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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Hey Marianne!  I'm happy to see another November bride on here!  I would definitely be interested in hearing more about this if it works out for you.  I don't want to carry a ton of stuff with me (I already have tons w/o adding in a bunch of decorations), and I don't want to pay the ridiculous prices charged by Lomas for everything either.  So another option would be great!


Happy planning!



Originally Posted by MandM 2011 View Post

Just got another interesting option...I met someone in PDC when I was there a few weeks ago who may endnup helping me with the wedding - specifically, sourcing wedding decorations at local Mexican rates or at worst equal to the US, so we don't have to shlep everything.

I will be connecting with her next week and if it looks promising, I'd be happy to share!
Just let me know,


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IMO....I really don't know how it would work with them being at another hotel, so I wouldn't worry about it.  Perhaps you can give them theirs at your wedding?  That way they can take it back to their hotel to use for the rest of their trip (assuming this would work out time wise with your plans)

Just a thought....



Originally Posted by justiner57 View Post

Hi Ladies,


I have a question about OOT bags. I have heard mixed reviews on these.... some ladies said they aren't worth the time & trouble and that most guests didn't even really use. Others say that their guests loved them & used them all the time. Here is my problem, we have about 3 or 4 families staying at an outside resort (annoying I know) but I don't want them to feel excluded if they don't get an OOT bag. I have no way of getting in touch with the resort before hand and don't feel like I should take the trouble to get their bags to the resort since they aren't staying at our resort. But I want to do something nice for everyone...


Any thoughts or ideas :)


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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

Hi Ladies, We just got back and I am wiped but after I catch up on work I will tell you all about it!!! It was GREAT!!! I had little to no problems and the ones I did have we my fault and not the staffs. For example I forgot the Groomsmen butonniers in the room 30 min before the ceremoney but they ran back and got them for me. It was Was WINDY on the beach but again nothing anyone could do about it.
I had no real problems with music and my set-up fee was only $80 but I didn't have that much to set-up. I will post full review and what not this week!


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Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

Hey girls,


I got two samples from my photographer, Maria Angela Photography, to share.  :)  I think the rest may take a little while, so these will have to hold me over for a bit.  Prof - Garden laughingsmaller.jpgProf - Front of ASsmaller.jpg


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Congrats Maggie!  So pretty!

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

Happy Walking.jpg


I am so glad you had a great experience, and I can't wait to see your review!  I'm glad to hear your set up fees were reasonable too.  The closer it gets to time to go, the more I am deciding to leave things behind.  What time of day did you get married?  I'm starting to stress because we have a destination wedding to attend this weekend and then we leave for our own when we get back!

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

Hi Ladies, We just got back and I am wiped but after I catch up on work I will tell you all about it!!! It was GREAT!!! I had little to no problems and the ones I did have we my fault and not the staffs. For example I forgot the Groomsmen butonniers in the room 30 min before the ceremoney but they ran back and got them for me. It was Was WINDY on the beach but again nothing anyone could do about it.
I had no real problems with music and my set-up fee was only $80 but I didn't have that much to set-up. I will post full review and what not this week!


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Jesse, my coordinator was Claudia who Olympia (the girl I originally met when we arrived says is a stickler).  Olympia was supposed to see what she could do about having them drape the shears for me but she wasn't there on our wedding day.  :( 


Justine, We shot in sooo many locations!!  Like Murmel said, the wall is the front of the resort.  There's also a pretty fountain type thing there where we took pics and the sky should look really pretty in the background of those.  You have the tall steps that are lit up at night, the bridges, lots of tropical areas (the pic I have on here was taken right outside the Spoons Restaurant.  There's a cute carriage by the yellow restaurant (can never remember the names), and Le Chique is a cool place to take pics but we didn't.  There's the pier, many palm trees, the beach.  The list goes on.  :)  I originally wanted to travel for the TTD session but I figured it might be too much of a headache so we did it at the resort, and I think got some cute shots.  I am sooo anxious to see them all!

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I don't think they were real flowers but I'll let her answer :). If they weren't they sure LOOKED real!

Originally Posted by Maritza919 View Post

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

Here is the link for pictures other people took!



Hi Maggie! I saw you had hydrangeas in your bouquet. How did they do in the heat? Beautiful pics!


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