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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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As I'm deleting my junk mail (such a habit), I happened to notice that I was deleting the templates you sent me!  I'm such an idiot!!  If you don't mind sending it again, I'd really appreciate it!  [email protected]





Originally Posted by mrsgoose View Post

If you don't mind emailing these to me as well, my email is [email protected]





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I had the same thing happen to me! My FI's parents are divorced also, so I don't know if that contributes to the whole mess, but we informed all of our friends and family in December 2009 of our intentions of having a destination wedding in Mexico and that we would appreciate feedback. Half of FI family said they would be up for going.. well fastforward to Dec/Jan of 2010/11 and all of sudden it is too dangerous there or the economy is horrible, blah blah blah. (Last I checked, Mexico has had violence for sometime and the economy has sucked since ATLEAST 2008). FI's father gives him some BS excuse that he can't afford to go or contribute anything (we know he has money, he flaunts it every chance he gets) and that he has sacrificed so much for us (by opening the invite? cuz we haven't seen any financial or emotional means) and we should feel bad for him. FI is no longer talking to his dad because of all of this drama he brings to his life and FI dad's girlfriend is emailing us telling us we basically sprung this wedding on them all (we have been engaged since Nov. 2009 and getting married in April 2011) and that we are holding everyone financially hostage. At times you just can't help but feel the happiest time of your life really exposes a lot of skeltons that were hiding in the closet!

Originally Posted by kerry872 View Post

I've had a similar experience. My Family booked and my FI family keep putting it off or say they can't come. It is my opinion that its just not as important to FI family cause his the son.


Ive come to the conclusion if it was just me and my FI on a beach i would be happy. Its just a bonus that some of my own family will be there.


Im sure it will work itself out. And im sure you will have a wonderful day anyway. x


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Originally Posted by Less is more View Post

 BangHead.gifLadies I need help!!!!!! the resort andmy TA just called me and said that AS overbooked and has to move my entire party to ABeach.  This is with my wedding less than a week away we leave tuesday!!!. and I have no idea whats going on.  where my wedding will be , where the reception will be, nothing.  I had everything planned for over a year and they just call and move us!!!  I am devistated .......shit can't even stop crying! So any ladies planning at AB if you could give me a crash course on things that will be gratelly appreciated.  Locatins for reception , beach wedding, area for cocktail party...any and everything. 

I know I am later than ever but I just said a prayer for you in hopes that things went smoother and more beautiful than you ever expected!!! My heart goes out ot you, but deep down I know everything happens for a reason and that you had a WONDERFUL wedding day! xoxo

Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post

Question for those of you that have your invitations done or in the works...

Most of the sites I have searched say if you are paying for the wedding yourself, you don't have to put any of your parents names on the invitation...

BUT...I am afraid that because we are still 8 months to our wedding, our parents haven't antied up anything because they still have time.

There has been no conversation about anyone helping us (which is fine), but I am afraid they will down the road and then its too late to have them on the invitation... I was thinking of just putting "together with their families"....anyone have ideas?? 

(I really think everyone feels because they are getting themselves there, that is them helping us.....and its an expensive wedding to go to, and are totally forgetting they are going on vacation for a week at an all inclusive!)  thatswck.gif


We didn't want to nurse any hurt feelings so we just put in small font...."Together with their loving families....." and left it at that. 

Originally Posted by 1106wedding View Post

We were in a similar situation when trying to figure out how to word things. The way things stand: My parents are paying a third (which is a lot for them), we are paying at least half and his parents have only agreed (so far!) to throw a third of what my parents are contributing. In a way it didn't feel right to give both parents equal "credit" on the invitations but in the end, it felt even weirder to do anything other than "Jessie and Chris, together with our families, invite...." so that's what we did. I'm really hopeful that his parents will throw in more (they have the means to) and I imagine that once guests from their side start rsvp-ing, they'll be more willing to pitch in. I don't want to sound ungrateful because I really am grateful...I am! ;) My we do need a little help, especially if a lot of people say they're coming! I have a 7 page budget that I've shared with both families to show them exactly how things add up. We've actually budgeted in a couple hotel room nights to surprise my parents (and his if they end up throwing in more) with a paid room as a thank you. HOpe this helps....



