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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Okay good, so I should stick with the exotic and the onsite people will drape it?  That's wonderful news! 

Originally Posted by nv+gms View Post

I can't tell you enough how flexible and accomodating everyone is.  I paid separately for eveything (e.g., I did not go with the exotic gazebo pkg) - I wanted silver sheers - which turned out to be a waste b/c it was overcast and I personally can't tell the difference between white and silver now in the amateur shots (we'll see what my photographer comes up with).  Plus - they only had one set of silver organza sheers - the one in the back is white - again - you probably can't even tell the difference between the colours.  Waste of money in my opinion - I should have stuck with the exotic gazebo decor b/c they set it up whatever way you like (e.g., not candy cane type) and it came with rose petals for a cheaper price.

My best advice - purchase the "fundamentals" of what you know you want in advance.  I wasn't sure if I was going to do the petal toss until a week before we left.  I did the background stuff at home (making the skeleton for the cone) and then ordered the petals on site.  Same price as if you ordered them in advance.  Key thing to remember is that you can always add to your package (including last min guests) but you can never take back something you chose not to do if you've paid for it. 

Good luck!!  Everything will be gorgeous - TRUST ME!

Originally Posted by Less is more View Post

Beautiful!!!  What package did you have again?  Ok so i am totally flipping out and second guessing. Were you able to make changes at the meeting and were they flexible?  I think it is last minute nerves but boy am i freaking out over here.  Love the rose petal toss idea i didn't even think of that!  wow.....got more work to do!


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Thank you so much for the suggestions!  It's so hard to get the full picture since I have never been there.  The thought of twisted lights and lanterns did not even cross my mind.  I was stuck on it being so casual looking when I wanted a little more elegance.  I don't want it stiff, but I don't want a beer party.  You know?  We will have between 30-40 people.  Right now we are at 30,a nd some people say they are coming in addition to that, but you know how that goes.  Do you think Palapa Youg is too cozy for a reception area?  I was thinking that the tables would be on the sand and we could use the platform for dancing.  Maybe I should encourage flip flops?  I think I will ask my coordinator about Zocolo, but maybe tomorrow.  I have sent her something like 2 or 3 emails since I got her.  I don't want her to think I'm crazy!  I'm just a little anxious at this point, and happy that I feel like I have somebody in my corner.


Originally Posted by nv+gms View Post

I loved the palapa yoga for my coctail party but I think you should think about the number of guests you will be having.  We had 33 guests with a few stand up tables and the canape station set up on the platform and it was pretty cozy.  Of course all of our fun extended out into the sand when the dancing got going.  Are you planning to set up tables on the beach and use the platform as a dance floor? 

Thoughts on decor:  lanterns, lights twisted around the poles, sheers and all the flowers you use from your ceremony (hanging flowers would be nice on the two poles facing the sea).   The ceiling to the structure is not high - so that is something to consider when thinking about how much you want to hang (you could probably get exact measurements from them if this is important for you).

Other considerations:  are your guests wearing heels?  I'm pretty sure the platform was constructed of wooden planks that may be a bit hard to dance on.  When we danced on the beach - everyone removed their shoes even though the sand is relatively firm.  However - you could rent a dance floor. 

Also note:  The area is flanked by day beds with canopys that cannot be moved (on each side of the palapa yoga platform).  The main area you get to work with is the area directly in front of the palapa yoga extending to the sea (the back of the palapa yoga area a small area of sand followed by a wall and it is where the bar was set up for our party). 

If you need a bigger space and Zavas is not available - did you consider Zocolo (Mexican restaurant) - they have an area that is outdoor overlooking the sea but also covered overhead (bonus if it rains).  This is part of a restaurant though - they provide you with a semi-private dedicated section.  I did not see it used for a wedding but I've heard that it is a good area.   

Originally Posted by bryteyedbride View Post

Glad you had a great experience.  I am having a legal wedding at the resort too, so I am relieved to hear how well it went for you.  Congratulations on being a Mrs.!  I have Palopa Yoga for my reception because Zavas was already booked.  Any suggestions on how to make it look nicer?

I have to tell you - I was in the same boat during my planning process with the WC in Miami.  Their focus is on the current weddings (1-2 months in advance).  You will find this extremely refreshing when it comes close to your date b/c they respond back and forth over several emails within minutes/hours of your questions. 

