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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by gemwhite2b View Post
Also, does anyone else read trip advisor then question their decision to have their wedding at AS? I do this every day!! I am so worried that my friends and family have payed so much for what is supposed to be a 5 star hotel and it seems like every review is saying that is is def not a 5 star! It is alot of money to pay and I feel so responsible for my guests having the best time and the best hotel.
gem, I purposefully DON'T read Trip Adviser for that exact reason! Plus what you've got to remember is that everyone has different levels of expectations and people only generally tend to review things when they want to vent....resulting in more bad reviews than good. just think of all the thousands of people who have been since it opened...compare that to the number that write bad reviews and then it doesn't look so bad.

I went to Grand Riviera Princess in RM in February and worried myself sick with the reviews people wrote, but I went and had the most amazing holiday ever. Another reason I'm not reading any this time round!

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Katie - totally agree on the trip advisor thing. For me there are just too many unknown factors that go into people's reasoning in some of those reviews, which for me makes them inaccurate. gemwhite2b, try not to let those reviews get to you.... you'll end up driving yourself crazy!

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Originally Posted by gemwhite2b View Post
Hi Katie,
Looks like all of us UK brides are in the same boat. I really wanted first dance and speeches etc but we are NOT paying pp to eat when it is a gourmet all inc resort and like you, are paying an arm and leg for a reception when we get back.
I have kinda just got used to the idea that we will be in the spoon and hoping we just have a good time and regardless of where we are and if it is private.
When i first booked i used to get all stressed about this stuff and now I have stopped letting it bother me.
I will be the bride who is walking round the whole resort with her wedding dress on!!! hahaha.
lol gem - that will be me and you both!! my FH has suggested we just eat in the restaurant and then hit Cancun!! haha can you imagine! but I won't want to change out of my dress I know already so we may just have to spend the night propping up the hotel bar instead.

although, I was a little concerned about her reference to Spoons not always being available. ah well, I'm sure we'll manage to sort something out!

im relying on my guests understanding that there's a big do when we get back so as long as we get some kind of something sorted for after the wedding (I don't want to get married and then that's it!) then I'll just have to live with it.

oh the joys of the so called 'cheaper' option of getting married abroad!

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Originally Posted by Nikki07 View Post
Yup, they make you have a private event. I had asked if I could eat in the spoon restaurant and then just hang out on the beach with music and we could just grab drinks from the bar. I was told that we could, but I would have to supply my own ipod docking station as they don't rent it out unless you are having a private event. pffttt.

I've decided that I'm just going to wing the whole thing lol. There's only 10 of us and I wanted something casual anyways. I think I'm going to do our first dance on the beach after the ceremony. Hopefully they won't charge me extra for that lol.
hey Nikki :)

ok I'm so struggling to figure out how the day will plan out...lol.... so you will be having your ceremony and then pictures but staying there for a first dance? do you think I could do that on the Sky Deck??!! I can't imagine they'll just let me go on the beach after our ceremony up there.

Is an iPod docking station expensive? I would have thought that would be a much cheaper option, but obviously not from what you've written!!

and how are you doing your first dance on the beach if you can't use the docking station? is there another option? think I'll end up getting everyone to sing haha

sorry for all the questions!! thank you :)

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Hey Katie,

I'm getting married on the beach, so they supply the sound equipment for the ceremony. So, I figured since its already there, I'll just add my first dance song at the end of the ceremony playlist. If they won't play it for me, well then I guess I won't have a first dance! lol. Seriously, I'm not paying for a private event just be able to rent the equipment.


I have a small ipod docking station at home, but you wouldn't be able to hear it on the beach with the wind, waves, etc. I'm sure I would need some big speakers or something so I'm not even going to bother going that route.


So, maybe you can try having your cermony on the sky deck, they'll have all the sound equipment up there already, and try to squeeze in your first dance up there? Maybe I'll send Tiffany a quick email asking about it. I'm just so sick of the answers I keep getting back lol. For example - I don't want to use the wooden runner for 2 reasons:

1) My dress will likely catch and rip (I have a very delicate train)

2) I have one GM walking 2 bridesmaids back down the aisle... there's no way they'll all fit on the runner.

