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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Thanks for the info... soooo, how much did you tip photographer and WC? Sorry to ask same question again. Just really confused.
It really is a personal decision. I don't believe there is a set fee/ percentage. First thing is, are you happy with their work? Do you want to reward them? Like one of the other brides said, it's more to show your appreciation, than worrying about the exact amount.
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Thanks for the info... soooo, how much did you tip photographer and WC? Sorry to ask same question again. Just really confused.
It really is a personal decision. I don't believe there is a set fee/ percentage. First thing is, are you happy with their work? Do you want to reward them? Like one of the other brides said, it's more to show your appreciation, than worrying about the exact amount.
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Ok girls, finalizing the ceremony script and making the programs has been on my list for FOREVER!!! I am doing this week. PERIOD! I can't stand it anymore and I need to knock these things off my list. 


We are having a legal ceremony the morning of the wedding in private bc I REALLY want the wedding date to be the date we chose- it's our anniversary! Then, the actual ceremony will be "symbolic." The reasoning is that I could not alter the legal script at ALL and it was AWFUL!!


Here is the script I came up with (with a lot of help from the internet and BDW!!) Please let me know what ya'll think!!



Symbolic Ceremony


BRIDE: Megan King

GROOM: Daniel Wilson

WEDDING DATE: Thursday, June 28, 2013




Music playing

Guests are taking seats


Processional: (different music)

Seating of the Parents:

Gary and Kathi walk down aisle

As Dan walks my mom down the aisle, the BM and Minister take their places entering from the right and then Dan takes his place on right next to Mabry


Bridal Processional: (diff music)

Reyna walks down aisle

Laura walks down aisle

Caley walks down aisle

Sylas walks down aisle

Wedding march begins- dad walks me down aisle- mom stands to signal all guests to stand


Giving Away of Bride:

Minster- "Dually blessed is the couple which comes to the marriage altar with the approval and blessings of their families and friends. Who has the honor of presenting this woman to be married to this man?"


Dad- "Her mother and I do.â€

Kiss dad, he hands me off to Dan. Dan and Dad shake hands/hug and Dad sits down.


Opening Remarks and Welcome:

Minister- “We are gathered here in the sight of God and these witnesses to unite Megan and Daniel in Holy Matrimony. On behalf of Megan and Daniel, it is my honor to welcome you and thank you all for traveling such a great distance to be here today as it is a testament to the amazing amount of love and support they have in each of you. Many of you have given them much happiness, unconditional love, encouragement, and guidance through the various stages of their lives. They would like to sincerely thank you all for being here to celebrate their big day. A special and respectful acknowledgement must also be made to those friends and family members who were unable to attend, or have passed on, but whose spirit remains alive and strong in all our hearts.â€



Opening Prayer:

Minister- "Let us pray- Our Father, love has been your richest and greatest gift to the world. Love between a man and woman which matures into marriage is one of your most beautiful types of loves. Today we celebrate that love. May your blessing be on this wedding service, protect, guide, and bless Megan and Daniel in their marriage. Surround them and us with your love now and always. In your son's name, Amen."


"You may be seated."


The Charge to Bride and Groom and Pledge:

Minister- “Megan and Daniel- This marriage ceremony does not mark the beginning of a new relationship. Rather, it is an acknowledgement and celebration of a relationship that has been thriving since you met. Marriage is the mutual commitment of two people sincerely in love who share the same dreams about life.â€


“More than that, it is the intimate sharing of two lives. It is a sharing that does not diminish, but enhances the individuality of each partner. The institution of marriage is not to be entered into lightly as it symbolizes commitment on every level. Together you will continue to meet the challenges and obstacles of life head on with honesty, integrity, and loyalty.â€

“This beautiful setting should remind us that, like the ocean, human life is an ebb and flow- spirit and emotions move in cycles. To be in a relationship does not guarantee an eternal summer. To make a sincere and honest commitment does not promise an end to all struggles. What a good relationship does offer, much like this ocean, is the opportunity for renewal. A successful relationship recognizes that after every fall and winter, spring and summer will come again. A flourishing relationship takes more than just love. It takes trust, to know in your hearts that you want only the best for each other. It takes dedication, to stay open to one another, to learn and grow, even when it is difficult to do so... and it takes faith, to go forward together without knowing what the future holds for you both.â€



Minister- "I now invite Kathi, Mother of the Groom, to read a passage from the book of Corinthians.