However, I know that this does not ease your mind right now.  What I found helpful is lining up a whole list of questions and requests and then scheduling a conference call.  Another strong recommendation I have is populating your own spreadsheet (aka detail sheet) - if you don't already have one from the WC - ask for it.  Track your changes by highlighting new additions, colour code fonts where you have questions and keep all your files.  Use the spreadsheet as your source of communication and not sporadic questions in a cascade of emails.  I also kept up on these forums - jotting down questions, thoughts etc and consolidating them into one spreadsheet before sending - most of what you can/can't do is already posted somewhere in here! 

Hopefully something in what I said can help you not worry.  Everything will be beautiful in the end! 

Originally Posted by bryteyedbride View Post

Hi  1106wedding!


I don't know if Angie left.  


I THINK I will be getting a new DW.com specialist in the next few days too.  I have not cared for mine for several months, but was trying to just deal with it.  My sister really got upset with her earlier this week, and that kind of got changes rolling.  I had pretty much just stopped communicating with the DW specialist except for on an absolutely "as necessary" basis. 


I have to say that when I spoke to customer svc at DW.com the representative (Amber) was very nice and genuinely concerned that this be a pleasant experience for me.  When I last spoke to Angie she told me that their priority was the January and February weddings.  Amber let me know that my wedding should be a priority even though it is months away.woot.gif  I am pleased and very hopeful that I don't have anymore problems.  This experience with Amber made my whole impression of DW.com change to a more positive one.


I wanted the cold fireworks too.  My reception will be on the beach at Palopa Yoga because Zavas Plaza was not available.  Let me know if they change their minds and allow it though, as it would be nice!



Originally Posted by 1106wedding View Post



bryteyedbride - I haven't ordered the dancefloor even though it looks awesome. It wouldn't be big enough for our group (80ish expected) so we decided to skip it for now. I REALLY REALLY wish they'd allow the cold fireworks. I asked my new coordinator again just in case she gives me a different answer. Do we know if Angie left?? I sort of told my DW.com TA that she wasn't getting back to me about things but I was actually pretty nice about it!?


TLGnhci - oh good! Glad you like Erika so far! 



We did ours at about 10am on a nice Sunny day.  The earlier - the better - less people on the beach and not too hot.   A sunset one would have been nice too but it gets dark really fast so you need to be sure you have ample time for photos.  The other thing to consider if doing a sunset shoot - another wedding may be happening on the beach at the same time so it may restrict the location shots (e.g., pier area especially).  We had limited sun on our trip so we adjusted the date and time as weather permitted. 

Originally Posted by JaimeCF2BR View Post

Question for you girls doing TTD at Azul...  Are you doing it sunrise, sunset, or somewhere in between?


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Spoons dinner for your reception for sure!!!! 

After the welcome cocktail party we threw eveyone still went to Tapas for a late dinner. 

Honestly - people really loved the food at Spoons for our private farewell dinner and it was substantial.  Everyone loved the canapes at the coctail party - but it wouldn't be enough to keep people going in my opinion. 

If you have money left over - I think a cocktail party in the form of a welcome is totally appreciated by guests.  For one - it looks like you are organizing more than one thing in honour of them joining you and it also introduces new friends and family in a casual laid back environment. 

Hope this helps!


Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post



For your cocktail welcome party, what time did you do it, and did the food suffice as dinner?  I'm torn b/w doing the Spoons dinner or a cocktail party.  I thought just cocktails wouldn't be enough food for people to continue partying afterwards. 

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So you are leaving Azul for your TTD??  I didn't realize this was an option with Maria!  I know she does fabulous sunset shots, but Azul seems to have an unimpressive location for sunsets.  Can you keep me posted on where you decide to go?


Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

Jaime, I am doing mine at Sunset.  Maria is "famous" for her awesome sunset pics.  I would like to maybe start at a cenote and then go to a pretty beach somewhere, but haven't figured out the details. 

Originally Posted by JaimeCF2BR View Post

Question for you girls doing TTD at Azul...  Are you doing it sunrise, sunset, or somewhere in between?






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We haven't discussed transportation costs or time or anything, but I know she knows I'm interested in doing a cenote.  So, I guess it will require further conversation, but I will definitely keep you updated. 