So... I asked if I could not use the runner but use the money value of it towards something else. Uh, of course that was a problem! I was told no. I can either use the wooden runner or not use it.... its the same price. OR I can PAY MORE to use something else. Seriously WTF? LOL. I just hate how everything is such a big deal. BUT regardless, our weddings will be amazing :).

I'll keep you posted on the first dance thing.

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Originally Posted by Nikki07 View Post
Hey Katie,
I'm getting married on the beach, so they supply the sound equipment for the ceremony. So, I figured since its already there, I'll just add my first dance song at the end of the ceremony playlist. If they won't play it for me, well then I guess I won't have a first dance! lol. Seriously, I'm not paying for a private event just be able to rent the equipment.

I have a small ipod docking station at home, but you wouldn't be able to hear it on the beach with the wind, waves, etc. I'm sure I would need some big speakers or something so I'm not even going to bother going that route.

So, maybe you can try having your cermony on the sky deck, they'll have all the sound equipment up there already, and try to squeeze in your first dance up there? Maybe I'll send Tiffany a quick email asking about it. I'm just so sick of the answers I keep getting back lol. For example - I don't want to use the wooden runner for 2 reasons:
1) My dress will likely catch and rip (I have a very delicate train)
2) I have one GM walking 2 bridesmaids back down the aisle... there's no way they'll all fit on the runner.
So... I asked if I could not use the runner but use the money value of it towards something else. Uh, of course that was a problem! I was told no. I can either use the wooden runner or not use it.... its the same price. OR I can PAY MORE to use something else. Seriously WTF? LOL. I just hate how everything is such a big deal. BUT regardless, our weddings will be amazing :).
I'll keep you posted on the first dance thing.
Hey Nikki,
I was thinking the same re the isle runner and just wanted the coloured sheer on the floor but to be honest, i don't even want to ask cos I know what the answer will be! You will have to let me know what she says to your request.
I think that I might have to do the same for the first dance too that way I know it will get done and I am not trying to squeeze it in somewhere later in the night!
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Originally Posted by gemwhite2b View Post
Hey Nikki,
I was thinking the same re the isle runner and just wanted the coloured sheer on the floor but to be honest, i don't even want to ask cos I know what the answer will be! You will have to let me know what she says to your request.
I think that I might have to do the same for the first dance too that way I know it will get done and I am not trying to squeeze it in somewhere later in the night!
Well she said I could put a coloured runner on top for like $40-45. I just emailed asking how wide it is. I'm thinking I'll probably have to go without it sad.gif. I don't want someone in my WP to break their freakin ankle trying to all squeeze on it KWIM?
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Originally Posted by Nikki07 View Post
Hey Katie,
I'm getting married on the beach, so they supply the sound equipment for the ceremony. So, I figured since its already there, I'll just add my first dance song at the end of the ceremony playlist. If they won't play it for me, well then I guess I won't have a first dance! lol. Seriously, I'm not paying for a private event just be able to rent the equipment.

I have a small ipod docking station at home, but you wouldn't be able to hear it on the beach with the wind, waves, etc. I'm sure I would need some big speakers or something so I'm not even going to bother going that route.

So, maybe you can try having your cermony on the sky deck, they'll have all the sound equipment up there already, and try to squeeze in your first dance up there? Maybe I'll send Tiffany a quick email asking about it. I'm just so sick of the answers I keep getting back lol. For example - I don't want to use the wooden runner for 2 reasons:
1) My dress will likely catch and rip (I have a very delicate train)
2) I have one GM walking 2 bridesmaids back down the aisle... there's no way they'll all fit on the runner.
So... I asked if I could not use the runner but use the money value of it towards something else. Uh, of course that was a problem! I was told no. I can either use the wooden runner or not use it.... its the same price. OR I can PAY MORE to use something else. Seriously WTF? LOL. I just hate how everything is such a big deal. BUT regardless, our weddings will be amazing :).
I'll keep you posted on the first dance thing.
Ah thanks, I see what you mean now....I suppose we could have our song for walking up the aisle as our first dance and catch them out by stopping mid way back up the aisle to have our first dances!! haha

