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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Good advice Katie!


My FI has been saying we should just go to Vegas to get married and call off the whole "Mexico thing" off so we don't have to deal with all this. In a way I understand where he is coming from because then we wouldn't have to plan (or I should say I plan LOL) and listen to people say how they are going to wait to book because it is a lot of money and they might be able to get it cheaper if they wait but I think I would miss the whole planning like a mad women so I tell him to just wait and be patient. Not too long now..

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Originally Posted by beckerba View Post
I have been on this forum for over a year and my wedding is a little over 2 months away. Honestly it has been a rocky, emotional rollar coaster with the resort being new and all the "teething" problems I keep reading about. I have stuck it out because I honestly could not find anything that fit my needs so perfectly (or as advertised). As the reviews continue to be more and more mixed I keep asking myself if we made the right choice, will my guests get what they paid for and have an amazing vacation. With the economy being down, it is even harder to ask people to shell out good hard earned cash to come to see us get married. I have expected to feel very differently than I do right now. I don't know what to expect and at times I feel like it is a game of russian roulette. I am sorry for being a "downer," but I don't know if anyone else is feeling this way or if I should just keep smiling and crossing my fingers.

The one good news is that all the brides so far on this blog seem so happy...
Bree, I personally think that what you're feeling is perfectly normal. I think that overall I have a positive and good attitude about my wedding but if I said that I NEVER have bad days I would be the biggest liar ever lol. I've had quite a few bad days lately, some that bring me to the point that I say "I don't want to do this anymore". But I bring myself to take a step back and look at it from a different perspective. My friend recently got married locally, and she had the same type of days, just over different problems. So that leads me to believe that these days are unavoidable lol!

Another thing that we have to remember is that everyone has different expectations on their wedding day. We rate different things as being the most important, and we have to remember that when reading reviews. We also have to consider how detailed these reviews are. For example, are they explaining what lead up to a bad experience, was it something personal, etc. Honestly Bree, keep your chin up, everything will work out. I can't think of anything that would "absolutely ruin" my wedding.... except the groom not showing up hehehehe. By all means vent, get your frustration out when you're having a bad day!! That's why we're here!!
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I think all you girls said it perfectly....the important thing is that we are getting married, and we need to focus on that rather than all the things that could go wrong. Either way, we are going to be married, and we are going to be happy about that no matter what else happens.

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Bree, we've all been there! I know I have been back and forth many times... I got engaged a year and a half ago and it took me a whole year to even decide on the location and I have gone back and forth until one day I realized that I need to be all in at this point, there's no turning back so I will do the best that I can and enjoy what I get. :) We're all here for each other and to vent to and get advice so just utilize the forum to help you plan and get excited with each brides gushing review. wink.gif


Now if I could only decide on a freaking dress my stress would dimish a bit for the time being... I just started another thread to see if it was inappropriate or not! Haha, hopefully it's not!

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Girls, I promise your wedding will be great. The mixed reviews on Trip Advisor are soooo crazy. They are just picking apart the resort for the craziest things. It's not justified. I'm almost 30, have traveled extensively for work and for fun and I was so happy with the resort.


If you are very picky and seeing one ant or seeing a hairline crack in the sidewalk is going to upset you, I don't think a beach wedding is good for you. Resorts along the ocean have to endure a lot of elements. These little things do not ruin the ambience of the hotel. It is really normal.


I hope that calms your fears. But I promise, I'm a perfectionist and I was really worried about what my guests were going to think of the hotel and it all turned out so wonderful. In fact, a few of our friends want to plan a big trip to go back to AS for our one year anniversary.


Keep focused on the positive. Having extra time with your family and friends at your wedding is the best thing ever. AS was the perfect location for us and I would choose this resort again if I had to do it all over.

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Thank you everyone for their advice and taking the time to write back to me :) You all are the best...


If anyone needs advice or have questions I have probably asked it ALL...PM me and I would be happy to help or give my two-cents on how I made my decisions or the answers I received.

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Originally Posted by beckerba View Post
Thank you everyone for their advice and taking the time to write back to me :) You all are the best...

If anyone needs advice or have questions I have probably asked it ALL...PM me and I would be happy to help or give my two-cents on how I made my decisions or the answers I received.
Here's a question for you: do you have any details about the sand ceremony? My FI and I are trying to rewrite the ceremony language and need more info on exactly what is the process involving the sand ceremony so that we can properly write about it. One thing that surprised me is that you only choose one color of sand -- I assumed it would be two, with each of you pouring one color into the jar. Anyway, any info on this would be helpful! Thanks. Hope your planning is going well!!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Bree, we've all been there! I know I have been back and forth many times... I got engaged a year and a half ago and it took me a whole year to even decide on the location and I have gone back and forth until one day I realized that I need to be all in at this point, there's no turning back so I will do the best that I can and enjoy what I get. :) We're all here for each other and to vent to and get advice so just utilize the forum to help you plan and get excited with each brides gushing review. wink.gif

Now if I could only decide on a freaking dress my stress would dimish a bit for the time being... I just started another thread to see if it was inappropriate or not! Haha, hopefully it's not!
Hey Kittenheart,
I saw your thread about the dress and I think it is gorgeous and it will be great on the sky deck!
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Of course the one question you ask I don't have an answer too...arg, I am so sorry. We are not doing a sand ceremony, so I don't have any good advice on that one.



Originally Posted by Anon101 View Post
Here's a question for you: do you have any details about the sand ceremony? My FI and I are trying to rewrite the ceremony language and need more info on exactly what is the process involving the sand ceremony so that we can properly write about it. One thing that surprised me is that you only choose one color of sand -- I assumed it would be two, with each of you pouring one color into the jar. Anyway, any info on this would be helpful! Thanks. Hope your planning is going well!!
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Originally Posted by beckerba View Post

Of course the one question you ask I don't have an answer too...arg, I am so sorry. We are not doing a sand ceremony, so I don't have any good advice on that one.
Ha! No worries!!! For anyone interested in the answer, I have this question out to Tiffany and will post when she replies.
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