Originally Posted by JaimeCF2BR View Post

So you are leaving Azul for your TTD??  I didn't realize this was an option with Maria!  I know she does fabulous sunset shots, but Azul seems to have an unimpressive location for sunsets.  Can you keep me posted on where you decide to go?

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Hmm, okay, I think you've convinced me.  What time did you do yours?

Originally Posted by nv+gms View Post

Spoons dinner for your reception for sure!!!! 

After the welcome cocktail party we threw eveyone still went to Tapas for a late dinner. 

Honestly - people really loved the food at Spoons for our private farewell dinner and it was substantial.  Everyone loved the canapes at the coctail party - but it wouldn't be enough to keep people going in my opinion. 

If you have money left over - I think a cocktail party in the form of a welcome is totally appreciated by guests.  For one - it looks like you are organizing more than one thing in honour of them joining you and it also introduces new friends and family in a casual laid back environment. 

Hope this helps!


Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post



For your cocktail welcome party, what time did you do it, and did the food suffice as dinner?  I'm torn b/w doing the Spoons dinner or a cocktail party.  I thought just cocktails wouldn't be enough food for people to continue partying afterwards. 


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oops sorry didnt mean for that to go there!



we are having the palapa yoga for our cocktail reception and maybe for our evening reception too. for the evening reception we were going to have the tables on the sand and the palapa itself for a dancefloor. altogether there are 41 guests, do you think it is big enough? also, are there electrical points?for lights etc?x

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This is absolutely awesome news!  I'll look into it. 

Originally Posted by Nikki O View Post

I think you can have your marriage cert translated to English here in Toronto. I believe it was Nicole or some past bride (sorry I can't remember her name!) from Ontario who told me that I could just use a translator from the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario. I believe that's what she did too and she only paid $50!!


Well - on my detail sheet we agreed to 7pm farewell dinner at spoons on our last night.  First I was told it had to be at 6:30pm.  Then I pushed for 7pm and it was "accepted".  At the resort they still thought it was 6:30pm but in the end we got there at 7:30 (which stresses the coordinators out - LOL).  I think you have to look at your group - most of ours were mid-30s with some older (50's) party folks who didn't mind grabbing a snack (aka mojito or two) before hand while they waited.  If we had lots of senior family/friends attending or families with small kids - I think they would have been grumpier about our late eating habits.   

Cocktail party was 6-8pm 2 days after we arrived - I still like that time frame b/c people came out dressed up - could grab some drinks and bites followed by dinner after if they chose!  I also like 6pm b/c there was no one left on the beach and we didn't intrude into peoples "sun time" during the day. 


Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

Hmm, okay, I think you've convinced me.  What time did you do yours?

Originally Posted by nv+gms View Post

Spoons dinner for your reception for sure!!!! 

After the welcome cocktail party we threw eveyone still went to Tapas for a late dinner. 

Honestly - people really loved the food at Spoons for our private farewell dinner and it was substantial.  Everyone loved the canapes at the coctail party - but it wouldn't be enough to keep people going in my opinion. 

If you have money left over - I think a cocktail party in the form of a welcome is totally appreciated by guests.  For one - it looks like you are organizing more than one thing in honour of them joining you and it also introduces new friends and family in a casual laid back environment. 

Hope this helps!


Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post



For your cocktail welcome party, what time did you do it, and did the food suffice as dinner?  I'm torn b/w doing the Spoons dinner or a cocktail party.  I thought just cocktails wouldn't be enough food for people to continue partying afterwards. 



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I think it could work for either occasions the way you describe for that amount of people.  At your reception -  41 guests will not likely be dancing at the same time anyway.  Just keep in mind that all your tables will be between the palapa yoga and the sea as there is no space directly beside or behind it for tables (but there is plenty of space!). 

The area is well lit up already.  I did not note electrical connections - but my guess would be yes - it should be something the WC can answer for you easily. 

Originally Posted by *lyndsey* View Post

oops sorry didnt mean for that to go there!



we are having the palapa yoga for our cocktail reception and maybe for our evening reception too. for the evening reception we were going to have the tables on the sand and the palapa itself for a dancefloor. altogether there are 41 guests, do you think it is big enough? also, are there electrical points?for lights etc?x

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