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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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it was just now! (it's 10 pm wednesday night in the UK) and I've just got in....


my instincts and gut feeling were spot on. after I'd got over the shock of her text, I said to a few people 'knowing her as I do, she's done it as a text as she bottled calling me and hates confrontation; somethings made her rethink mexico and she added the other things about our friendship etc to justify it to herself (and me I suppose) and she didn't get me after because she just put her head in the sand.' and I was 100% correct. she couldn't believe it when I said it to her that that was what I thought because I'd got everything spot on!


but we talked, and she explained it all and everything in her life that's contributed to it. I still stuck to what I said in my email and explained that it wasn't her not coming to mexico that upset me, it was the rest of what she said. she apologied for saying them and said that I was 100% right in what I said in my email to her and she understood everything I'd said. She's got a lot of crap going on atm and had just got to the point of just everything getting on top of her...sent the text...and then thought 'what am I doing? I need Katie now' but after she sent the text she was too scared to ring me because she knew she'd upset me and didn't want to hear me crying and making her realise what she'd done to me.


hey, i could go on for ages, but big smiles all round :) and a HUGE relief from me :)


and she wants to be involved in the rest of the wedding too. smile03.gif


but just as importantly (get the tissues out)...I do genuinely want to say a big thank you to you all. you were all sooo supportive at a time when I felt really rubbish and you all helped me keep my hopes and head high. I won't forget it. xx <3 xx

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Originally Posted by Katie_2010 View Post
it was just now! (it's 10 pm wednesday night in the UK) and I've just got in....

my instincts and gut feeling were spot on. after I'd got over the shock of her text, I said to a few people 'knowing her as I do, she's done it as a text as she bottled calling me and hates confrontation; somethings made her rethink mexico and she added the other things about our friendship etc to justify it to herself (and me I suppose) and she didn't get me after because she just put her head in the sand.' and I was 100% correct. she couldn't believe it when I said it to her that that was what I thought because I'd got everything spot on!

but we talked, and she explained it all and everything in her life that's contributed to it. I still stuck to what I said in my email and explained that it wasn't her not coming to mexico that upset me, it was the rest of what she said. she apologied for saying them and said that I was 100% right in what I said in my email to her and she understood everything I'd said. She's got a lot of crap going on atm and had just got to the point of just everything getting on top of her...sent the text...and then thought 'what am I doing? I need Katie now' but after she sent the text she was too scared to ring me because she knew she'd upset me and didn't want to hear me crying and making her realise what she'd done to me.

hey, i could go on for ages, but big smiles all round :) and a HUGE relief from me :)

and she wants to be involved in the rest of the wedding too. smile03.gif

but just as importantly (get the tissues out)...I do genuinely want to say a big thank you to you all. you were all sooo supportive at a time when I felt really rubbish and you all helped me keep my hopes and head high. I won't forget it. xx <3 xx
Awww I'm SO happy to hear that Katie!!! I always feel that going with your gut is most of the time exactly the right thing to do. Good for you for straightening it all out!

I'm always happy to listen and help you out, you ladies listen to me and my rambling all the time, LOL :)

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Originally Posted by Katie_2010 View Post
it was just now! (it's 10 pm wednesday night in the UK) and I've just got in....

my instincts and gut feeling were spot on. after I'd got over the shock of her text, I said to a few people 'knowing her as I do, she's done it as a text as she bottled calling me and hates confrontation; somethings made her rethink mexico and she added the other things about our friendship etc to justify it to herself (and me I suppose) and she didn't get me after because she just put her head in the sand.' and I was 100% correct. she couldn't believe it when I said it to her that that was what I thought because I'd got everything spot on!

but we talked, and she explained it all and everything in her life that's contributed to it. I still stuck to what I said in my email and explained that it wasn't her not coming to mexico that upset me, it was the rest of what she said. she apologied for saying them and said that I was 100% right in what I said in my email to her and she understood everything I'd said. She's got a lot of crap going on atm and had just got to the point of just everything getting on top of her...sent the text...and then thought 'what am I doing? I need Katie now' but after she sent the text she was too scared to ring me because she knew she'd upset me and didn't want to hear me crying and making her realise what she'd done to me.

hey, i could go on for ages, but big smiles all round :) and a HUGE relief from me :)

and she wants to be involved in the rest of the wedding too. smile03.gif

but just as importantly (get the tissues out)...I do genuinely want to say a big thank you to you all. you were all sooo supportive at a time when I felt really rubbish and you all helped me keep my hopes and head high. I won't forget it. xx <3 xx
awwwww yay!!! That's so awesome!!!! I knew it would work out!! We are always here for ya! Geez, yall have been listening to my indecisiveness forever!!! hahaha
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Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B View Post
Girls, I just wanted to tell you I got my coral shoes today and am super excited.
I now have a complete outfit (well almost without jewelry) dress, veil, petticoat, and shoes!
Its slowly coming together. :-)
Yay!!! Doesn't it feel relieving to have something done or almost at least? I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's a relief!
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