I feel your pain but didn't want to offend anyone, so see above.....

Originally Posted by melfaybik View Post

Hello Everyone!


We are trying to decide what time to have the ceremony for our May 28th wedding and we are deciding between 4 and 4:30 p.m. Our photographer recommends 4:30 or 5 p.m. but I am wanting the ceremony time earlier so we can have a 5 hour reception instead of a 4 hour reception.  Azul says that all receptions/private events must end at 11 p.m. The only problem with having a earlier ceremony is that my FI hates the heat and sweats easily. cheesy.gif


What time is everyone having their ceremony at? For all the brides that have already been married...How hot was it for your ceremony? Also, has anyone had a reception that lasted later than 11 p.m.?





We are getting married on the same day. We asked our photogs advice (who is based in Mexico) and she suggested 5pm....so that is what we went with.


By the way, nice signature....  ;-)

Originally Posted by nv+gms View Post

Our photographer posted some pics to his blog!

Have a look at all the entries for Natasha and Guy!



Beautiful, you captured every locale in Mexico! Very nice pics!!!

Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post

Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to check in and vent a little bit, I am very stressed!  So long story short, our final payments are due today, which is fine and I have known is coming for a looonng time!  Unfortunatley, FI's parents are apparantly super financially irrespsonsible and don't have their money ready to pay ON TIME!!  So know I am supposed to do what?  FI wants me to call the TA and just tell him to extend the deadline as they can't pay right now.  I have just exactly enough to pay for myself and FI trip on my card or I would put their trip on.  FI doesn't have a credit card either (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree?! )  I am so irritated and I don't know what to do.  I can't help it his family is completley irresponsible and can't get thier *&^$ together.  Anyways, I don't know what to do or what TA will say, but I guess I can only ask.  I can pay a part of thier trip, the deposit has already been paid.  So thanks for letting me vent a little, I am very upset.  Also already I have more family coming than him, he only has his parents and one sister coming, so he is very upset too that they are not getting it together.  I have to phone FMIL today, please give me the wisdom to be very calm and polite while speaking to her, cause I feel like saying a lot of things I probably shouldn't, like aren't you the parents?  Start acting like it!!  I wouldn't be so annoyed if it was just that they couldn't afford it, but they did just buy a flat screen t.v at christmas and his Dad went on a trip with friends, so what does that say!  
Thanks ladies, I can't vent to just anybody, especially about his parents LOL!

I feel your pain.....we spent more time over the past few months stressing and worrying about other people's financial situations. We finally had a talk two weeks ago and said to heck with everyone. We went out of our way to give people ample notice (we sent out our STD's a year in advance) and we booked with DW.com so that they could have no-interest payment plans to budget as needed. We cut our bridal party last week because one won't be able to travel due to a new pregnancy and the remaining 3 still aren't sure and keep stringing us along rather than just being honest about their situations. We told them they will be "honorary" bridal party members and we can't wait to have them as guests still. And we have become comfortable that as long as we are together and healthy, everyone who is meant to be there will be and all the rest willl have to own their situations and lack of planning. Don't take ownership for anyone else's irresponsibilty and do your best to just focus on you and your FI as hard as it may be at times. Chin up! :-) 

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

Ok This picture does not do it justice but I bought the cutest Turtle table number holders last night from Etsy and since i have a turtle in my monogram I thought it would tie together nicely. We aren't doing too much decorating on the tables so trying to keep it simple.


Etsy Seller is bitspeaces


custom order 8 self standing turtle place card holders

VERY cute! 

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post

Hi Ladies,


Just wanted to check in and let you all know that I'm still alive.  To be honest, I've been lurking a little bit on here from time to time - reading posts and trying to keep up.  But generally, I've been kinda avoiding the forum because everytime I read the posts I just feel more stressed.  hahaha -


hearing about frustrated brides being moved to AB (OMG I am so sorry you're going through that right before the big day) to the resort being booked full for our wedding weekend (right after I sent out my invites)  ugghh... anyways I found for a while there that just keeping my head down and doing my own thing was the best for my stress level.


But... I'm hoping to be back and more involved for the rest of my planning process.  I know that everyone on here has helped me so much and I do want to share my experience and knowledge with others too as I think it's key for everyone to plan their weddings more easily.


