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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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There should be this early in the game! They did finalize legal vs non legal with me till a couple months before. You should be fine :)

Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post

So I am in the midst of changing my ceremony .... we have decided to get married here for sure.

Hope there are no issues with the change..haven't heard back from my WC.



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Shouldn't be a problem.  I changed my mind in the middle of planning as well.  :)

Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post

So I am in the midst of changing my ceremony .... we have decided to get married here for sure.

Hope there are no issues with the change..haven't heard back from my WC.



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Hey girls!  We have less than a week before we leave for Azul Fives for our 6/4 wedding!!  I haven't been on as much because it's been a whirlwind, my FI started having pain and swelling last Friday night and we got him to urgent care and he was diagnosed with a septic infection in his knee.... couldn't walk or move it...lots of pain!  Tuesday (at the 3rd doctor/specialist visit) they said they wanted to "cut it"/surgery.  Which would mean maybe we could make it Mexico, but no swimming, pain meds and crutches!!  I am happy to say after a lot of crying and prayers, his visit today went well, swelling and pain are subsiding and the doctor thinks we can supress it until after we get back! We have another visit Tuesday and we leave Wednesday - so keeping hopes up, but it sounds like should be good to go!!!  Thank God!!!


I wanted to ask you girls who are on Facebook to do me a big favor???  Unless, of course another bride on this forum is in the contest, because that wouldn't be fair.... but we are in Azul Hotels May Contest for $500 Resort Credit... and the bride who gets the most "LIKES" on their proposal story WINS!!!  If you want to help us out, that would be GREAT!!!  There are THREE steps:


1 - LIKE Azul Hotels by Karisma page  http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/azulhotels

2 - Click on Photos, and find the Album called The Best Proposal Story, and find our picture.  We are the last picture, I am wearing a blue football jersey and he is wearing a white one and it says "Portraits by Jody".

3 - LIKE our picture and please comment, too.


 THANKS everyone!!!  It's almost that time!!!!






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Thanks ladies....

Were you really able to keep it a secret?  I am not sure who to tell/not tell (my mom, his mom)....



Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

There should be this early in the game! They did finalize legal vs non legal with me till a couple months before. You should be fine :)



Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

Shouldn't be a problem.  I changed my mind in the middle of planning as well.  :)



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WOW...you must have been freaking out!!!!  That is such great news that he will be OK for the wedding!!!  Crossing fingers for you guys for the next few visits that all goes smoothly!




Originally Posted by ginnigurl View Post

Hey girls!  We have less than a week before we leave for Azul Fives for our 6/4 wedding!!  I haven't been on as much because it's been a whirlwind, my FI started having pain and swelling last Friday night and we got him to urgent care and he was diagnosed with a septic infection in his knee.... couldn't walk or move it...lots of pain!  Tuesday (at the 3rd doctor/specialist visit) they said they wanted to "cut it"/surgery.  Which would mean maybe we could make it Mexico, but no swimming, pain meds and crutches!!  I am happy to say after a lot of crying and prayers, his visit today went well, swelling and pain are subsiding and the doctor thinks we can supress it until after we get back! We have another visit Tuesday and we leave Wednesday - so keeping hopes up, but it sounds like should be good to go!!!  Thank God!!!


I wanted to ask you girls who are on Facebook to do me a big favor???  Unless, of course another bride on this forum is in the contest, because that wouldn't be fair.... but we are in Azul Hotels May Contest for $500 Resort Credit... and the bride who gets the most "LIKES" on their proposal story WINS!!!  If you want to help us out, that would be GREAT!!!  There are THREE steps:


1 - LIKE Azul Hotels by Karisma page  http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/azulhotels

2 - Click on Photos, and find the Album called The Best Proposal Story, and find our picture.  We are the last picture, I am wearing a blue football jersey and he is wearing a white one and it says "Portraits by Jody".

3 - LIKE our picture and please comment, too.


 THANKS everyone!!!  It's almost that time!!!!







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Voted and glad he is feeling better! Be Careful and I am sure it's going to be AWESOME!!!!

Originally Posted by ginnigurl View Post

Hey girls!  We have less than a week before we leave for Azul Fives for our 6/4 wedding!!  I haven't been on as much because it's been a whirlwind, my FI started having pain and swelling last Friday night and we got him to urgent care and he was diagnosed with a septic infection in his knee.... couldn't walk or move it...lots of pain!  Tuesday (at the 3rd doctor/specialist visit) they said they wanted to "cut it"/surgery.  Which would mean maybe we could make it Mexico, but no swimming, pain meds and crutches!!  I am happy to say after a lot of crying and prayers, his visit today went well, swelling and pain are subsiding and the doctor thinks we can supress it until after we get back! We have another visit Tuesday and we leave Wednesday - so keeping hopes up, but it sounds like should be good to go!!!  Thank God!!!


