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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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No it wasn't our fault the wind knocked them out ...Yes try sand ...they filled them with water and they still fell....we actually bought ours with us ...borrowed them from a woman we know who does weddings. I felt awful bc they all broke we didnt bring one home :/ I didnt even want them my husband did ! lolol and now we have to pay to replace them!

Originally Posted by nv+gms View Post

hmmm...good point I hadn't thought of.  Did you order the tall glass vase arrangements from Lomas?  If so - were you responsible for the cost of the breakage?  I guess I could ask the onsite coordinators to take out the flowers and fill them with sand first...




green ball on table.jpg

We had had to put down 250$ per room for 10 rooms.  For that we also got an additonal 10 rooms reserved until the deposit date was due (about 5 months before the wedding).  After the deposit date we lost any of the "additional rooms" over 10 that were not booked.  Fortunately we had more than 10 rooms booked at that point so there were no concerns on our part.  Had less than 10 rooms been booked our deposit would continue to hold the remaining spaces until the final payments were due 60 days prior to departure.  However, I can definitely say that they are very "loose" with this final payment day.  I think they make it that far out to give the TA some flexibility with the tour operator and late guests.  This pricing is CND and booked through a TA specializing in wedding holidays.  I think it would have been different had we booked our group through a larger more mainstream travel agency. 


Originally Posted by 1106wedding View Post

We were only given 30 days to put a $100 deposit down per person. Then all rooms have to be paid in full 63 days out (which seemed a little strict!). According to our TA, that was "better than most deals out there" - is she wrong?


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Sorry for the multiple post but yes we had 30 days to put a deposit down for 20 rooms....and it was around 6k for us NOT 3K LOL ...this was pretty stressful but after this was done they were pretty flexible with everything else. We had soo many ppl who put deposits down for rooms that didnt come they actually covered the cost for a few of the rooms that me and him were paying for in the end so it really worked out! lolol



BTW YOU ARE GOING TO BE SO IMPRESSED WITH THE VIDEO!!!!! I watch it everyday and it takes me right back to my wedding day ...we had so much fun!! I'm still waiting for my 8 minute highlight dvd and the link so you guys can see it =)


Originally Posted by mzgillis316 View Post

No you're right it was 30 days initially we just paid for our first 20 rooms but that was risky and now to think about it I dont know why we did that LOLOL...and our's was $300 deposit for rooms!!!!....LOLOL i was lucky to have a husband who really took over this whole wedding thing so he really kept me out of the loop b/c he knows how stressed I can get and I stress him out LOLOL he was actually the one who found this site LOLOLOL .....

Originally Posted by bryteyedbride View Post


Originally Posted by mzgillis316 View Post

Have you tried following up with the hotel directly? They tried to feed us that crap....they also tried to make us pay a higher room rate than what they were offering on THEIR WEBSITE!!! We just pushed back they were adding and taking away rooms for us the whole time. btw I had a bunch of ppl pay for "ocean view" rooms and everyone got the same room ....non ocean view. smh


Also, Remember that you gave everyone enough time to handle their business and book their rooms and if they did not you can not stress yourself about it....the ppl that really want and need to be there will be there. Also there are plenty of very very close hotels all in that same area. We didnt realize but zoetry was literally 10 minutes from sensatori and you didnt have to go on to the main road to get there. Also cancun is about a 20-25 minute ride away not very far at all they can come to the wedding and stay at a different resort.

question did the resort only give you 2 months to put down a deposit? we were given 4 but we also put down some of the money to do that but we had to fight for it.

Originally Posted by bryteyedbride View Post

My guests are calling me because my weekend is sold out.  I only have 16 people booked, plus us.  I TOLD them 2 months ago to book their rooms, get on a payment plan if you need too, etc.  Now I'm stressed because so many people will not be there.  If anyone getting married that weekend has any left over blocked rooms please let me know. 



No, I didn't call the hotel.  Truthfully, I kind of freaked out and didn't think about that, but I will.  I guess that was officially my first "moment" and hopefully my last! 


My DW.com specialist had higher rates than the website too, so for those who booked, I had to get a price match.  She was able to do that much for me.  I would have thought she would have notified me that the resort was sold out, but not the case.  But then again, I would have thought she would always be getting them the best price too.  I sent out a blog to people last night and gave them 3 alternate resorts last night.  It was Friday night, and so far 2 have booked at the alternate hotels and apologized for dragging their feet. 


