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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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I started on this forum around the time of your wedding and loved your pics!  Congratulations on your pregnancy!  I told my FI that I am perfectly fine walking down the aisle "with child" but he said since we waited this long, we can hold off a couple more weeks until we get to Mexico.  I'm hoping it happens there!  Take care and congrats again!

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post

Hi Ladies!!


I have been sooo MIA but I wanted to check in on all of the May brides. I know there are plenty of you. Maggie, I am so jealous! I want to go back to Mexico so badly and I know you're on your way. I know you'll have a blast. I'm upset that I've missed so many of your weddings. Congrats to Murmel, Lessismore and Tisha. I was able to skim the almost 200 pages I missed and see your pics. Good job ladies!! I hope I didn't miss anyone else.


For those of you that are friends with me on Facebook, you know I am preggers. I am 5 months pregnant and found out this week we're having a girl!!! I said all of that because I have been looking into joining another forum and getting info from people in my same situation BUT I have to say that none compare to this one. I know I've said it before and I'll say it again, there's no place like BDW. The support and info I got here was priceless and I wish I could find that in a forum for expectant mothers but no such luck.


Anyway, happy planning to you all and although I'm not on as much if anyone needs anything, my email is [email protected].

We have cancun video. I think they were considered a preferred vendor, as I don't recall any vendor fee.

Originally Posted by 1106wedding View Post

Ok...I think I've come to grips with the fact that we should hire a videographer (even though I hate myself on camera!!!) I know a few people have hired cancun video and had a great experience, are there any other suggestions? Also, do we think this means ANOTHER vendor fee?!?!


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That's kind of what I was expecting. I'll send a quick note to my WC, Erika. I have left her alone for a month or two to give all the Spring brides their time :). Thanks!





We have cancun video. I think they were considered a preferred vendor, as I don't recall any vendor fee.







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Thank you! I just found this company today. I'm going to ask my WC if there is a preferred and then get a few quotes so I'll probably contact Paul. Do you have his email? Thanks!

Originally Posted by Afaybik View Post

If you want a great videographer, Paul from Playa Weddings is wonderful.  And he always answers all of your questions thru email plus his videos are done in Blueray!


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I have dealt with VERY with the same feelings in my family, unsupported and thought we were closer. It is heartbreaking when you find this out, but my advice to you is to keep your head up. The people who really WANT to be there for YOU on your special day will be there. Family doesn't always mean the same thing to everyone, this is something I learned the hard way. I wish you the best and please keep me updated. I totally understand what you are going through, and my fiance has been such a great strength for me when I was so upset. 


Have you talked to anyone else in your family about it? What are their thoughts and opinions? 

Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post

Please....be honest....am I being a bridezilla???


Some of you may remember the drama with my cousin as my brides maid, not really working out so I had to tell her she was demoted to bridesmaid (which is all good now)....

New drama....ANOTHER cousin (we are a very close family) has been engaged for over 2 years, this will be her second marriage (I was in her first).  The day I mailed my invitations, she told me she also has decided on doing a destination wedding, in Jamaica in 2012 was all she said.  She asked for some tips etc. and I was fine with it at this point.  Until she emailed me yesterday asking for all the families address' to help her save time as she is sending out her invitations by the end of this week!!!!  I can't believe she is going to send all of our family (over 30+) invitations to hers when my RSVP deadline hasn't even passed!!!!!!  Its not just that (which in my opinion isn't right)....its that she knew for sometime (MUST HAVE...if she is sending out invitations 2 weeks after she told me she has decided on a destination as well) and didn't share with me!  I feel a bit deceived (not sure if thats the right word).  I wish she and my aunt/uncle etc. would have just been honest when I was asking if they could come to mine, obvioulsy they can't if she is planning hers.  I always thought she would be at my wedding, and while she hasn't RSVP'd as of yet, I am pretty sure she can't afford to plan hers and attend mine.

This process has made me really disappointed in my family....I thought we were closer then this, and I am left feeling unsupported by them, when I have supported them all, through all the most important days of their lives. 

Sorry...just had to get it off my chest...so upset....



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