I've emailed Tiffany already today (twice in fact lol) and one of the questions I asked (on behalf of another poster) is if we can leave the guests on the Deck while we have our photos etc until the evening meal...if she says yes to that then maybe your genius plan will work!!!

oh god i hadn't even thought of my dress catching! I don't think I get a wooden runner up there as we're on concrete anyway....will have to check that one out!!

Thanks for offering to email Tiffany - that would be great...I've already sent her 2 today!!

and yes, you are dead right...without spending a fortune our weddings will still be A-MAZ-ING! woooooo!!

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Originally Posted by Katie_2010 View Post
OK, trying not to hyperventilate at the moment.....

so here's my reply from Tiffany to my questions about photographers and options for eating and reception.....

"The approved photographers are Matias Cano and Caribe Photography. Below are their links.

Caribe Photography = Caribephoto
Matias Cano Photography = professional wedding photojournalist photographer in riviera maya

The following are the locations where you can have your private events at.

Beach –
Plaza Zavaz –
Polapa Yoga –
Zocallo Cocktial Terrace –
Plaza Zocallo –
Pool Deck –
Zavaz Cocktail Terrace -

The options above are for a private reception where you will have to pay for everyone. If you would like to just use the dinner reservation that is included in your package, you can however, this will not be a private event. This dinner will be at the Spoon Restaurant which is the only restaurant that we have for this reservation. (see spoon restaurant pic from the site...haven't learnt how to attach!) Behind the curtain is a private area, the on site team tries to offer this to wedding couples. However, it is not always available to give. Please keep in mind that if you do have this private area, you will not be able to have your own music or lighting. If having a first dance together or the other customary dances, you must have a private reception and pay for each guest."

I'm confused....I thought we would be able to eat (for free) in the spoon restaurant for food and speeches etc, and then have our reception/party in one of the areas....have I clearly got that wronghuh.gif

does that mean if I want to guarentee (sp) that we have some sort of area that we have to pay for everyone to eat againhuh.gifhuh.gifhuh.gifhuh.gifhuh.gifhuh.gifhuh.gifhuh.gifhuh.gif?

if we are forced to fork out those prices I think I'm going to cry :o( we are having a big reception when we get back and thats already costing us an arm and a leg - there's no way we can afford to do both.


My understanding is that if you choose to have your dinner at the Spoons, you are guaranteed enough space for your guests (as long as you have no more than 40), but you might not get the part of the Spoons that is closed off with the curtain.

Have you taken a look at the menu options for a private event? You can get really cheap menu options as low as $11 per person.
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Originally Posted by sam33 View Post

that was the understanding that i had. After emailing claudia as asking for her, she replied that she is no longer allowed to work at the azul site.

How long ago did you book claudia
Hey Sam,

I "booked" Claudia about a month ago (just before she was no longer approved), however, I hadn't put my deposit down. A week after I said I wanted to book her, the wedding coordinator emailed me and said I had to pay the $500. This was the wedding coordinators email to me:

"Hi Megan,

Claudia is no longer approved at the resort. We will allow her to come to our resort for your wedding; however there will be a $500.00 outside fee applied to your wedding.

The reason she is no longer approved does not have anything to do with her quality or performance. Her photos are beautiful and I am sure you will be extremely happy with her.

Please let me know if you have any questions."

I put up a HUGE fight with the wedding coordinators and went to my TA as well. My travel agent, The Wedding Holiday, were amazing and spoke to the manager of the weddings and got the $500 fee waved for me.

My impression though is that she is still allowed on the resort, you just have to pay Azul that extra $500....maybe I am wrong though.
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