Kathi- “If I speak with human tongues and angelic as well, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong, a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and, with full knowledge, comprehend all mysteries, if I have faith great enough to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give everything I have to feed the poor and hand over my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.â€


“Love is patient, love is kind. Love is not jealous, it does not put on airs, it is not snobbish. Love is never rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not prone to anger; neither does it brood over injuries. Love does not rejoice in what is wrong but rejoices with the truth. There is no limit to loveâ€s forbearance, to its trust, its hope, its power to endure.â€


“Love never fails. Prophecies will cease, tongues will be silent, knowledge will pass away…There are in the end three things that last: faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:1-8; 13â€



Minister- “Thank you, Kathi.â€


“Megan and Daniel, as you prepare to take these vows, give careful thought and prayer, for as you make them you are making an exclusive commitment one to the other for as long as you both shall live. Your love for each other should never be diminished by difficult circumstances, and it is to endure until death parts you.â€


“As God's children, your marriage is strengthened by your obedience to your Heavenly Father and His Word. As you let God be in control of your marriage, He will cause your home to be a place of joy and a testimony to the world."



“Daniel do you accept Megan as your beloved and wedded wife, to love and honor her, stand by her side, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?â€


Dan responds: “I doâ€





“Dan, please repeat after me: 


Megan, from this day forward I promise you these things….

I will laugh with you in times of joy…

And comfort you in times of sorrow…

I will share in your dreams…

And always support and encourage you…

I promise to love you in good times and bad…

I will help you when you need it…

And step aside when you donâ€t…

You are my best friend…

And I will love and respect you always!â€


Minister- “Megan, do you accept Daniel as your beloved and wedded husband, to love and honor him, stand by his side, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?â€


Megan responds: “I do†         


 â€œMegan please repeat after me:


Dan, I do not need you, I choose you!

I choose you today in witness of all the people who love us,

I choose you tomorrow in the privacy of our hearts.

I choose you in strength and weakness.

I choose you in health and dis-ease.

I choose you in joy and in sorrow.

I will choose you, over all others…

Every day-for all the days of my life.†    


Minister- “Will everyone please rise?â€

“Will you, the cherished family and friends of Megan and Daniel, witnessing these vows, do all in your power to support them in their marriage, love them, and encourage their love for one another from now until forever?


Guests- “We willâ€


Hand Ceremony:

Minister- “Thank you. Please remain standing.â€


“Megan and Daniel, as you stand beside the ocean, may your love always be as constant as the tide; waves flowing endlessly from the depths of the sea. Just as water is the eternal force of life, so is love. Love is the force that allows us to face fear and uncertainty with courage.â€


“You have just sealed your relationship with the exchanging of vows to each other as well as a blessing from your family and friends. Although you will be sharing one life, never forget that you are two separate people. Cherish and affirm your differences. Love each other. Keep your commitment primary. Together you will laugh and cry, be happy and angry, share and grow- sometimes together, sometimes separately.â€


“Before the two of you met, your lives were on separate roads ... each going in different directions and seemingly leading to different destinations. But somewhere along the way (through some twist of fate) you did meet, and you fell in love. Today, you find yourselves standing here together at the threshold of a new path, and have promised to forever join your once separate journeys into one.â€


“To symbolize this union and the importance of the individuals within the marriage, each of your family members and friends here today has been given a small polished stone that represents their unique individuality, the roles they played in your individual paths, and their presence at your wedding today.â€

“You also each have a stone of your own that symbolizes your previous separate lives, separate sets of friends, separate families and the different lifeâ€s journeys that you once traveled. I ask that everyone please hold the stone that you have been given. Fill your stone with hope, love, positivity, a prayer, or a blessing for happiness and good will for Megan and Daniel for the future of their marriage.â€


“Now, please come forward and add your stone to this vase, which Megan and Daniel will display in their home to be reminded daily of the love and support they find in each of you as well as your presence on this special day.â€


(Guests come up and place stones in vase- possibly play a song.)


