are on our list. Any information you can provide would be helpful. I've emailed them but have not gotten any information yet. We think we would do the gold package. Any info on the menu options? Ceremony location pictures? If we have above 40 what the cost is? Photographer recommendations and cost? Has the Ipod option worked well and if so do I need to rent speakers? Welcome dinner or reception costs/locations? So many questions!
Welcome and congrats!!! I know it will be time consuming, but I would go through this thread. It will answer all of your questions and more. Also, you will get TONS of ideas you probably would have never even thought about! It will take awhile, but well worth it! I was the WORST at choosing a resort. I was back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. I had finally chosen AS, until I changed my mind again. The resort is amazing though!!!!!! And these girls are fabulous. Like everyone has said, be prepared for "unknown costs." Also, keep all emails and get everything in writing. I have files saved on my computer, saved pictures, saved links, etc. This will help you keep everything organized for each resort! I would also make a list of "must haves." This will help you choose your resort. Good luck!!
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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
OK so I just finished the photog snoop I promised. It was on the El Dorada Seaside Brides posts, not EDR, Anyhoo, here are the names of the guys members have reccommended:

Tracy_S - got married Nov 9 09 :
"the approved photographer Mexican Wedding Photos is a great company to use as well!!! We had a guy named Miguel or Mike.. who ROCKED!! I will totally recommend him to all brides using Karisma hotels!!! He was awesome.. and his 3 hour package is 1250... but so worth it!!! I also did a trash the dress with him and he rocked at that too.. that costs extra but he was such a nice and professional guy!!! Highly recommended on my end!!! "

And another member, desouc, who is getting married Feb said that she heard Eduardo is really good too.

I am sure you guys could PM them if you have questions. I am actually considering changing from Claudia now b/c it'll save me $2k probably and I could use that $$ to pay for the Cancun clubbing trip we are doing 2 nights before the wedding and then some.... Oh decisions decisions!!!


AmyB, Thanks for checking into this... Im wondering now, who the mexican photography is, because they are not on Azul Sensatori approved list?
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Happy Monday ladies!


I was good this weekend, knocked a few things off my list and naturally, added a few more :)


I did a wire transfer and booked my DJ

I bought my TTD dress off of Duosheng

I got a facial and made a wedding facial plan, my facialist was amazing and had just gotten married in October and we shared our Etsy finds and she gave me some BD shoot tips, it was a lovely hour long facial that I desparately needed!

I bought candles for my dinner reception tables & feathers for fascinators I'm making for my bridal party.


I also went out for a friends birthday on Friday and without my even mentioning my wedding a huge conversation of our bachelor/bachelorette parties, booking and fun we are going to have started and I was like, wow people are excited, this is so amazing!


I definitely feel more calm this week :) Although Katie with her announcements always makes me freak out, my 5 month mark is tomorrow!!!

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woohoo, sounds like you had an awesomely productive weekend! I'm in grad school, so the next week and a half are dedicated to knocking out my finals/papers. However, I get two weeks off for the holiday break (yay for working for a university!), so my plan is to knock out a ton of things then!

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