That said - we sent out our invites back in January (formal invites - had already done email save the dates back last may)... I'm going to try and take a picture of them this weekend after I find my camera and post on here to share with everyone. 


Right now, we're working on planning an excursion day (probably to Chichen Itza and a cenote) and figuring out when everyone's flights arrive to decide when to do a welcome cocktail reception (or if to do one at all). 


I remember last year lots of brides to be made lists and posted them weekly to help them keep on top of their to dos... hmmm maybe an idea to copy. 


Anyways, long post... sorry  cheesy.gif  Welcome all the newbies.  Congrats to those who I missed saying that to recently and thanks for understanding my hiatus everyone  

I am right there with you... lurking is about all I can do as of late. ;-) 

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Hi ladies! I just wanted to say hello and welcome all the Newbies. I haven't been on here lately because I have been out of town for work on travel status and do not like to access this site from my work laptop. I know I owe about three of you PM responses and I will get right to it this evening as soon as we get back from skating. I only had a chance to catch up today because it is a Holiday and I have the day off....but I did want to extend my well wishes to you all.  :-)  Take care and Happy Planning!!!

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Hi TLGnhci, I am sure I am super late on this but I believe you had said something about having to pay full price for your 13 year old daughter (atleast I think she was 13), but I wanted to let you know I looked at my contract and I have a child price (6-15) for 6 nights in a luxury ocean view suite for $337.56.

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Thank YOU so much!!!!! I order from there all the time!!!!!

Originally Posted by amcferron View Post

Hey girls!!  I don't post very often, but have learned how useful Vistaprint is.  So, wanted to share this deal with you guys:




Go to this website and pay $10 for $50 to use at vistaprint!!  Happy planning!!


Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

Hey girls,


For those of you who are married, how early did you get your hair/make up done?  Or for girls getting married, what are you thinking?  My ceremony is at 5 and I want like an hour before to get some pics with my daughter, mom and bridesmaids. 

I am using the spa but apparently they are full my wedding day so I HAD to take 11am which was fine with me


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I am so addicted to VistaPrint right now.  You guys may already know this, but depending on the link you use to get to the website, you get different prices!


This is how I got the tshirts for $4.50!  If you go through a different link, they show up $8.  Its so crazy!  If anyone is interested in the Ts, let me know and Ill see if I can send the link.


Then I found a way to order 100 post cards for free (just pay $6 shipping)...10 minutes later I went through the same link and ordered a different 100 for free again! 

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Melissa - Instead of Pepto, I got Tums Quick Paks on Ebay (72 individual paks for $13, including shipping/handling). 


Also, I see your questioning the first-aid kit...I had that on my original list, but since my OOT bag is including advil, tums, bandaids, etc...it seemed a separate first-aid kit might not be necessary. 


Lastly, there is a really great thread in the general section.  I think the title is "OOT Bags, what worked and what didnt".  Or something like that? 

Originally Posted by murmel View Post

 I had to get everything sent to Canada so it was more expensive. But try these places for some of the above:

Pepto Bismol (ebay) (we ended up buying single dose packs of Immodium from an ebay dealer called: barginsdelivered. They were very helpful, and based in the US, so it should be really cheap for you)

Shout wipes. Try a site called http://www.minimus.biz/ They have an amazing selection of everything travel related. Super for those of you in the US, the shipping to Canada made it too expensive.

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regarding vistaprint....yes, be sure to try different links to get different prices!!


and with OOT bag stuff.....i bought first aid kits and was able to just add ibuprofen, immodium, pepto bismol, and a roll of tums INTO the kit and then made a sticker on vistaprint to put on top of the kit!!  and yes, it all fit!!  :)

Originally Posted by JaimeCF2BR View Post

Melissa - Instead of Pepto, I got Tums Quick Paks on Ebay (72 individual paks for $13, including shipping/handling). 


Also, I see your questioning the first-aid kit...I had that on my original list, but since my OOT bag is including advil, tums, bandaids, etc...it seemed a separate first-aid kit might not be necessary. 


Lastly, there is a really great thread in the general section.  I think the title is "OOT Bags, what worked and what didnt".  Or something like that? 


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