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Please....be honest....am I being a bridezilla???


Some of you may remember the drama with my cousin as my brides maid, not really working out so I had to tell her she was demoted to bridesmaid (which is all good now)....

New drama....ANOTHER cousin (we are a very close family) has been engaged for over 2 years, this will be her second marriage (I was in her first).  The day I mailed my invitations, she told me she also has decided on doing a destination wedding, in Jamaica in 2012 was all she said.  She asked for some tips etc. and I was fine with it at this point.  Until she emailed me yesterday asking for all the families address' to help her save time as she is sending out her invitations by the end of this week!!!!  I can't believe she is going to send all of our family (over 30+) invitations to hers when my RSVP deadline hasn't even passed!!!!!!  Its not just that (which in my opinion isn't right)....its that she knew for sometime (MUST HAVE...if she is sending out invitations 2 weeks after she told me she has decided on a destination as well) and didn't share with me!  I feel a bit deceived (not sure if thats the right word).  I wish she and my aunt/uncle etc. would have just been honest when I was asking if they could come to mine, obvioulsy they can't if she is planning hers.  I always thought she would be at my wedding, and while she hasn't RSVP'd as of yet, I am pretty sure she can't afford to plan hers and attend mine.

This process has made me really disappointed in my family....I thought we were closer then this, and I am left feeling unsupported by them, when I have supported them all, through all the most important days of their lives. 

Sorry...just had to get it off my chest...so upset....


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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

Ladies who have been to the resort. I know we have gotten thoughts on the Pants at dinner issue but can you tell me is there is a Shoe Policy for dinner as well. Like no opentoe men sandals? I know a cheaper resort I went to a couple years ago had a no open toe rule but I wasn't sure about AS



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I don't know what happen to my above post, but I would only worry about pants and open-toed sandals at Le Chique otherwise people wore shorts and sandals at every restaurant and no one was ever told not too from my party.

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They have a pretty general ceremony outline. I can give you my example if you send me your email. I gave them prelude music for when guests were being seated, wedding party processional, bride processional, I had a singer during the sand ceremony and gave them that music and then our walk out music. I had postlude music but they forgot to play it.

Originally Posted by lovethebeach10 View Post

Ok so silly question......I know someone (possibly Murmel cause she is always knowledgeable :-) ) had told us a while back which songs the wedding coordinators will ask you for, for the ceremony, but my silly question is HOW DOES THE CEREMONY GO? lol

I am thinking general music while everyone sits and waits, but does the Groom walk up the isle and seat his Mom, both parents do the groomsmen do this? Or do people seat themselves?  Or does the Groom wait at the front and that is when it all starts? Then the girls, then the Bride?

I know, I obviously did not pay any attention when everyone else I know was getting married  embarrest.gif   Can anyone sort me out? lol


Thank you so much!




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Some girls were wondering about DJ Doremixx a while back. I had him at my wedding last Saturday and he was AWESOME! Everyone at my reception loved him and he really knew how to get people dancing. He also handed out balloons, glow sticks and masks which added to the photo ops! He did cold fireworks during our first dance which was a cool touch.

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Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post

Please....be honest....am I being a bridezilla???


Some of you may remember the drama with my cousin as my brides maid, not really working out so I had to tell her she was demoted to bridesmaid (which is all good now)....

New drama....ANOTHER cousin (we are a very close family) has been engaged for over 2 years, this will be her second marriage (I was in her first).  The day I mailed my invitations, she told me she also has decided on doing a destination wedding, in Jamaica in 2012 was all she said.  She asked for some tips etc. and I was fine with it at this point.  Until she emailed me yesterday asking for all the families address' to help her save time as she is sending out her invitations by the end of this week!!!!  I can't believe she is going to send all of our family (over 30+) invitations to hers when my RSVP deadline hasn't even passed!!!!!!  Its not just that (which in my opinion isn't right)....its that she knew for sometime (MUST HAVE...if she is sending out invitations 2 weeks after she told me she has decided on a destination as well) and didn't share with me!  I feel a bit deceived (not sure if thats the right word).  I wish she and my aunt/uncle etc. would have just been honest when I was asking if they could come to mine, obvioulsy they can't if she is planning hers.  I always thought she would be at my wedding, and while she hasn't RSVP'd as of yet, I am pretty sure she can't afford to plan hers and attend mine.