I'm feeling better about things this morning, because you are right, if they really want to be there, they will make it happen.  We are still going to have a great day!  My deposit was $200 per room and the rooms had to be purchased in 30 days and then they would be charged to me.  Because of the short purchase time I only booked 5 rooms because I did not want to be stuck paying for the remaining rooms after the 30 days because I know how some of my folks like to drag their feet on things.  I wonder why I was only given 30 days?


BTW, I booked Cancun Video!!!!  Thanks so much!  I was not impressed with the photographers at Karisma, and since your photographer was not available, we are just going to take the 36 photos from our package, and splurge on the video for memories.  THX so much for the recommendation.  I'm surprising my FI with the video, as it was very important for him that we try to get video.  He has no idea the video in store for him!  Hopefully he will not find out until we get there.  I've been going through my ipod trying to decide what music to give them!  rolleyes.gif


Originally Posted by 1106wedding View Post

We were only given 30 days to put a $100 deposit down per person. Then all rooms have to be paid in full 63 days out (which seemed a little strict!). According to our TA, that was "better than most deals out there" - is she wrong?

My contract was $200 per room, they had 30 days to book their rooms, and anything not booked in that time-frame would have to be paid by me until it was booked.  I was not aware of any deadline date of 63 days.  With money going all over the place for other wedding-related issues, I was not willing to have $2000 just out there hanging for 10 rooms, so I did 5 rooms for $1000.  Hindsight is I should have booked a larger block of rooms, but my wedding was almost 9 months out, and I'm not sure that would have mattered if there was a deadline date for the guests to book.  My guests were able to get on a monthly payment plan for up to 6 months. 


You have enough time before your wedding to really stress to your people that this could happen so that you don't end up in the same situation.  Be sure to let them know it is a very real situation!  I don't want it to happen to anyone else.


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Hola Ladies. I'm having such a hard time balancing wedding planning with Christmas right now. We booked our photographer and just gave the final approval on the formal invitations, but I feel like there is so much more that needs to be done. Is anyone else feeling the same way? With only 4 months left to go, I need to get on the ball but no time with Christmas. Maybe start back after New Years? Not to mention getting back into the GYM!! Yikes!

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Ok, so our plan sounds somewhat in line with others (wow, there are so many variations of schedules!!!)

We put 30 rooms on hold which means that in a month, we owe $6k as a deposit. Since it's a chunk of change, we hope to get our family and wedding party to put their rooms on hold themselves and knock off at least $1.5k. Our save the dates/invites (we're probably doing a combo) won't go out until after the initial deposit is down and I don't want to rush so what will be will be. 


I've got time to think about a photographer but can you tell me quickly how much you paid for yours (to see if it'll even FIT in our budget)?!? I hate myself on video but figure it'd be awesome to have as a memory. 



Originally Posted by mzgillis316 View Post

Sorry for the multiple post but yes we had 30 days to put a deposit down for 20 rooms....and it was around 6k for us NOT 3K LOL ...this was pretty stressful but after this was done they were pretty flexible with everything else. We had soo many ppl who put deposits down for rooms that didnt come they actually covered the cost for a few of the rooms that me and him were paying for in the end so it really worked out! lolol



BTW YOU ARE GOING TO BE SO IMPRESSED WITH THE VIDEO!!!!! I watch it everyday and it takes me right back to my wedding day ...we had so much fun!! I'm still waiting for my 8 minute highlight dvd and the link so you guys can see it =)


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I was fortunate to score a pretty good deal with my photographer...I was her first destination wedding and she's still up and coming ( well at least when we first met lol) but for her she didnt charge us any extra she just told us to pick one of her packages and w/e her travel and room fees would be to just deduct it and w/e is left over give to her.Her package was $2600....Cancun wedding video package was $1650 for 5 hours of DVD he didn't get the whole reception but it was just enough =) For me that was worth every dime ...I love watching it.

Originally Posted by 1106wedding View Post

Ok, so our plan sounds somewhat in line with others (wow, there are so many variations of schedules!!!)