I wanted to ask you girls who are on Facebook to do me a big favor???  Unless, of course another bride on this forum is in the contest, because that wouldn't be fair.... but we are in Azul Hotels May Contest for $500 Resort Credit... and the bride who gets the most "LIKES" on their proposal story WINS!!!  If you want to help us out, that would be GREAT!!!  There are THREE steps:


1 - LIKE Azul Hotels by Karisma page  http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/azulhotels

2 - Click on Photos, and find the Album called The Best Proposal Story, and find our picture.  We are the last picture, I am wearing a blue football jersey and he is wearing a white one and it says "Portraits by Jody".

3 - LIKE our picture and please comment, too.


 THANKS everyone!!!  It's almost that time!!!!







Our's wasn't really a secret to anyone except my husbands family (minus his mom and dad) because his parents were afraid his family would take offense to it not being a "real" wedding which to me seems silly but for the sake of everyone we went along with it. My family and friends all knew and didn't think it was a big deal onc I explained the process and how much paperwork and whatnot. We were very clear that we are celebrating may 15th as our anniversary and they other one was simply a filing a of papers with the US Gov't

Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post

Thanks ladies....

Were you really able to keep it a secret?  I am not sure who to tell/not tell (my mom, his mom)....






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Filing of papers....I like that!!!  :)


I'm going to have to use it when explaining (if I do) to anyone.


Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

Voted and glad he is feeling better! Be Careful and I am sure it's going to be AWESOME!!!!


Our's wasn't really a secret to anyone except my husbands family (minus his mom and dad) because his parents were afraid his family would take offense to it not being a "real" wedding which to me seems silly but for the sake of everyone we went along with it. My family and friends all knew and didn't think it was a big deal onc I explained the process and how much paperwork and whatnot. We were very clear that we are celebrating may 15th as our anniversary and they other one was simply a filing a of papers with the US Gov't



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A few beauty questions....


1.  Did anyone do anything start getting facials, or perhaps try a peel before their big day, or are thinking about it?  I don't normally do these sorts of things, but think it could help as my skin has started to break-out since I've stopped the pill in December (medical reasons).


2.  Is anyone super milky white like me (for real)...and tanning or something before their big day?  ( I don't want to be super white on the beach...I would like a nice tan) - but not sure if I want to fake-and-bake at the tanning salons....any other suggestions? 

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Oh my, glad your fiance is going to be okay for the wedding!!  Hope the visit Tuesday goes well.  I voted for you, so good luck!!

Originally Posted by ginnigurl View Post

Hey girls!  We have less than a week before we leave for Azul Fives for our 6/4 wedding!!  I haven't been on as much because it's been a whirlwind, my FI started having pain and swelling last Friday night and we got him to urgent care and he was diagnosed with a septic infection in his knee.... couldn't walk or move it...lots of pain!  Tuesday (at the 3rd doctor/specialist visit) they said they wanted to "cut it"/surgery.  Which would mean maybe we could make it Mexico, but no swimming, pain meds and crutches!!  I am happy to say after a lot of crying and prayers, his visit today went well, swelling and pain are subsiding and the doctor thinks we can supress it until after we get back! We have another visit Tuesday and we leave Wednesday - so keeping hopes up, but it sounds like should be good to go!!!  Thank God!!!


I wanted to ask you girls who are on Facebook to do me a big favor???  Unless, of course another bride on this forum is in the contest, because that wouldn't be fair.... but we are in Azul Hotels May Contest for $500 Resort Credit... and the bride who gets the most "LIKES" on their proposal story WINS!!!  If you want to help us out, that would be GREAT!!!  There are THREE steps:


1 - LIKE Azul Hotels by Karisma page  http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/azulhotels

2 - Click on Photos, and find the Album called The Best Proposal Story, and find our picture.  We are the last picture, I am wearing a blue football jersey and he is wearing a white one and it says "Portraits by Jody".

3 - LIKE our picture and please comment, too.


 THANKS everyone!!!  It's almost that time!!!!






We told our parents and siblings and that was it.  We married at our house (we live on the water) and the parents made a bigger deal of it than we had wanted but it was a nice day.  I didn't feel married then at all though b/c I had planned everything for Mexico.

Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post

Thanks ladies....

Were you really able to keep it a secret?  I am not sure who to tell/not tell (my mom, his mom)....





I went to a dermatologist and just started using a retinol cream (has retin-a which is like the best for your skin).  I thought about the peels and all but I've never seen a major change from one so I opted to use my certificate for a massage instead.  :)


For the second one, sorry, can't help ya.  If you saw my pics, I got kinda Mexican looking at the beach!! Lol

Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post



A few beauty questions....


1.  Did anyone do anything start getting facials, or perhaps try a peel before their big day, or are thinking about it?  I don't normally do these sorts of things, but think it could help as my skin has started to break-out since I've stopped the pill in December (medical reasons).


2.  Is anyone super milky white like me (for real)...and tanning or something before their big day?  ( I don't want to be super white on the beach...I would like a nice tan) - but not sure if I want to fake-and-bake at the tanning salons....any other suggestions? 


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