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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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MrsVaughn - trust me that's not Bridezilla of you at all! You're not asking too much of them, it's too bad that they are giving you a hard time.


I myself have issues with my own mother. My father is passed away and my mom is having money issues and so her and my brother probably won't end up coming. On the other hand, she's all for it and happy to help me make decisions, yet she won't come? I've even offered to pay for her and her reply is that she's afraid to fly. Ughhh it doesn't add up to me.


I still can't believe that none of my family will be there yet FI's releatives and parents are coming and they live in Australia and have never even met me!


Weddings and traveling really bring out a different side to people.

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As for my OOT bags...

I ordered vintage-looking bags from Blue Q that will double as beach bags. I am putting a kissing kit together with listerine strips and chapstick. Then I am putting in a hang over bag with Rolaids, Advil and Emergen C.

I am also including a mini Tiger balm, Q-tips, kleenex, bandaids, wet naps, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, playing cards, crossword book, a mini spanish phrase guide that I down-loaded from single-serving.com (thanks to another Brides idea -though I can't remember who), nail file, beach balls, sudoku puzzel books, shot glasses, personalized small bag off coffee and a personalized lemonade.


For Favors, we have fans for the chairs at the ceremony, little bottles for blowing bubbles post ceremony, pashminas to hang off the back of the chairs -they are doubling as decor- and little packs of single serving tea for the table.


I think I have enough stuff.... lets see if I can actually get it there!


I promise to post copious photos when I do my planning thread!!!

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Originally Posted by Allisa View Post
As for my OOT bags...
I ordered vintage-looking bags from Blue Q that will double as beach bags. I am putting a kissing kit together with listerine strips and chapstick. Then I am putting in a hang over bag with Rolaids, Advil and Emergen C.
I am also including a mini Tiger balm, Q-tips, kleenex, bandaids, wet naps, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, playing cards, crossword book, a mini spanish phrase guide that I down-loaded from single-serving.com (thanks to another Brides idea -though I can't remember who), nail file, beach balls, sudoku puzzel books, shot glasses, personalized small bag off coffee and a personalized lemonade.

For Favors, we have fans for the chairs at the ceremony, little bottles for blowing bubbles post ceremony, pashminas to hang off the back of the chairs -they are doubling as decor- and little packs of single serving tea for the table.

I think I have enough stuff.... lets see if I can actually get it there!

I promise to post copious photos when I do my planning thread!!!

WOW Allisa...I want to be at your wedding!!! they are going to be well and truly spoilt! congrats for getting it all together and sorted!

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Yeah Katie, BTW, what weight do you have to lose! I thought you had a lovely shape in your BEAUTIFUL gown!
ah thank you :) but I really do!! more for my bikini than my wedding dress as they do wonders to hide lots lol

but I need to tone my arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't escape that on my wedding day!! arrrgggghhhhh!!!
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On the family matters....my maid of honor told me yesteday that my mom is paying for my sister and her daughter's plane tix to come. Apparently this is because my brother is being a jack@ss and won't bring his kids.


Moral of the story is that it wouldn't be a wedding if at least half of the family was uncooperative or not attending. MY FI's parents doesn't understand how we can get married (they are crazy old Irish Catholics from Dublin) and his brother told him "I am out of Time Off from work, can you move it to next year"huh.gif?


Now onto my wedding coordinator/pricing funnies of the day. Who wants to know how much napkins are? $5 a piece. That is worse than the chair bows! Tablecloths--$30. My favorite is the band who plays in the mojito lounge who quoted us $1,000 for 4 hours---Lomas Travel wants $2,800 for 2 sets of 45 minutes.

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don't do the napkins and everyone can wipe their mouths on the tablecloth!! sorted!!


well just goes to prove like you say that no wedding is 100% plain sailing. but hey, we're all going because we want to get married there, and we will come back having got married there - mission accomplished, and other stuff is just details.



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