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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Girls, It's been a while since we have seen this.

1106wedding your next x


Mrs KG2B added. Anyone else want adding?


October 2011

1106wedding - October 22, 2011

mwise17 - October 24,2011

jerseylili - October 29, 2011 AVC

allysmi - October 29, 2011

brit canuck - Oct 31, 2011


November 2011

Jesse - Nov 12, 2011

Nada - Nov 15, 2011

MandM 2011 - Nov 24, 2011 - AB


December 2011

KerryL613 December 3, 2011 - AB

mbowling - December 4th, 2011


January 2012

Carsns38 - Jan 5, 2012


February 2012

msmarmar123 – February 11, 2012

papertaco - Feb 18, 2012

pbrozek - Feb 29th, 2012


March 2012

popo28 – March 10 , 2012



April 2012

Maritza919 April 7, 2012

Kerry872 - April 11, 2012

Meldrum05 - April 14, 2012

Amylou 1983 - April 20th, 2012

Rach - April 21, 2012

Sophie23 - April 21, 2012


May 2012

Jennabug May 5th 2012

Mnd3A - May 19 2012

MrsKG2B - May 21 2012


June 2012


July 2012

MishMash - July 14th, 2012


August 2012


September 2012


October 2012

LauraandBrian - October 6th, 2012  

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Mish Mash- so glad to hear things are working out now! And that you got a few bonuses!


Originally Posted by jennaba3 View Post

Ladies I found THE dress .. What a feeling!!woot.gif

Congratulations! Hope to see a photo soon.


Originally Posted by carsns38 View Post


I have a question for all of you about guests booking outside a TA's group deal.  We have a family of 4 who directly contacted the supplier(Sunwing Vacations) and got a better deal for a week at Azul Sensatori.  They arrive 2 days later and depart two days after the rest of the group.  Would they have to pay any kind of fee to join us at the events we have planned?  We will include them in our numbers for our private reception and pay for their dinner but are there any additional fees? Just curious


I know that in past posts some of you were talking about guests not going with the TA's group deal but I can't find them.  I think these guests should still be considered part of our group because they are still flying the same airline, but outside our itinery dates.  I guess it depends on the TA and the suppliers policy.  It would be nice if our TA would include them because it would mean a courtesy package for us. 


Any thoughts?

 The only fee you have to pay is for your dinner reception should you choose to do a private event. And for that you pay per guest (it has nothing to do with when they arrive, or who they booked with. As well for you upcoming brides KIDS are 50% less!!! So make sure you tell your WC how many adults and how many kids.)  If you are using the Spoon reservation (free with a wedding package), I think it's free for up to 20 guests and then you pay seperately for the extra guests.


I don't know anything about a courtesy package, unless you mean your TA offered you a free package for x-number of other packages sold. In which case, the TA does not have to include that family of 4, since they did not book with them.

Originally Posted by allysmi View Post

My fiance installed a countdown clock on my computer (why did he do that lol) I have 1 month and 6 days!!!  Favors and programs are made. Vows are written. Trousseau is complete (I spent WAY TOO MUCH MONEY ON THIS) lol. Dancing lessons have commenced. I have now purchased my 4th dress. I'm insane. I have been dieting since Xmas and have now lost 30 lbs.Good right? No. My dress unfortunately can't be altered in enough.  So now I am trying to sell my other dress. What a mess. Also, the custom jewelry I purchased and headpiece don't work as well either. smh. I tell you Murphy's Law. Anything that can go wrong, will. My dad had a stroke and now doesn't remember much of anything. Work is busier than ever. I think I sprained my ankle at our dance lesson last night. My neck is killing me from the car accident during my bachelorette weekend. To top it all off, my fiance's mom may now not be coming and our child/dog sitter for the week of the wedding reneged on us.  woosah!!!!!  Calgon take me away!

Take a deep breath and work on one thing at a time! It will all work out in the end. Take care of yourself and ask for others to help get things sorted!

Good luck.



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I can't believe I'm next!!!! I remember being at the bottom of the list not too long ago. Wild. 

