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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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OMG Erika that's horrible! What's even worse is that they aren't even responding to you. I am so sorry you had such sentimental items stolen and you're right, regardless if you had them in the safe or not it's NO EXCUSE. God we pay all this money for a 5 star hotel and they react as if its no big deal? Well, keep us posted on whether or not they respond to you. Totally unacceptable!!

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Originally Posted by jhawkev View Post
Congrats to the three brides that have just returned! I'm glad your experiences were so great.

So I haven't been on much this week getting back into the crazy swing of things again. And realizing about Swine Flu, which I honestly didn't hear about the whole time we were down there.

But also, after my last post, I started unpacking. We were in Mexico for two weeks and my parents were with us at the Sensatori for a week, so we sent some of our things home with them. And come to find out, my wedding jewelry was stolen, at the resort. I had given my mom the boxes to take back and they were empty, apparently. I have been trying to get a hold of someone from the resort, all of my emails have been ignored or unaswered. Does anyone have any good contact info??

I realize that theft happens at all resorts, but I am just really upset because of what it was that was taken and the sentimental value more than the actual value. We also had some guests that had money stolen from their room and the resort pretty much said too bad.

So just make sure you keep anything of importance in your safe at all times, I made the mistake of not keeping it in there constantly, but that is no excuse for it to be stolen.
Hi Erika,

Anna Pegler - [email protected]

This was the name and email address of a woman that I was in contact with before we went to the Azul Sensatori - she's their PR person I believe and she was very good about responding to my emails and taking care of any concerns I had. I was not down there getting married but was there the same time that you were getting married. You were a beautiful bride, congratulations.
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Originally Posted by dlindsay View Post
We're still planning for our May 23rd wedding with the hopes that this will start to die down. I've offered to write my guests prescriptions for Tamiflu. So far we've just had one couple cancel. I am starting to talk with my TA about am alternate. Any other May brides going through with it?
Yes , it looks like we are some of the only ones keeping our date. We thought about changing locations but it was too much stress and trouble and extra money. We also thought to change the date but knew that we would have guests cancel if we did that as well. We decided this morning to go through with it. We feel that our chances are as good here as they are there to get this flu. All of our guest went to the doctor and got tamiflu. Most of them are excited except my mom which makes me sad. We had a pregnant friend cancel and a grandmother cancel. So we still have 45 guests. It's not the ideal situation but we are dealing with it and trying to get excited again after a very stressful week. I wish all of you luck and my heart goes out to all of you.
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Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be View Post
This is what we did today!!!! It's official now. I can't wait for Mexicowoot.gif
Click the image to open in full size.
Click the image to open in full size.
Hey Congratulations! I am just curious as to why you got married (legally) before you went to mexico. I was told that the marriages are legal there...amy I mistakened?
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Originally Posted by 27 desses View Post
Hi Ladies,

When did you start talking to the TA's about things like flowers and decoration etc?
Hey! I am getting married July 2010, and I have been sent a questionnaire asking what flowers, food, etc....that I want. However, I have not sent it in yet because I haven't made final decisions since it is so early still. Since I got this sent to me so early, I'm assuming they will take your information whenever you are ready.
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Originally Posted by meghan View Post
Hey! I am getting married July 2010, and I have been sent a questionnaire asking what flowers, food, etc....that I want. However, I have not sent it in yet because I haven't made final decisions since it is so early still. Since I got this sent to me so early, I'm assuming they will take your information whenever you are ready.
Hey Meghan!

Was it the resort that sent it to you? When did you get the questionnaire sent to you? Im wondering if I should contact them and ask them to send me the forms....

*Off topic...still not getting my emails in the morning from the forum even though I am signed up to receive it.*
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I also received one from Tiffany, the wedding coordinator through Karisma, in December. My wedding isn't until July. I filled out the questionaire but still haven't received my spreadsheet for the price.

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I am with the Wedding Holiday as well, I got a email a few days ago asking if I had looked over the wedding package, extra services and banquet kit but she didn't include any form to fill out. I guess I will have to ask her.

Thanks Meghan


Thats weird about us not getting the emails anymore!

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27 desses, do you want me to forward you the questionnaire i was sent? I'm assuming its the same thing you will receive. It's weird that we have both booked with the wedding holiday, and i have received the package when my wedding is after yours! PM me with your email if you want me to forward it to you.

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