This process has made me really disappointed in my family....I thought we were closer then this, and I am left feeling unsupported by them, when I have supported them all, through all the most important days of their lives. 

Sorry...just had to get it off my chest...so upset....


That is frustrating, especially since your family will all likely have to make the decision as to which wedding they will want to attend. Destination weddings are expensive, and although I don't know when your cousin is planning for 2012, I would assume the early part January-April?. If it is for late next year, then I wouldn't worry to much, maybe all your family will be ready for another party!  My first suggestion would be: be very slow sending the addresses over. She can do her own work and gather addresses, and also it will buy your invited guests a little more time to RSVP and committ to your wedding first, before seeing her invite. I don't mean to sound rude, but especially if this is her second wedding, I would thing you have the right to a bit of priority! :)


At the end of the day, just remember that no matter how many people join you, you will have an amazing time and wonderful memories to keep for a lifetime! Don't sweat the small stuff to much :) Hugs and good luck!



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Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post

Please....be honest....am I being a bridezilla???


Some of you may remember the drama with my cousin as my brides maid, not really working out so I had to tell her she was demoted to bridesmaid (which is all good now)....

New drama....ANOTHER cousin (we are a very close family) has been engaged for over 2 years, this will be her second marriage (I was in her first).  The day I mailed my invitations, she told me she also has decided on doing a destination wedding, in Jamaica in 2012 was all she said.  She asked for some tips etc. and I was fine with it at this point.  Until she emailed me yesterday asking for all the families address' to help her save time as she is sending out her invitations by the end of this week!!!!  I can't believe she is going to send all of our family (over 30+) invitations to hers when my RSVP deadline hasn't even passed!!!!!!  Its not just that (which in my opinion isn't right)....its that she knew for sometime (MUST HAVE...if she is sending out invitations 2 weeks after she told me she has decided on a destination as well) and didn't share with me!  I feel a bit deceived (not sure if thats the right word).  I wish she and my aunt/uncle etc. would have just been honest when I was asking if they could come to mine, obvioulsy they can't if she is planning hers.  I always thought she would be at my wedding, and while she hasn't RSVP'd as of yet, I am pretty sure she can't afford to plan hers and attend mine.

This process has made me really disappointed in my family....I thought we were closer then this, and I am left feeling unsupported by them, when I have supported them all, through all the most important days of their lives. 

Sorry...just had to get it off my chest...so upset....


I understand completely why you feel deceived. This is wrong on your cousin's part by all means. Now your family has to decide which one they will attend. Which will definitely express which one of you they favor more. I wouldn't give her anything. Let her do all the same work you have done. You are not obligated to anything. They obviously kept this from you, when they could have easily talked this out rationally. Don't sweat it though....what is meant to be will be. Just don't let them use you.


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I agree with murmel! Be slow sending them over.

Originally Posted by murmel View Post


That is frustrating, especially since your family will all likely have to make the decision as to which wedding they will want to attend. Destination weddings are expensive, and although I don't know when your cousin is planning for 2012, I would assume the early part January-April?. If it is for late next year, then I wouldn't worry to much, maybe all your family will be ready for another party!  My first suggestion would be: be very slow sending the addresses over. She can do her own work and gather addresses, and also it will buy your invited guests a little more time to RSVP and committ to your wedding first, before seeing her invite. I don't mean to sound rude, but especially if this is her second wedding, I would thing you have the right to a bit of priority! :)


At the end of the day, just remember that no matter how many people join you, you will have an amazing time and wonderful memories to keep for a lifetime! Don't sweat the small stuff to much :) Hugs and good luck!





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