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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post


It so weird how sometimes you get inspired all of the sudden out of no where to figure out a task for the wedding. Last night I was playing around on Itunes and all of the sudden i was inspired to figure out the processional and what I am walking down the aisle to. I already knew what I wanted to walk down with my brother to so I just needed a song for the seating of the parents since we don't have a bridal party. Ended up in the bagpipe music (Weird I know) I found a really short version of Scotland the Brave by the NYFD Pipe and drum core. Since my step dad is primarily Scottish and a professional firefighter and in my little girl wedding of my dreams there was always going to be bagpipes. I listen to that then segued into my song with my brother and it just seemed perfect.

Are bagpipes too weird for mexico wedding. I swear I wasn't drinking LOL


Sorry just had to share and get thoughts since you ladies understand better than anyone


Ha ha, that's too funny!  I say anything goes!  It's your wedding and it should reflect your family, personality and interests! 


I am doing things my way and am not the least bit concerned about "the Norm" or tradition.  :o)

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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post


It so weird how sometimes you get inspired all of the sudden out of no where to figure out a task for the wedding. Last night I was playing around on Itunes and all of the sudden i was inspired to figure out the processional and what I am walking down the aisle to. I already knew what I wanted to walk down with my brother to so I just needed a song for the seating of the parents since we don't have a bridal party. Ended up in the bagpipe music (Weird I know) I found a really short version of Scotland the Brave by the NYFD Pipe and drum core. Since my step dad is primarily Scottish and a professional firefighter and in my little girl wedding of my dreams there was always going to be bagpipes. I listen to that then segued into my song with my brother and it just seemed perfect.

Are bagpipes too weird for mexico wedding. I swear I wasn't drinking LOL


Sorry just had to share and get thoughts since you ladies understand better than anyone


That's perfect...it mean s something to you and that's all that really matters.


At my 1st wedding...our 1st dance wads to Raibbow Connection..Kermit the Frog version...we definitely had a few weird looks and comments...but it was so us and we loved it :)


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Music!  That is one of the things I am freaking out about.  Who will make sure the right songs are played?  I've been to a few weddings and they played the wrong songs or had issues with the music.  I've also been told that sometimes you can't even hear when your walking in because of all the other sounds like the ocean and people surrounding.  I'm really a low maintence bride, but the photography and music are essential.  That's all I can think about.  

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Welcome!  Which details are you freaking out about?  I'm certain that by reading this thread and asking any questions, the girls here can put you at ease! 


For your music & photo question...did you hire someone from the resort or bring your own?  That'll help everyone answer your question best.


Originally Posted by sunnywinters76 View Post

I'm getting married at Azul Sensatori on Jan. 29th and I'm freaking out since I have not seen the location first hand.  I've found so many amazing photos so I know that it will look amazing. Im just starting to freak out about all the little details.  Anyone else getting married there anytime soon and feeling the same?

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Originally Posted by sunnywinters76 View Post


Music!  That is one of the things I am freaking out about.  Who will make sure the right songs are played?  I've been to a few weddings and they played the wrong songs or had issues with the music.  I've also been told that sometimes you can't even hear when your walking in because of all the other sounds like the ocean and people surrounding.  I'm really a low maintence bride, but the photography and music are essential.  That's all I can think about.  


I hear the onsite team is AMAZING and will make sure everything goes according to plan.  Just be sure your wedding coordinator has every little detail on your spreadsheet.  For the music, just make sure it's all very detailed and organized, and hopefully the "button pusher" gets it right.  :o)  You can't stress yourself out over the minor details.  It will all be beautiful in the end. 

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Welcome!!  This forum is AMAZING and will definitely rest some of your freak outs aside (trust me, these ladies have already helped me through more than my share).  There's sooo much information on here.  My advice is - go back a few hundred (gulp - yes, I said hundred) pages and try and read through or at least scan for information on stuff you're concerned about.


and... feel free to ask away!  These women have so many great tips and bits of experience.


Have fun planning and glad to have you here.  welcome3.gif thewave.gif

Originally Posted by sunnywinters76 View Post

I'm getting married at Azul Sensatori on Jan. 29th and I'm freaking out since I have not seen the location first hand.  I've found so many amazing photos so I know that it will look amazing. Im just starting to freak out about all the little details.  Anyone else getting married there anytime soon and feeling the same?

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So ladies, I just wanted to give everyone a heads up on this.  I got an email from my TA last night (and I've checked the news a bit online to confirm).  Seems that as of about this week Mexico has made new policies regarding currency and is only accepting PESOS from now on.  That means, no US Singles accepted at all-inclusives for tipping etc.  No USD of CDN funds for excursions.


From what she said credit cards are all still fine b/c they just change the currency into pesos.  I haven't looked into how this affects the wedding planning stuff because I know karisma and lomas have always seems to quote and charge everything in USD.  But I just thought I'd share that news with you all.  Especially those ladies with weddings soon will probably want to get some $$ exchanged to have with them on their trip. If someone confirms any more information on this from Karisma/Lomas and their TAs or WCs I'd love to hear about it too.


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I did a bit more research on the pesos thing.  Apparently it's mainly aimed at purchases over $100 (they won't take USD or CDN).  It's been legislated in an attempt to stop drug trafficking and money laundering mostly.  But, it's also up to individual vendors I think if they will take ANY other currency for purchases (so, much like here in Vancouver, some may continue to do so for smaller purchases - possible at an extortionist level exchange rate; and others wont). 


Not sure how that will affect everyone still... guess we'll wait and see.   If anyone finds out more, I'd love to know.  Also, would love to hear from brides who go down there how it all works out.

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Wow...thanks for the info!  I definitely hadn't heard anything about this.  There were zero problems using USD for anything and everything 2 weekends ago.  Depending on where you go, I did notice that EVERYONE takes credit card...so that part is good.  My banks charged a small conversion fee...but nothing big (like $2 on a $120 charge). Tips was the only thing we actually used cash for, and I have a feeling nobody would reject a tip no matter what the currency :)


Thanks again, and keep us posted if you hear anything else!

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post

I did a bit more research on the pesos thing.  Apparently it's mainly aimed at purchases over $100 (they won't take USD or CDN).  It's been legislated in an attempt to stop drug trafficking and money laundering mostly.  But, it's also up to individual vendors I think if they will take ANY other currency for purchases (so, much like here in Vancouver, some may continue to do so for smaller purchases - possible at an extortionist level exchange rate; and others wont). 


Not sure how that will affect everyone still... guess we'll wait and see.   If anyone finds out more, I'd love to know.  Also, would love to hear from brides who go down there how it all works out.

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