We put 30 rooms on hold which means that in a month, we owe $6k as a deposit. Since it's a chunk of change, we hope to get our family and wedding party to put their rooms on hold themselves and knock off at least $1.5k. Our save the dates/invites (we're probably doing a combo) won't go out until after the initial deposit is down and I don't want to rush so what will be will be. 


I've got time to think about a photographer but can you tell me quickly how much you paid for yours (to see if it'll even FIT in our budget)?!? I hate myself on video but figure it'd be awesome to have as a memory. 



Originally Posted by mzgillis316 View Post

Sorry for the multiple post but yes we had 30 days to put a deposit down for 20 rooms....and it was around 6k for us NOT 3K LOL ...this was pretty stressful but after this was done they were pretty flexible with everything else. We had soo many ppl who put deposits down for rooms that didnt come they actually covered the cost for a few of the rooms that me and him were paying for in the end so it really worked out! lolol



BTW YOU ARE GOING TO BE SO IMPRESSED WITH THE VIDEO!!!!! I watch it everyday and it takes me right back to my wedding day ...we had so much fun!! I'm still waiting for my 8 minute highlight dvd and the link so you guys can see it =)


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It sounds like many of you have set aside blocks of rooms at the hotel.  We haven't thought about reserving a block of rooms.  My travel agent has found flight + hotel packages, and we were going to have our guests get in touch with her to book those packages.  I'm assuming if we're booking packages, it isn't possible with the blocks of rooms.  Did you do that direclty with the hotel, or through a travel agent?   


Forgive my ignorance!  I want to be sure that we're going about things the best way.  My concerns are getting fair prices but also having enough rooms for guests.  We're at Azul Beach in July, and were going to get serious about booking in Jan and Feb. 

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I think we have picked up some ladies since the last time I posted this. Please let me know if you are not on the list


January 2011

Arkae – January 21, 2011

Audrey1281 – January 22, 2011

Murmel – January 24, 2011

NV&GMS – January 26, 2011


February 2011

Less is More – February 19, 2011


March 2011

gingerlover36 – March 26, 2011 (AB)


April 2011

dakotaAZ – April 2, 2011

KristyMichelle - April 3, 2011

Michele4172011  - April 17, 2011

Mahalo79 – April 25, 2011 (EDR Chapel/AS)

Chapa – April 30, 2011


May 2011

TLGnhci – May 2, 2011

mmc1105 – May 6, 2011

JaimeCF2BR – May 7, 2011

Nikki O – May 7, 2011

amcferron – May 13, 2011

MaggieandJay – May 15, 2011

*Lyndsey* - May 17, 2011

beaz2be – May 27, 2011

Bigboponthebeach – May 28, 2011

bryteyedbride - May 28th 2011

Vic0214 – May 31, 2011


June 2011

gom4good - June 9th 2011

jazz04 – June 12, 2011

Mrs Goose - June 25th 2011


July 2011

karlaandmark July 19th 2011

LMMDC – July 23, 2011

Lynsey – July 25, 2011 (EDR)

LauraMInn - July 30, 2011 (AB)


August 2011

Herbie76 – August 2, 2011

Jwashing - August 6, 2011


November 2011

Jesse Nov 12, 2011


 February 2012

msmarmar123 – February 11, 2012

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We did a block and my TA negociated a rate for anyone that books thru her. After we filled the 16 rooms to get one of the promotions (I think it was Bride and Groom stay Free) anyone that booked after that still got the rates. The only risk we have now is if the hotel fills up but honestly everyone who I really wanted there was on the ball and booked. Everyone else we would love it if they came but if they don't I am not going to be heartbroken.


PS we noticed a funny thing. Ever since I sentout my invites in August. 4 couples we invited are now preggers. 2 of them have the same due date as oour wedding date

Originally Posted by LauraMinn View Post

It sounds like many of you have set aside blocks of rooms at the hotel.  We haven't thought about reserving a block of rooms.  My travel agent has found flight + hotel packages, and we were going to have our guests get in touch with her to book those packages.  I'm assuming if we're booking packages, it isn't possible with the blocks of rooms.  Did you do that direclty with the hotel, or through a travel agent?   


Forgive my ignorance!  I want to be sure that we're going about things the best way.  My concerns are getting fair prices but also having enough rooms for guests.  We're at Azul Beach in July, and were going to get serious about booking in Jan and Feb. 

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