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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Meghan - the way we had our contract set up was that we paid deposits for 10 spots and they held an additional 10 for us until May 30th. I sent my STD out in October 2008 and everyone was "all pumped to book".......until they got the STD. I can't figure it out. They all knew the price and the details because I talked to them BEFORE I signed the contract and put the money down for them. Right now there are a total of 7 of us booked! Can you believe that? I'm actually at risk of losing my group rate and $900 for those 3 deposits that haven't been booked. My sister, also my MOH, has not booked!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! So, you've convinced me that it is possible to make it work.....just obviously not with my friends and family, lol. Sorry about that rant.....

I think you have been switched back to a Newbie because of the new posting requirements. They changed the downloading rules and the designation amounts.

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Originally Posted by meghan View Post
I just noticed that under my name, it says i am only a noob, but I was a junior member before....why would i have gone back to noob member?
Hi Meghan,

There's a whole thread on this - I experienced the same thing. The minimum number of posts has been increased to 150 to move to Jr. Member - this will help with forum traffic, manage downloads of attachments and encourage postings (and the thread explains more). So we're both back to Noobs, but if we keep up our activity, we'll be back to Jr. Members in no time!
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-Our guests did the same exact thing. We are ending up having 37 people coming with us to Mexico. Our travel agent rushed us to book and we had some people who waited and then had to pay more.


We leave tomorrow morning for our wedding! We are so excited! Thanks for helping us get through the planning process. This website has been a life saver.

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Meesh, have an awesome time and I can't wait to hear all about it! Nikki, that really sucks that's happening to you. Have you asked your sister why she hasn't booked yet? Did you send out real invitations? I am going to send an email out in a few weeks, just when its under a year till our wedding, and remind everyone to book. I think I will send out actual invitations in November or December and ask for an RSVP for January or February. I'm hoping that will get some people moving as well. Maybe u should send out invitations asap and ask for a response immediately.

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Meesh, if you post a review, could you also let us know how the weather is? That was my one concern about going in July (I'm going next year). Usually that is the rainy season for a lot of places down south, but i've heard the mayan isn't supposed to get much rain, so i'm hoping that is case!

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Originally Posted by Allisa View Post
Hey ladies...
Question to you all... a friend has offed to take our wedding photos for us as a wedding present. Since the photographer dilemma seems to be one of the biggest, I think it would be a great route to go!
Since she is offering the photos as a wedding pressy and we wouldn't be paying her, would she still need a permit?
Anyone know the process of getting a permit? We are only two months out so time is getting short!

Thank you in advance!

As long as your photographer stays as a guest for at least 3 nights you don't need a permit or anything. We are paying our photographer to go but they consider them a guest either way. Hope this helps!

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Originally Posted by katken View Post
The set up fee thing is random. We had to pay $50 in cash.We had lanterns to hang and I think it takes them a while. We did not babysit them at all and it was close to perfect. I don't think you'll want to babysit once your down there. And you really don't need to.
How many lanterns did you have and what size? Do you have any pictures yet? I want to get an idea of what we need. We bought some from Garden Ridge but I think we got the wrong color so we will be returning them. Also, did you do the battery operated or just plug them in? We are getting so close! It feels like it is just sneaking up on us!
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Meghan - Originally I was going to send out invites, but with the really poor responses and lack of enthusiasm on the whole thing I chose not to throw away the money.....I figure those who want to come will come. I have a wedding website and asked for RSVP's on there so that at least I had an idea, and when people were too ignorant to even do that is when I decided to scrap the formal invites. I had sent reminder emails..... I honestly feel like I was proactive about the whole thing lol. Ah well what can you do!

Both my sister and Mom avoid the topic of booking like the plague! My mom hasn't even given me a for sure yes! Ugh. I just keep telling myself that it will all work out. I guess I was just curious as to how your guests were cooperating so that I know for my own peace of mind that I did not make a poor choice in terms of a TA. I felt it was a good deal, you obviously did and so do your guests! So that alone makes me feel better!


Meesh - good luck! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!

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Meesh- congrats! I'm so super excited for you! Every time another one of us heads off it just makes me more and more excited for September to be here! I can't wait to hear about your special day and see your photos. Relax and have fun!


Thank you for the info on the photographer Shanda! It makes me feel so much better about the whole thing and it's great to be able to stop stressing about this important element!


I ordered patio lanterns with the battery powered LED lights. I figured it would be easier for hanging without the cords. I ordered them off the Asian Ideas site at the same time as I ordered the lanterns.


As for the guest booking issue... I totally understand! My Dad was right on it, he booked right away but everyone else took their sweet time. My bridesmaid, my FH's sister, still hasn't booked (final payment was due June 24th!), or ordered her dress -in fact I don't think she'll be showing up...

It's funny how everyone is totally into a destination wedding when you ask around at the beginning, but when it comes to actually putting the money down and booking the trip, they all disappear. I'm expecting 11, 13 including my man & I. We invited 37. Oh well!

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oh my god...its seems you have all had the same problem we did.


When we first had the idea of getting married abroad (given that we live in the UK) we thought we'd better check who'd be up for coming to Mexico so our first thing we did was ring around our nearest and dearest family and friends and ask. Amazing how they were all majorly excited and definite yes's....then when it comes to getting people to committ so i can book (I booked for everyone in the end so we're all in one group booking) people are less excited. even my mum and my brother kicked up a fuss about it all and said they may not be able to come :o(


In the end we listened to concerns (its expensive to fly from here to Mexico!) and tried to compromise as much as we could. but we drew the line when family members started suggesting that we get married somewhere else - England or somewhere more local in Europe!!!!! I spent hours making sure they knew, in no uncertain terms, were we getting married anywhere else other than Mexico - its where we got engaged and had the most amazing holiday ever back in February.


Eventually people came round. some couldn't make up their minds so we've just booked without them and they can sort themselves out if they want to come.


But i know how frustrating it is. I spent 2 weeks being upset, angry and soooo frustrated - especially when my own brother told me he wouldn't be there.


I would suggest, stick at it. if it takes you arranging to meet them all at your TA, do that. i did it with my mum and made sure she didn't leave until it was booked! We have 21 booked (inc me and FH and kids) and hopefully another 4 or 5 will be booking themselves. not bad I don't think for something people are going to have to fly half way round the world for!! :o) but trust me, as frustrating as it is now, it's worth it the end when you get them all booked.




anyway, not much help, but wanted to show my support more than anything!

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