I don't have too much time at home before we head to Mexico (since I'll be in LA for work for 8 days). I'm really working hard at managing my stress nowadays (most of it is from work, so annoying). I keep getting thrown curveballs though...The latest: My photographer had to cancel (high risk pregnancy, dr.'s ordered her to take it easy), got the news on Friday. Ouch. I booked her back in December and second to the location, the photographer is my MOST IMPORTANT element. Thank goodness the company that she works for has 2 other available photographers and they're both great. But I wanted HER. Maybe it's meant to be for some reason, I have to believe this. I can't lose it over this, I have to move forward...being a control freak and perfectionist, I'm really having to learn lessons in the art of "letting go"



The things I'm working on this week (and beyond):

Our ceremony and vows (we're writing the entire thing)

Playlist for DJ 

Slideshow for our welcome party

All paper goods (programs, escort cards, table names, welcome letter, etc)

My final dress fitting is Wednesday (fingers crossed everything looks good!)

And a bunch of other little stuff







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No worries...your right, it was supposed to happen this way, the pics will be awesome!!!!!


Sucks work is stressing you out...and that you have to go away, your right, deep breaths...and help...don't forget to ask for it!  :)


Are you giving the DJ a list of songs above and beyond the "first dance" etc. ?


I am working on (can't believe some of these so late in the game)...

-nailing down a seamstress to do alterations (yes, with 3.5 weeks to go) freaking over this

-jr. bridesmaids dress (may have found it this weekend)

-shoes for bridesmaid (why does T.O. have NO flip flops ANYWHERE!!!!?????)  don't they know people still want to vacation and have their flowergirls wear flip flops at their destination wedding? ;)

-paddle fans for ceremony

-welcome booklets

-lights in paper lanterns

-WAITING PATIENTLY for grooms/groomsmen suits to come in!  (freaking on this too)

-downloading ceremony music

-making appts. for hair/teeth etc.

-and a ton more little things (flower girl flower for dress/wrapping flip flops with ribbon etc. etc.)


I FINALLY just bit the bullet and ordered dye-able shoes from David's in green....they are really nice, I hope they turn out (and that it doesn't rain)..lol   I have flip flops as back up



Originally Posted by 1106wedding View Post

I can't believe I'm next!!!! I remember being at the bottom of the list not too long ago. Wild. 

I don't have too much time at home before we head to Mexico (since I'll be in LA for work for 8 days). I'm really working hard at managing my stress nowadays (most of it is from work, so annoying). I keep getting thrown curveballs though...The latest: My photographer had to cancel (high risk pregnancy, dr.'s ordered her to take it easy), got the news on Friday. Ouch. I booked her back in December and second to the location, the photographer is my MOST IMPORTANT element. Thank goodness the company that she works for has 2 other available photographers and they're both great. But I wanted HER. Maybe it's meant to be for some reason, I have to believe this. I can't lose it over this, I have to move forward...being a control freak and perfectionist, I'm really having to learn lessons in the art of "letting go"



The things I'm working on this week (and beyond):

Our ceremony and vows (we're writing the entire thing)

Playlist for DJ 

Slideshow for our welcome party

All paper goods (programs, escort cards, table names, welcome letter, etc)

My final dress fitting is Wednesday (fingers crossed everything looks good!)

And a bunch of other little stuff








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Questions regarding the ceremony.


Do the parents seat themselves?

Where does the groom/groomsmen stand? ( do they stand there as guests come to sit?) do they walk down the isle?

Once the flower girl/jr. bridesmaid has walked down, do they sit down or stand up front?


Should you play music as the guests are arriving?  if you do, how will they know when its starting?



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Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post


Questions regarding the ceremony.


Do the parents seat themselves?

Where does the groom/groomsmen stand? ( do they stand there as guests come to sit?) do they walk down the isle?

Once the flower girl/jr. bridesmaid has walked down, do they sit down or stand up front?


Should you play music as the guests are arriving?  if you do, how will they know when its starting?



You make the ceremony anything you want. So you can have music for the parents to walk in to, have them esorted, or just have them sit down. Same thing with the groomsmen. We saw a number of groomsmen standing at the front waiting for everyone to sit down, and the ceremony to start. Luke and his guys, waited til the guests were seated, then walked down to aisle to music.


We had music playing while the guests arrived/sat down. Then the music stopped, and when they played  the next song it was the one the groomsmen walked in to. After that it was another song for my bridesmaids and I to enter.


Didn't have any junior bridesmaid/flower girls/etc. so I would think just so that they don't fidget, maybe have them sit down in the first row??


If you need a good seamstress I have a great one in Brampton (I know that's out of the way, but if you're really stuck, she and her sister are fantastic and work fast)




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