Minister- “The union of these stones has now symbolically joined your once separate lives. Through you, just as the stones have been combined, so now are your friends and family joined. Your once solitary lifeâ€s paths are also now one, and all that was once separate is now shared. In this sharing you both will find new strength and joy as together you forge a new life path.â€


“Stones stand the test of time. Over time they can even become stronger and more beautiful. Let these stones be a reminder and a memorial of the love, blessings and support that your family members and friends have provided you here today.  And what God has joined together, let no man separate.â€


Exchanging of the Rings:

Minister- “The vows which have been exchanged are but words that are fleeting and the sound of them is soon gone. The wedding ring is a symbol of eternity and the promises which have been made. It is an outward sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites two hearts in endless love.â€


“Daniel and Megan please join hands.â€

“These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever. These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow, and tears of joy. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it. And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.â€

“Our prayer for you today is that both of you will use these hands to build a marriage where all your dreams come true.â€

“And now as a token of your love and of your deep desire to be forever united in heart and soul I ask you, Dan, to repeat after me:â€


“Megan, I give you this ring as a symbol of our vows; and with all that I am, and all that I have- I honor you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, with this ring, I thee wed.â€


Minister- “Now, Megan, please repeat after meâ€


“Dan, I give you this ring as a symbol of our vows; and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, with this ring, I thee wed."




Minister- “I now pronounce you husband and wife!â€



Minister- "Dan, you may now kiss your Bride!"


Presentation of Bride and Groom:

Minister- "It is now my privilege to present to you for the first time, Drs. Daniel and Megan Wilson!"


Recessional: (music plays)

Gary and Kathi exit

Mom and Dad exit

Wedding party exits:

Caley and Sylas

Laura, Reyna and Mabry

Bride and Groom


Group Picture and Toast

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Originally Posted by mystique517 View Post


Hi jswllms,


I just got back from the Bridal Dress Rehearsal on Sunday and I must say, it was fantastic! Not only do you get a first-hand look at the resort and all the different venues for your ceremony and reception,  but you also go to a seminar where the WCs discuss all your options with you (the different Karisma resorts, the wedding packages and promotions). You also get to taste the food, the cake and see the types of décor and spa services available to you through Lomas (which are a tad overpriced and you're probably better off bringing your own décor - but it's still nice to see for inspiration)


I definitely feel a lot better now that I've seen everything in real-life. I like to be prepared so that I know what I can expect before I get there in November with all my guests - but that's just me msnwink.gif


Also, there's been a lot of talk on here about outside DJs no longer being allowed on the resort, however the WC at Azul (Denise) told me that we can have an outside DJ along with an outside Photographer so long as we pay the $800 vendor fee for each! So maybe some WCs are being misinformed?? It's been a little frustrating hearing all the conflicting rules, but I figure if the WC at the Azul Sensatori is telling me this, it must be true! Still, I have yet to get it in writing.


BTW - I took a lot of pics of EVERYTHING and asked a ton of questions so let me know if you ladies would like any info from me! woot.gif

Im very interested in your pictures, is there any way you would be able to email me ? [email protected]



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Originally Posted by Kingz85 View Post


How many paper lanterns is a good amount for the Zavas Plaza? what size?


Hi! I actually had the same question, and if you search back through the thread Murmel had some additional helpful information such as dimensions of the plaza, etc.


I decided to go with 30 paper lanterns in various sizes and colors, as I want more of a dimensional look. I'm thinking anywhere between 12"-18" for the lanterns. My WC mentioned that any size less than 10" would probably look too small.

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Originally Posted by JennyBenz View Post


Hi Lindsay, welcome to the forum and congratulations!! You will find practically everything you need to know to get started right here on the forum! Most of us I'm sure can agree with you 100% about the prices Lomas charges! I know many of us on here have done DIY projects and decorations to not only save money but add a few "personal" touches to the wedding. Have you been in touch with your WC yet and has she given you a detail sheet? That's the best place to start, also begin to look for a travel agent. If you can find a TA that is a GWIC [gourmet wedding consultant for Karisma] you can get top notch pricing as well as lots of freebies & discounts!


Also, if you're thinking of sending save the dates, you should do so ASAP. You want to send the invitations a few months in advance, depending on what the deadline will be to book your group through your TA. You can do a room block- there's a deposit per room but that goes towards your stay and gets you best rates. You want to give your guests plenty of time to decide if they'll be able to come.


Next, look at all of the possible ceremony/reception locations and check the availability with your WC. I know MURMEL from this forum posted a link to the official AS forum that has all of the location info, as well as types of ceremonies to choose from. Hopefully you can find it on here somewhere :)


Feel free to ask any questions you have on here, we're glad to help !


Best of luck to you! Happy Planning!!



Thanks Jen! We booked our date for Nov.17, 2013. Have already found out so much info on this forum! Thanks everyone! I wish I would have known about the GWIC though. Oh well!

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