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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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I've heard a few people concerned, but I'm a little confused...isn't this an incident that could technically happen anywhere?  I don't really understand the connection of people being concerned because it happen in Cancun??


Say an apartment building in Houston had a gas leak and caught a whole complex on fire...does this mean everyone should be scared to live in an apartment in Houston???  Maybe I am missing something, but I really don't understand the concern in regards to our weddings at Azul. 


Don't get me wrong...it is a tragic event...I'm just having a hard time making the connection.


Originally Posted by Vic0214 View Post

Has anyone had their guests calling cause my guests are totally freaked out because of the tragic explosion.

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Yeah, that makes sense.  People are just looking for any additional reason to be freaked out.  Not to spark this conversation, but I came across a fellow bride-to-be's explanation that she sends to her concerned guests about drug cartels.  Thought I'd share incase anyone needs to steal it for their guests.  Sorry...I the poster's name...so hopefully she doesn't find this and think I stole it!


I'll only post "happy posts" after this...promise :)


"The violence in Mexico at this point is a solely motivated by Cartels struggling for power. Their only concern is protecting their territory, drug stashes and smuggling routes through the border. Eliminating their competition means increasi...ng their market share of drugs going over the border. In the past violence against tourists in South/Central America has been caused by rebel groups who felt their interests were not being upheld by the government. Examples are the Shining Path in Peru, FARC in Columbia, and the EZLN in Southern Mexco. These groups purposefully target tourists and innnocent civilians because they wanted to make the government look powerless and cripple the economy by reducing tourism and foreign investment. All this aimed at toppling the current governments so they could rebuild and better represent their own interests

That being said the current situation in Mexico differs from these movement because the motivation of the cartels is money. Therefore they will target other drug cartels and anyone else that tries to stop them ie. police, politicians, and the military. In Mexico tourism accounts for more than 14 billion dollars annually and employs millions of people. If the cartels start injuring tourists that puts a lot of money at stake and in turn puts more pressure on them from the United States and the Mexican Government. The last thing in the world that the Mexican Drug Cartels want right now is the United States getting more involved in their Drug war. As long as people avoid border towns, stay in touristy areas, and don't speak out against Mexican Cartels it is my opinion that its as safe as anywhere else. I work in the 5 th most dangerous city in the United States but i have had no problems because I avoid the bad areas. So YES! Im traveling to Mexico just not border towns and im not borrowing money from anyone in a back alley, or taking packages from strangers in airports."

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