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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Ladies, what do you think of these escort cards? They dont have the guest names. I was thinking of placimg them next to the seating chart. I was goimg to put a little sticker on them for beef, fish or vegan. Surely people will remember what they ordered right? Can I make it work? I dont wanna go through all the trouble of place cards. I dont have a printer, not techinally saavy and over it. Can i make these work?

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Ladies, what do you think of these escort cards? They dont have the guest names. I was thinking of placimg them next to the seating chart. I was goimg to put a little sticker on them for beef, fish or vegan. Surely people will remember what they ordered right? Can I make it work? I dont wanna go through all the trouble of place cards. I dont have a printer, not techinally saavy and over it. Can i make these work?

Is there a photo to go with the post?



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attachicon.gif20150426_101035.jpg these are the place cards with no name

They are really cute!! The only thing I would be nervous of is someone deciding they want something else that day and the cards being thrown off. How many people do you have?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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