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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Hello Ladies,

I know there are lots of new brides on here who I don't know, but I wanted to say enjoy your wedding planning!  I am missing mine already!  We got married April 25 at AS and I have been M.I.A before and after the wedding on this site, but I couldn't have done it without this website and all the support (and ideas!) I got from everyone.  Just thought I would check in and say hello!  Congratulations to all the April and May brides, those were the girls I got to know the best!  I just wanted to say that our wedding was amazing and I don't have a single regret about doing destination.  I just have to get some motivation to write my review!  Our wedding was just a bit different as we had a catholic ceremony at El Dorado and got our pictures taken there on the beach, which was gorgeous, and then had our reception dinner at Spoon.  I got even luckier as I didn't plan a private reception after and ended up having a live band at the Mojito Bar, it was perfect.  I will see if I can post any pics.  For the photographer, I used Caribe from the resort and had no idea who my photographer was until the day of the wedding, but I must say I was absolutley thrilled with my pictures, considering I blindly booked the package and had no idea who would be showing up that day.  I am more than happy with my pictures, he was so professional and knew all the right shots to take.  i was especially worried bc my now husband (lol - still funny to call him my husband!!)  hates getting pictures taken, so the photographer did a great job.  Our photographer was Santos, we got the 6 hour package which came with 3 albums completed and a dvd with all the pics on it to take home.  I know of a few girls thinking of doing destination/or in the process of planning one and I can't say enough great things about the wedding.  Even my mom who was not on board at the start, had a blast and told me several times what a great week and so nice for the families and our friends to get to spend some time together.  So thought I would try and share some pics.  I miss my room, the sun and my daily margarita lol.  What an amazing week.  My only complaint is that we stayed a week with our friends and family and then they left!  We stayed at the same resort, should have maybe went somewhere else for our honeymoon.  We were missing the party lol and had already seen every show and ate in every restaurant.  Anyways, it was all good and I would do it again in a heartbeat.  

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Love them!  So funny!  i used Ginger too and these are my save the dates too!  We have good taste!

Originally Posted by Mnd3A View Post



Hi ladies, 

I'm pleased to share with you my Save the Date!  This is by Serendipity Beyond Design.  They did a fantastic job and I'm very excited to send them out!

Save the Date Postcard Front

MX_Postcard23 backside edit.png


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I voted - good luck!

Originally Posted by ginnigurl View Post


I wanted to ask you girls who are on Facebook to do me a big favor???  Unless, of course another bride on this forum is in the contest, because that wouldn't be fair.... but we are in Azul Hotels May Contest for $500 Resort Credit... and the bride who gets the most "LIKES" on their proposal story WINS!!!  If you want to help us out, that would be GREAT!!!  There are THREE steps:


1 - LIKE Azul Hotels by Karisma page  http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/azulhotels

2 - Click on Photos, and find the Album called The Best Proposal Story, and find our picture.  We are the last picture, I am wearing a blue football jersey and he is wearing a white one and it says "Portraits by Jody".

3 - LIKE our picture and please comment, too.


 THANKS everyone!!!  It's almost that time!!!!






We're getting legally married in the US the Monday before our Saturday WEDDING and we're not keeping it a secret or making a big deal of it. Our parents and sisters will be there and most likely my Grandma, who can't make the long trip to Mexico. It'll be very casual and our anniversary no doubtably will be October 22nd, our wedding date. :) :)


Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

Our's wasn't really a secret to anyone except my husbands family (minus his mom and dad) because his parents were afraid his family would take offense to it not being a "real" wedding which to me seems silly but for the sake of everyone we went along with it. My family and friends all knew and didn't think it was a big deal onc I explained the process and how much paperwork and whatnot. We were very clear that we are celebrating may 15th as our anniversary and they other one was simply a filing a of papers with the US Gov't




Tisha - LOVED your tan. That's the color I want!


I've thought about this too since I have a feeling I'll only really have one good day of Mexico sun before the wedding. I think tanning beds are awful for your skin but I might make an exception for this one time in life and go a couple times before the wedding. I usually have good luck with Mystic tans (my skin is already slightly tan) but they don't last very well in the pool and that's where I'll be! I might do some self tanner at some point while I'm down there, "tanning towels" are easy to pack and aren't messy. As for skincare, I've already been trying hard to take care of my face...I had to stop the pill (after over 10 years!!) a couple weeks ago so crossing my fingers that whatever minor breakouts come, come in the near future, nowhere near October! 

Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post


LOL....your tan was pretty sweet!  :)

Maybe I should just make an appt. at a dermatologist too....you found that the retinol cream helped?  (just for breakouts???  did it help with pores etc?)




That is what I am afraid of, a spray tan coming off, or just not looking nice.  I am there a  few days before too, but wanted a tan for the welcome party too.... 

Thanks for the advice! 




Congratulations on your wedding! Love the parasols :)

Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post



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